InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Mom's Date ❯ The Man Who Wanted to Date Kagome's Mom ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Turtlequeen2: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters, but I do own my character Yukio.

Inuyasha: Who the hell’s Yukio?

Turtlequeen2: You’ll have to find out for yourself…

Inuyasha: Damn you wench!

Kagome: OSUWARI! Don’t be rude to the authoress Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: Keh! I can do anything I want!

Turtlequeen2: I can make you say honest things you don’t wanna say out loud in front of Kagome…

Inuyasha: O.O Don’t please. Anything but that!

Turtlequeen2: Then be nice.

Inuyasha: Keh! *crosses his arms and growls in defeat*


Chapt er 1

The Man Who Wanted to Date Kagome’s Mom

The Inu-Tachi were returning to Kaede’s village from another quest with two more Shikon-no-Kakara in tow. Upon returning, all the villagers greeted them in eager cheerfulness. They all nodded at them in sincerity, well all except Inuyasha of course, who was scowling at the fact that Kagome was acting all nice to Kouga the last time he stopped by. Kagome was of course ignoring him as usual for his jealousy.

When they got to Kaede’s hut, the old woman went out to greet them. They told her about the demon they had to fight and how many shards they had gotten. They went inside and Kaede and the ladies prepared dinner. Inuyasha was still sulking, sitting up against the hut wall with the sheathed Tetsusaiga leaned on him. Miroku was amused by Inuyasha’s jealousy of course, but knew not to tease him in this mood. Last time’s results were not pretty. He cringed at the thought.

Kagome sat down beside Shippo and said,” Inuyasha lighten up! Are you gonna sulk all night?!”

“Keh! I’m not sulking you stupid wench,” he growls back at her stubbornly.

She rolls her eyes and thinks,’ Sometimes he’s more immature than Shippo!’ “Admit it. You’re just mad that I was being nice to Kouga.”

“Why should I be jealous of the wimpy wolf? He’s stupid to think that you’re pretty!” He inwardly cringed at that uncontrolled outburst. ‘Baka! Why the hell did you have to go and say that! You know Kagome’s pretty…,’ he yelled at himself. “No wait Kagome…I didn’t mean that,” he stuttered out.

“OSUWARI! You’re an impossible jerk!” The prayer beads around the hanyou’s neck, brung him down to the hut floor with a loud CRACK! She started crying and packed up her backpack,” I’m going home for a couple of days and don’t even bother following me!” The others all sighed knowing how Inuyasha always says stupid things and gets osuwaried for it. Kagome stood up with her backpack and left the hut in a huff. Inuyasha was trying to get up when she sat him five more times. She walked to the well and jumped in, ignoring the fact that Inuyasha was calling or her yet again.


Kagome jumped out the well and wiped away her tears before sliding back the paper paneled door into a her house. She called out,” I’m home,” with false cheerfulness and put her slippers on.

“Hello dear! Come in here! I’d like you to meet someone,” Her mother called from the living room. Kagome, dragging her backpack along, followed her mother’s voice.

Once she in the room, she was beyond confused. “Mom who’s this,” she asked pointed to the stranger sitting beside her mother on the couch. He was tall and had soft tanned skin. He was wearing a expensive looking business suit. His black hair was cascading around his shoulders, much like Naraku Kagome thought.

The man stood and exchanged bows with her saying,” Konichiwa. Your mother has told me a lot about you and the rest of your family. I’m her friend from high school a long time ago. My name is Ramakatsu, Yukio. You must be Higurashi, Kagome.” His gaze pierced hers and she felt nausea from his black eyes. She could tell she wouldn’t like him.

“Hai, that’s right. How come I haven’t seen you before?”

“We just had a reunion a few days ago at the grocery store.”

“Well it was nice meeting you Yukio-sama,” she lied and jogged up the stairs to her bedroom. She tossed her backpack at the floor and shut the door.

Souta came into her room and said,” Hey sis you’re back! That guy has been over a lot lately. He gives me the creeps,” he said. She nods her head in agreement. In all this excitement she forgot about Inuyasha until Souta said.” Is Inu-no-niichan here with you?”

She groaned,” Why would I want that jerk here!”

“Oh I take it you had another one of those fights with him.”

“Yea, I don’t wanna talk about it right now. Can you leave?”

“I guess, but you’ll talk later right?”

“Maybe Souta.” He walked out and she flung herself onto her bed. Her chin rested on her pillow and thought about many things. ‘I wonder what’s about this guy that mom likes about him. Souta’s right, he isn’t normal. I don’t quite know what it is, but he seems to have a dark aura around him. I can’t say that to my mother though…’

Her thoughts were interrupted by a faint meow by her cat Buyo. “Hey Buyo, miss me,” she cooed. The cat purred at the hand that was petting behind his ears.


Meanwhi le downstairs:

“Keiko-chan, your children are truly something. Thank you for letting me meet your family. I would like to ask you something,” Yukio says, looking at Keiko (Kagome’s Mom). She started to blush lightly.

“Yes go ahead,” she gestured to him.

“Would you like to go with me on a date tomorrow night? Just to get to know each other better?”

“Well I don’t know…I have the children to take care of.”

“I’m sure your father could watch over them. I think your children will do fine without you for a few hours. Even mothers need a break sometimes.”

“Well…,” she looks thoughtful for a minute, but then says,” Sure I guess if it’s for a few hours,” she finishes smiling.

“That’ll be great. I’ll see you then. Well I guess I’ll leave now since it’s getting late.”

“Ok sayonara Yukio-kun,” she says getting up with him. She shows him to the door and they embrace for a few moments. After she closed the door and sighed in stress. ‘How will I tell this to Kagome and Souta? I hope they will be ok with it since Hiroshi died. I guess father could watch them while I’m gone.’ She looked for Kagome’s Ji-chan and found him praying.

“Dad, do you think that you could watch Souta and Kagome while I’m gone tomorrow,” she asked after he was finished.

“Sure daughter, but why will you be gone?”

“Me and Yukio-kun are going out together to get to know each other better.”

“Oh so you’re finally dating?”

She blushed,” No, we’re just friends catching up on old times. What am I going to tell Kagome and Souta?”

“Don’t worry about them. I’ll tell them for you. You go enjoy yourself tomorrow.”

“Thanks father,” Keiko says, hugging him. She goes to bed after telling her children good night.


Inuyasha was sitting in the tree sulking about calling Kagome not pretty. He honestly thought she was pretty, but wasn’t thinking when he said that, because he was angry. ‘Maybe I should go apologize to her…’

Miroku and Sango were sitting around the fire (A/N: far apart may I add. I think we all know why ^.^ ). Shippo was sleeping by Kirara. Earlier Shippo got knocked out by the brooding hanyou when he called him a baka and told him to make up with Kagome.

“Inuyasha, why don’t you go talk to Kagome-sama tomorrow,” Miroku suggested. Inuyasha just glared at him while on the inside he reluctantly agreed. Miroku just sighed with Sango.

“Good night houshi-sama, Inuyasha,” Sango said to them before lying down.

Miroku replied,” Goodnight Inuyasha, and my beautiful dear Sango.” She tried a combination of blushing and glaring at him. He sighed and laid down.

After a few moments everyone was sleeping and Inuyasha stared at the moon. He sighed and decided he was going to the well tomorrow, but little does he know, he will meet another youkai.


Nice cliffy neh? Well hope you like it. I’ll have to update my other stories first though so please have patience. PLEASE REVIEW…NO FLAMES!!!!!

Keiko is the name for Kagome’s mom and Hiroshi is the name for her father. In the anime, there is actually no name for either so I thought to make up names for them.