InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Kagome leaves ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome leaves
“Milady, Lady Sango has arrived” Jaken announced. Sango arrived alone. It had only been a few days but, Kagome was glad to see her.
“Sango” She exclaimed. They embraced.
“Glad to see you too” Sango chuckled.

“We really need to catch up” Sango whispered. Kagome understood.
“Mates, excuse us” Kagome said. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha nodded and left.
“Mates?” Sango asked.
“Oh I forgot, the day you left, Inuyasha and I mated” Kagome explained.
“Why?” Sango asked.
“I love him & I need to be with him” She answered.
“Why did you need to talk?” She asked.
“I have questions… about my first time with Miroku” Sango whispered.
`She came all this way to ask a question on Miroku'
“It's painful at first, but he should be able to help you out, by going slow and trying to be soft, you'll bleed out a little bit but that's normal” Kagome said.
“What about size? Does that affect anything?” Sango asked.
“Size just means he'll have to wait longer before he can move inside you” Kagome explained.
“Miroku, I…” Sango laid eyes on Miroku. He was stripped down to his birthday suit about to bathe. “Sango, are you ok? Your face seems flushed” He asked. She turned beet red. “Yes, I see you're busy, I'll come back” She answered. She had definitely seen an eyeful.
She nearly ran into a bush, it scraped her leg. Miroku went over to help her. “You see distracted” He commented. Sango's eyes drifted down. “Go ahead and get dressed” She said. “Does my nakedness bother you?” Miroku teased.
“Of course not, I'm … just… not use to it” She blushed. “It's ok, we're engaged” He whispered. “I know that” She said.
“Who was bigger” Sango asked.
Now it's Kagome's turn to blush.
“That's awfully personal” She whispered.
“Well, would you tell me if I told you about Miroku?' Sango asked.
`Should I tell, it's not, like she'll tell if I tell her, but I'm sure they don't want to be compared'
“Ok” She agreed reluctantly.
“He has a good length on him” She hinted. Kagome blushed.
“Sesshomaru was bigger & thicker” She was still blushing. They didn't know Sesshomaru & Inuyasha were listening in.
`Well, did she like any part of me'
Little brother you know you can't compare to me” He whispered.
“What did you enjoy me?” Sango asked.
`Well Sesshomaru was my first but Inuyasha was better'
“I honestly enjoyed Inuyasha more” Kagome whispered.
`She enjoyed me more, happily, I feel good about that'
“So what were you saying Big Brother” Yasha whispered.
`She wanted you, not the size or the comparison'
“So why did you take Inuyasha as a mate?” Sango asked.
“Because I love him” Kagome answered.
“Did you think about what you are doing to both of them?” Sango asked.
“Yes, and it's working out” She answered.
“You're embarrassed Sesshomaru, demons have lost their respect for him. They may try to overrun this kingdom or try to hurt you. You need to choose one of them, you can't have both” Sango said.
“Why have they lost their respect for him?” She asked.
“Because 1) he's taken a ningen as a mate and now 2) She's taken a hanyou mate” Sango explained.
`Why is she being so harsh?'
“IS this why you came?” Kagome asked.
“Not the only reason, I came because I worry about your safety” Sango whispered.
“I will not pick between them” Kagome said.
“I know it's hard, to choose between your first love and your first mate but you must” Sango tried to explain.
“It was nice seeing you again, Jaken please escort her out” Kagome said. Jaken came over to guide Sango outside.
`I shouldn't have rid of her so quickly but she's really hurting me, she was trying to inform me.
She went up to her room.
“I can't believe she got rid of Sango, but what she said, was really upsetting her, could she be lying?” Inuyasha asked.
“No, she wasn't, Kagome will not be the victim of an attack, we'll protect her” Sesshomaru said.
Sesshomaru went to see her.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“No, Sango is trying to make me choose because I'm embarrassing you & maybe in danger and it hurts” Kagome cried.
`I hate when she cries, she's too nice to be crying'
“Don't cry, no one is making you choose, she was just suggesting it” He whispered.
“Were you eavesdropping?” She asked.
“Yes Inuyasha & I were” He answered truthfully.
“That's an invasion of privacy” She said still crying.
“We were curious & it is important to her” He replied.
“Will you protect me?” She asked.
“Do you even need to ask?” He asked.
“No” She answered.
`She yet again questioned me, yet she never questions Inuyasha. Maybe because he protected her for years but I am her protector now, I've never hurt her or accidentally left her alone, is that what she needs to feel safe?'
“Lord Sesshomaru, a mysterious scroll appeared by the gates” Jaken said. Sesshomaru took the scroll from him and quickly unscrolled it careful not to scratch it with his claws.
Lord Sesshomaru,
I hope you know where your daughter is, don't let your miko out of your sight. We'd hate to lose her. She's a beautiful young ningen, only had 1 kid, though she has more than one mate. Maybe I could join the list! Keep a hold on her
Miko lover
Sesshomaru showed Inuyasha, not saying anything to Kagome; she wasn't even in the room. “She's in danger, we must send her home” Inuyasha said.
“To send her home, she must be willing” Sess said.
“I can go through the well and take her” Yasha said.
“I'm sure you can go too” He added.
“Kashia needs to go with her” Sess said.
“It's already a problem, we must both take her and try to find the maniac” Sess said.
“Kagome, you & Kashia must go to your time for awhile” Inuyasha said.
“Will you two come visit me, I doubt I can live without you guys” Kagome was about to cry.
`Of course” Sesshomaru said.
“I'll go” Kagome agreed. She packed all her things into her backpack.
“I'll have to explain to my mom, she doesn't know anything about my life here” She frowned. Sesshomaru summoned his cloud. He held onto Kagome, who was holding Kashia, Inuyasha held onto her arms. At the well, Kagome held onto her tears as she climbed in alone she didn't want them to follow her.