InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Husband ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer-I don't own Inuyasha. Though I wish I did.

Chapter One

Kagome is getting dressed in a long yellow gown. It's the night of her coming out party, the night where she is available for a marriage proposal. Kagome walks down the stairs accompanied by her younger sister Rin.

"Kagome why aren't you happy? This is your special day. Many gentelmen have come here today. You can have your pick from the all" Rin said confused by the depressed look on her sisters face.

Kagome remembered 2 months earlier. It was hot and humid that day. Kagome and her step sister Sango had left the grounds for a day of fun. They had decided to take a walk near the lake. It was in the middle of the woods surrounded by color changing trees. As the two walked something in the lake caught Kagome's eye. There were boys swimming in the water. They were covered in scratches and scars as well as dirt. She knew they were servants. But they way they looked made her have an odd feeling inside.

"Such disgusting things aren't they" Sango snickered as they passed by.

"Oh...yes...just awful" Kagome let out with a frowning expression.

The two sat down on a little bench holding up their tiny umbrellas to block the sun. Kagome told Sango she seemed to have dropped something by the lake and hurried off. As Kagome walked over she saw the boys that were in the lake coming out. She quickly hid behind a tree not too far away. That's the first time she saw him. His long white hair stuck to his back because of the heat and the moisture of the water. Kagome listened as the boys talked.

"Yea my master fired me today. He told me I wasnt even suited to wash floors." Miroku said.

"But Miroku, he found you in bed with his youngest daughter" Inuyasha let out.

"Yea so what, she's a woman now"

Kagome couldn't help but let out a loud laugh that the boys heard.

"Who's there?" Inuyasha snipped.

Kagome came out from behind the tree. "Sorry...I couldn't help but over hear your conversation and I found it quite funny" Kagome giggled.

"You mean the fact that my friend here got fired right?" Inuyasha said almost screaming.

" I-"

"I know your type. You're all the same. Bitches and Bastards who think they could boss people like me around. Well sorry if I don't bow down to you now miss but frankly I'm fucking tired!" Inuyash yelled at the girl

Kagome started to tear up.

"Dont mind my idiotic friend here. I'm sorry where are my manors? I'm Miroku ma'am"

"'s ok..I understand that he's upset. I'm Kagome Higurashi"

"This here is Inuyasha-"

"And as you can see....we are too primative to be around you miss. So if you excuse us we'll be leaving"Inuyasha said

Sango came running in after hearing an uproar. She was worried Kagome might have been in some trouble.

"Oh Kagome you're ok. I hope this mongruls didn't bother you. SO digusting they are." Sango said loud enough for them to hear.

"Sango you shouldn't say such foul things. You're a lady not a monster" Kagome said leaving her step sister.

Kagome was snapped out of it b rin gently pushing her.

"Kagome? Kagome?"

"Oh right Rin, well let's get to the party. Don't want to be late" Kagome said brush away her tear.

Kagome and Rin entered the room where Kagome and Rin's father was seated in the front.

"Wonderful girls. Kagome just in time. Please have a seat. The party will begin soon"

Kagome sat down as her father and sister left. She felt tears streaming down her eyes for today she was to choose a man for a husband. And it wasn't going to be the man she wanted.