InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Husband ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hanyou swimmer -thanx for the review I'll take ur sugestions in consideration, who am I kidding I like use ur suggestions lol

Kagome 15- thanx for reviewing im greatful for hearing u like it so far.

Chapter 3

It was a cloudy day. The dark greay clouds covered the once blue sky. Kagome and Rin walked out of the father's house and through the gates. They each had one of those tiny umbrellas even though i dought they would block much rain. Kagome held Rin's arm as they walked to the usual place where Kagome would meet Inuyasha. But, this time Inuyasha wasn't alone. He had brought someone wih him. This man stood tall with even whiter and longer hair than Inuyasha. He was muscular and had almost no expression on his face, that is until he saw Rin. His eyes went from acold hard stare to a warm a gentle look as Rin walked up to introduce herself. Kagome walked over to Inuyasha to find out who this man was, especially since she notice the sudden attraction he and her sister just had.

"Inuyasha who is that man?"

"He, well....he's my new boss, actually. Um, he's my older half brother, Sesshomaru." Inuyasha said with a cough.

"Your brother hired you? As help?"

"Meh, he's only my half brother. He's a full demon and I'm not he has every right too!"

"I'm sorry, I was just asking."

"Well you got your answer. Look, I, I actually need to talk to you about something." Inuyasha sad barely making eye contact.

"Ok, well let me bring Rin home-"

"No, I think my half brother might want to get to know her."

"I don't know Inuyasha. She get's these little crushes easily i wouldnt want-"

"It's ok he just wants to get to know her as a friend."

Kagome saw Inuyasha's eyes pleading. She finally gave in and walked with Inuyasha a little further down. Whe they stopped walking Kagome looked around. There were tall trees surrounding them like in a circle.There were bushes of flowers and berries every couple of steps. And there was a large bouldar in the center where Inuyasha was walking to. He sat down on the boulder and motioned for Kagome to follow. Kagome walked over and was now standing in front of him. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hands and looked up in her eyes.

"Kagome I don't think it's a good idea for us to have these little meeting any more."

"Why? I don't understand I mean I thought-"

"It's not right. I mean you're a beautiful young woman who can have anyone and I'm, I'm just a mutt."

Inuyasha's head sank into his hands. Kagome kneeled down so she was now at eye level with Inuyasha. She uncuffed his hands and brought his head up. She slowly leaned in and kissed Inuyasha lightly. When she broke free of the kiss she looked into his eyes.

"I don't care if you're a half demon, I don't that I'm not, I don't care that you are poor. The only thing I care about is who you really are. Who you are inside. And that is the most nicest kindest person I've ever met, well once you get past your rought exterior. And I think I'm falling in love with you."

Kagome got up and started walking away. She turned back for a brief second to see the still shocked and wide eyed Inuyasha. "I'll come back here tomorrow." Kagome walk back to dind young Rin and Sesshomaru just staring at eachother almost like exchanging a conversation in their heads. Kagome signaled to Rin to start walking. Rin waved goodbye to her new friend Sesshomaru before joining Kagome walking home. Inuyasha stepped up to his half brother Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru glared down at him.

"You didn't tell her?"

"Yea I did, she just, didn't accept it."

"That's bullshit. You know I have every right at this moment to send he to get your head chopped off! But, you do have half of my blood in you it'd be wrong."


" 'Feh' What!?"

"You do have some tiny bit of a heart in that cold body of yours. You give me a job, keep my secret, you jsut seem different is all."

"Well, You have noone else."

The two stood quietly then both finally started walking home. Inuyasha stopped half way and turned back.

"Where are you going?!"

"I forgot to do something I'll come back later!!"

Sesshomaru was left with a puzzeled look as Inuyasha rushed back. Inuyasha passed where they had just left and ran to Kagome's house. He made as soon as they arrived.

"Kagome....wait...I...need" Inuyasha said out of breath.

"Ok, um Rin you go on in. I'll be inside in a little bit."

"Ok sister." Run hurried inside to her room.

Kagome walked with Inuyasha for alittle while silently.

"I thought u needed to talk to me?"

''Yea um, I just wanted to say that I um."

" 'You um yea' what?

~~~~~~~~~~Ok guys I have to leave for 3 weeks and might not be able to update and I have to leave you with this. I wanted to add about 3 more like things but Ican't my mom is rushing me but I promise wen I get back I'm going to wright a long chapter. Peace guys!@!