InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Mom's Date ❯ Inuyasha Meets Yukio ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Turtlequeen2: How was that for a first chapter?

Inuyasha: It sucked!

Sesshomaru: I’m agreeing with the baka on this one.

Turtlequeen2 & Inuyasha: O.O

Inuyasha: You’re agreeing with me?! Are you trying to suck up to me so you can get Tetsusaiga?!

Sesshomaru: Do you think This Sesshomaru would stoop so low as to be nice to a half-breed like you?

Inuyasha: Yea…wait what do you mean to ‘stoop so low’?!

Sesshomaru: Exactly the meaning baka. The only reason this tale isn’t the best is because I’m not in it.

Turtlequeen2: Don’t worry Sesshy. I’ll find some way to fit you in.^.^;

Sesshomaru: See to it that you do. *walks away*

Inuyasha: What was that bastard rambling on about?

Turtlequeen2: I don’t know, but I don’t want Tokijin after my blood. Anyways, I don’t own anyone but Yukio. Rumiko Takahashi owns Inuyasha & co..


Chapter 2

Inuyasha and Yukio Meet

It was morning and Inuyasha woke up earlier than everyone else. He ran to the well and jumped in. The purple light swallowed him and he landed on the other side and leaped out. He softly slid back the well house door and jumped into the tree by Kagome’s window. He looked in finding that Kagome had left the window unlocked and that she was currently sleeping.

She tossed her head around on her pillow and mumbled,” Inuyasha…” He wondered what she was dreaming about. A piece of her hair fell in front of her face and he gently moved is behind her ear.

“I’m such a baka. I always say things I don’t mean…” He sighed and went to sit against the wall. He sat like that for a few minutes before Kagome began to stir. She started to sit up and stretch, never noticing him until she heard his voice. “It’s about time you woke up wench.”

She jumped up and screamed, making his ears flatten against his skull. “OSUWARI! What are you doing here Inuyasha?! Don’t scare me like that,” she huffed at him. He got back up and put his hands over his ears.

“Damn, stop screaming wench! You’ll make me go deaf.”

“Yea like I’d care,” she said turning her back to him.

He sighed,” Ok wench…” she shot a glare at him,” I mean Kagome…I’m sorry I called you unpretty. Happy now?”

She immediately, turned, smiled and hugged him tight. “I am. Thanks a bunch Inuyasha.” He instantly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. She sighed in contentment and was about to tell him something, when her door busted open. Her mother, grandfather, and Souta ran in looking around to see them in an embrace. Kagome and Inuyasha jumped to the opposite sides of the room, blushing madly. The rest of the family seemed oblivious to it and started welcoming Inuyasha back.

“Inu-no-niichan’s back,” Souta shouted and Inuyasha regained his composure and smirked lightly back.

“Welcome back Inuyasha,” said Kagome’s mom sweetly,” We all heard a loud thump upstairs and decided to investigate.”

Kagome was still burning red and asked meekly,” Would everyone please get out of my room? I have to get dressed.” Her family nodded and started to file out. Inuyasha was left standing there and she said,” You too Inuyasha. Why don’t you ask mama to fix you some ramen?”

“Keh! Fine, but you better hurry up Kagome,” he said before going downstairs. Kagome changed into a pink t-shirt and a short green skirt. She hurriedly ran downstairs to find Inuyasha eating ramen and sitting at the table with her mother.

“Hey mom,” she greeted. Her mother smiled cheerfully and brought her some breakfast.

“So Inuyasha, will you be staying with us for a couple of days?”

“No, I plan to go home tonight,” he said with his face stuffed with ramen. Kagome glared at him for his bad manners, but he didn’t seem to notice. Her mom chuckled at this.

“I’ll will be going out tonight, so if you change your mind Inuyasha, then Kagome can fix you some ramen.” He nodded his head.

“Where are you going,” Kagome inquired.

“I’m going out with Yukio tonight. We want to catch up on old times and all of that.”

“Oh,” was all Kagome said with a hint of depression in her tone.

“Is something wrong Kagome,” she asked, catching the tone in her voice.

“Oh no it’s nothing really,” she answered back with false cheerfulness. Inuyasha had finished his third bowl of ramen and was sitting there, listening to the whole conversation. After her mom left the room, Inuyasha decided to ask her what it was all about.

“Kagome are you all right,” he said with a worried look in his eyes. She felt herself melt in his gaze, but pulled herself together s that he would not worry about her. She thought that he had enough to worry about with Kikyo, Naraku, and the Shikon-no-Tama.

“It’s nothing really,” she responded. He looked like he didn’t believe her, but didn’t question further. “So are you making me go back already?”

“Keh! We have to find jewel shards you know. You’re the only one who can sense them so quit complaining.” He crossed his arms in his large haori sleeves. She immediately forgot about her mother and stood there glaring at him.

“I can’t believe you! I wanted to go to school tomorrow,” she declared crosses her arms at him.

“Get used to it wench. We’re going back now!”

“Fine, but we’re staying here tonight and I’m coming back this weekend.”

“Hell no!”

“OSUWARI! If you don’t agree to my terms, then there’s a lot more where that came from!” He got up from the ground muttering incoherent words under his breath.

He got up glaring at her then said,” Fine. We can stay tonight.”

“Yes!” Her mood immediately changed to one of relief. He walked into the bedroom and sat on the couch torturing…er…playing with Buyo.

Kagome later took him around the park after putting his Tetsusaiga away and his trusty cap over his doggy ears. She tried to get him to wear shoes, but as usual, he refused. They had fun there after Kagome stopped to tell Inuyasha to stop glaring at all the men who dared to steal a glance at her.

After they got back to her shrine, they walked to the Goshinboku to sit down. They sat in awkward silence until Inuyasha sat up suddenly, sniffing the air.

“Inuyasha, is something wrong,” she asked, sitting up with him.

“I thought you said there wasn’t any youkai in this time.”

“There isn’t, at least not that I know of.” He started running toward the front of the shrine grounds to find Keiko’s date; Yukio.

“Who the hell are you youkai,” Inuyasha demanded. Yukio turned at him and sneered.

“Why hello there. You must be the half-breed Inuyasha, though I didn’t realize you were still alive.”

“Inuyasha! What are you doing,” Kagome said finally catching up to them. “Yukio-sama,” she asked looking at Yukio.

“Hai, it is I, Kagome. I have come to escort your mother,” Yukio responded, noticing Kagome’s presence.

“The hell! What business would you have with a human,” Inuyasha shouted.

“What the hell is going on here,” Kagome demanded.

“I frankly don’t know what you’re talking about Inuyasha,” Yukio said calmly.

“You lying bastard,” Inuyasha shouted while jumping out and trying to swipe his claws at him.

Before he got a chance, however, Kagome said the dreaded words,” OSUWARI!” He thudded to the concrete, groaning as he tried to move.

“I’m sorry about that Yukio-sama. He is um…short tempered and is very protective of our family,” Kagome lied, stumbling over her words. She didn’t hear the earlier proclamations by either until she caught up with Inuyasha, so she didn’t know what Inuyasha was talking about.

He nodded, looking like he believed it. “He must be head over heels for you,” motioning toward the fallen hanyou. It earned a blush from Kagome and a growl from Inuyasha.

Yukio chuckled and walked over to the door to knock on it. Keiko opened it in earnest. He smiled, looking at her in her nice dress navy blue skirt and turquoise blouse. She blushed (A/N: I guess we all know where Kagome got it from…) under his gaze and stepped outside where he was standing. He took her hand and kissed it. She laughed lightly and commented,” Always were a gentleman Yukio.”

“Only around beautiful women like you,” he said with sincerity…or what seemed like it according to Inuyasha and Kagome, who were looking at them with their mouths hanging open.

Yukio led Keiko out to his black convertible and opened the door for her. She accepted and got into the car. He got in on the drivers side and they took off.

Kagome and Inuyasha were beyond shocked. Inuyasha because he knew that was a youkai that her mother was dating. Kagome was because Yukio was sweeping her mother off her feet and she still didn’t like him one bit.

“Kagome who was that,” Inuyasha asked in earnest.

“Let’s go inside. I’ll explain all I know. I just hope mom knows what she’s doing.” They walked inside Kagome’s house. Inuyasha wanted to know he could about the strange youkai and also wished to tell Kagome what he was.


To be continued…

Sorry for the bad ending…next we will see the date Kagome’s mom goes on with Yukio, but how will it go? Also what will Kagome think when Inuyasha tells her that Yukio is a youkai?! More from other characters also!!! READ AND FIND OUT!!!

Thanks lopersweet for the awesome review. I hope it was to your liking and to all the other people who are reading’s liking also.

Inuyasha crew: THANKS REVIEWERS!

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