InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's daughter, Kayome ❯ return of a curse ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I am so sad. You guys didn't review. But I will type another chapter any ways. But you guys better review or I won't update. Kikyo hater number one, who do you think the dad is? You'll find out in the next chapter or the one after that.

Cool huh?

Well anyways, on with the story.

Chapter 6: return of a curse

Kayome and the to brothers went back to the camp. Followed by the little fox demon, fira.

"So Inuyasha, does this mean that the jewel is complete but no one can find it?" asked Kayome picking up the fox.

"Yes that's what it means. Kagome banished it. demons are still looking for it but they won't find it."

He replied, looking over to her.

"That's right. Dear kagome died before she could tell us. But I don't think she would have even if she was still alive." Said Sesshomaru putting an arm over kayome's shoulder.

"Ya but she helped a lot of people. Now Miroku won't be consumed by his wind tunnel." Said inu.

"What do you mean?" asked Kayome.

"he had a hole in his right hand and when Naraku died it went away. He was going to be killed by it if he didn't kill Naraku soon." Said inu.

"oh I see."

They walked for a few more minutes and when they got to the entrance of the village they heard a loud scream.

"It's Miroku!" said inu.

All three of them ran to kaede's hut and ran thru the door.

Miroku was writhing on the ground in pain, holding his right hand. Sango Shippo and Kaede were all trying to calm him. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha ran to his side and held him still. They opened his hand and there in the middle of his palm was an out line of a large hole.

"That's impossible." Cried sango.

It became black and it started to suck in wind, soft at first then beginning to grow stronger.

Inuyasha closed his hand and grabbed a clothe and some prayer beads. He wrapped the hand up and stepped back.

Miroku had beads of sweat dripping down his face, his mouth contorted in pain.

"Oh no. Miroku, how could this happen?" asked sango running a delicate hand over his forehead.

Kaede took a damp clothe and dabbed his brow.

"Poor boy. We all thought he was rid of this horrible curse. Apparently Naraku is not dead. He has come back some how." Said the old woman.

"What! How is that possible?" yelled Inuyasha.

"So kagome lost her life for no damn reason!" he continued.

Kikyo walked into the hut and looked at Miroku.

"Poor monk. I wonder how this happened?" she walked back out and once alone, she smiled an evil grin.

`there now, Naraku I have done what you asked.'

Kayome looked at the man laying on the floor in pain.

"Inuyasha I thought that was gone."

"it was."

Hope you guys liked that. Sorry it is so short but you guys didn't review and it is 11:23 at night. I am so tired and I have to finish my math home work. Stupid homework.

Any ways sorry if there are a lot of errors to but allwell.

Night guys.


Moonlit inu