InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter 17: Forming Trust or breaking Trust ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A/N- The ritual areas are actually from Maslow's hierarchy of needs. If you don't know what Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is, please go to a search engine and type in the name and it will show you pictures. Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 17: Forming Trust or breaking Trust

Sesshomaru and Kagome walked slowly into the palace, talking about the future and their pups. When Sesshomaru brought up the topic of how unusual it was to name her child after the father of the man who raped her, Kagome just smirked at him before voicing her opinion.

"Sesshomaru, listen and listen well. Your beast was controlling you that night. It is his fault that I was raped, NOT YOURS!" Kagome spoke slowly, and yelled the last two words. Sesshomaru's beast, who had been listening at the time, frowned at her words, knowing that he had a lot to make up for.

"Kagome. This Sesshomaru thanks you for saving Rin's life." He replied, changing the subject.

"Sesshomaru, I think of Rin as my daughter, and I would do anything to protect her. Now let's get our pups back." Kagome said, smiling at him.

Walking into the palace, they were so wrapped up in their talk that they didn't acknowledge the bowing guards, and they talked until Sesshomaru had to leave to attend to his lordly jobs. While Sesshomaru was busy, Kagome left to play with her two adopted children. Rin, Shippo, and Kagome played various games all afternoon until it was time to eat and then get ready for bed and sleep.

~With Naraku~

"Naraku, we are ready to attack them now," Mizuki spoke out.

"Patient young ones, you will get your chance," Naraku insisted. "Kanna, show them the one who killed their mother."

Kanna turned to the young pups and showed an image of Sesshomaru getting ready for bed.
"See, he is going to bed, we will strike at first light… Now you should get to bed too, so you will have the strength to kill him tomorrow. "The twins nodded their heads and walked out of the room and down the hall. Mizuki was itching with impatience, and Toga thinking up various ways to kill their mother's killer.

"Toga, I don't care what he says. I want to go and kill this man for what he did to our mom." Mizuki ordered out loud.

"But you heard Naraku," Toga replied evenly.

"Naraku said you are just-"

"Mizuki," Naraku interrupted as he walked over to her.

"My dear girl, I know that you lost your mother and miss her. However, going to Sesshomaru's house right now is not the answer. You will attack him in a few hours, but not before my command." Naraku demanded.

"Please, I want to go now!" Mizuki pleaded, trying to look as cute as possible.

"No matter how cute you look, my answer will remain the same. No." Naraku replied sternly.
Mizuki pouted in an almost evil way as she turned and walked off into the dark hallways, while her brother looked at Naraku with a small smile on his face.

"Thank you for stopping her, Naraku." Toga said before walking down the same path as his sister.

"Those pups are trouble," Naraku muttered under his breath before smirking.

~With Kagome~

As the hours passed, Sesshomaru dreamed many things. He dreamed of his pups and he dreamed about the night he raped his mate. Dawn drew near and a soft pulling feel woke him with a start.

Growling softly, he realized that Kagome was up and upset that their pups weren't with her. Getting up, he walked over to the joint door.

"Mommy save us," Mizuki voice rang out.

"Mother," Toga cried out loud.

Frightening images flew through Kagome's sleeping mind as she heard the sad cries of her children.

"Toga, Mizuki!" Kagome screamed out.

Bolting up from her bed with tears in her eyes, her heart went out to her babies when she heard the door open. She looked out at the door and found no one but an open door, and was confused until she felt someone at her side. Looking over, Kagome found Sesshomaru standing beside her bed and without a second thought she threw her arms around Sesshomaru's chest crying.

Sesshomaru found himself in shock, but carefully wrapped his arms around her in comfort.

"Kagome." He whispered soothingly.

"Sesshomaru, we need to find them soon," Kagome mumbled into his chest until she looked up at him, tears running down her face.

"We will find them Kagome. Believe in that," Sesshomaru spoke confidently as he let go of her.

"You should get back into bed."

Kagome nodded her head and got back into the bed, but looked up at Sesshomaru, trying to make up her mind.

"Sesshomaru, could you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

Realizing the words that left her mouth, Kagome blushed at him and giggled a bit at his shocked expression. But when seeing him nod, she smiled as he pulled a chair from the side of the room close to the bed.

Once finally seeing him sit down, Kagome laid her head back down on the pillow and thought once again about what her mother had said to her, "Kagome, you need to try and open your heart up to him. Yes, you will be scared at first because of his beast, but from what I hear, yokai are very gentle with their mates. So trust his beast."

"Sesshomaru, you are tired too. You should lie on the bed." Kagome ordered as she closed her eyes.


"Sesshomaru, now!" Kagome almost yelled out.

"Hn," was all he replied with as he climbed into the bed. Closing his eyes, he fell asleep.

The hours passed, and the only sounds in the room were the sounds of their breathing. Sesshomaru awoke to movement on the bed, only to find Kagome had moved closer to him, laying her head on his chest. Smiling at her, he frowned when he heard her mutter the names of their pups. They both of missed their the two small children very much.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome's spoke softly as she dreamed.

Closing his eyes again, Sesshomaru was woken up by his beast clawing to get out again.

"Beast you will stop right now."

"Mate," it said, finally having gotten control over his master's body. Growling deeply at Kagome, he smelled her face, waking Kagome up in the process.

Stiffening at the sight of Sesshomaru's red eyes, she tried to get away from his hold, but it was only tightened. Kagome shivered from both fear and pleasure as the beast licked her face all the way down to where her mark was before he pulled her face into where his neck and shoulder met.

Stiffening with fear once again, Kagome almost relaxed at the beast's words.

"I will not hurt mate."

Loosening his grip on her, he licked the side of her face again as if apologizing. Not knowing what to do, Kagome thought of her mother's words again, "You need to try and open up your heart to him."

"Sesshomaru's beast, what are you doing?"

"Mate, I am sorry for hurting you," It growled out.

"Why did you hurt me?" Kagome asked.

"Master didn't want to mate with you. I did."

Licking her neck again, he placed her face on his neck again. "Mate bite."

"Beast let Sesshomaru go, please." She said slowly, taking a big risk by licking his neck with her tongue.

Though shivers ran down the beast, it growled at her for not biting him.

"Mate. You will bite," the beast snarled at her, but the snarls only frightened Kagome, making her back up and struggle.

Infuriating the beast, he flipped them over so that he were on top of her, pinning her down, reminding Kagome of the night at the hot springs.

"Sesshomaru! Sesshomaru please!" Kagome yelled as the beast began to try and kiss her, but found her tears being licked away instead.

"Mate scared."

Getting off her, he began whining about the fact that he had hurt her once again.

Looking at the beast, Kagome lifted her arms from the resting place that they were. Seeing the red marks on them she flinched, and found herself hissing in pain as she placed her hand on one of the red spots.

The beast looked on in pain, and let his master take control again. Once he was locked in his cage again, he howled in pain, sad that he had hurt his mate once again.

"Sesshomaru?" she whispered when she saw the golden eyes looking back at her.

Slowly he raised his head and the moonlight flashed across his face, illuminating his amber orbs. Letting out a breath of both weariness and happiness, she looked at Sesshomaru's almost sad form.

"Sesshomaru, you okay?"

Getting up, he walked over to the window.

"This Sesshomaru is sorry Mate. This Sesshomaru was mean to Kagome." Sesshomaru's eyes flickered over to Kagome, to see her face, but found her rubbing her sore and red wrists. Walking back over to her, he held out his hands to her. Looking at him, she slowly placed her hands in his. She felt his tongue run over her wrists, making the pain go away.

"Thank you," Kagome whispered out.

"This Sesshomaru needs to know what my beast did to you."

She hesitated, almost afraid to answer.


"No," Kagome looked at Sesshomaru objectively.

"Kagome. This Sesshomaru needs to remind you that I can smell lies, and that I can't help you if you don't tell me."

"Sess-"Kagome started, looking everywhere but at him.

"Kagome, please tell me." Sesshomaru spoke out as gently as possible.

"Your beast woke me up by smelling me, and held me tightly. After apologizing for the rape, he placed my head where your shoulder met your neck and told me… He well, told me to bite him." Kagome said, starting to tear up again. "I asked for you, but the beast got mad and flipped us so that he was on top of me. I really thought that he would…"

Kagome was unable to finish the thought, crying hard. Grabbing her gently, Sesshomaru rocked her back and forth, softly growling at her to calm down.

"Kagome, this Sesshomaru is sorry again."

"Sesshomaru, before you got control again, he got off me and whined out, 'mate scared.'" Kagome said after she had begun to relax again.

"This Sesshomaru-"

"There is no need to apologize anymore. If you do I will hurt you." Kagome ordered before sighing against him. "You're comfortable… you know that?"

Sesshomaru smirked at her and spoke out. "Kagome, do you know about Inu demons?"

"Not really." Kagome admitted to him.

"Tell me what you know, and I shall fill you in on the rest," Sesshomaru said, knowing that neither would get much sleep tonight.

"Well, from what Inuyasha told me, I know that Inu males are very affectionate to their mates and pups. They protect them furiously and viciously, and will attack anything that may bring harm to them. I know that males are the dominate in the mating process and that females are submissive. Hmm.. I know that in a group there is a head male and a head female that is known as a bitch, which Inuyasha sometimes called me. But that's about all I know. I asked him about mating, but he said he knew nothing about it."

"You know a lot, but not all. Inuyasha was correct in telling about the Inu males, but he never knew about the females affection either. Both my mother and grandmother were very affectionate. Males are dominate in the mating life, and females are submissive, but I don't think that you will be very submissive to Sesshomaru," Sesshomaru said with a little humor in his voice.

"Sesshomaru, what did your beast mean by biting him? In addition, when I was in the palace hospital wing, you sighed… What was that about? And also telling Inuyasha that the mating process wasn't done?" Kagome almost cried out.

"Easy Kagome, with mating there is a ritual that a normal person would do, but my beast had other plans… when he bit you, he bound you to this Sesshomaru with his youkai. Even if one of us dies, the bind is strong enough to make sure that we would never cheat."

"Then what is the mating ritual like?"

"The ritual is divided into six areas, trust, confrontation, safety, friendship, health, and then love and sexual intimacy together. Each group has its own set of rules to follow before you can more onto the next area."

"So each one is different and needs to be followed, but your beast didn't do that?"

"No. He didn't, so this mating bond is between us and is not all done. But you need time to think about this, though you have a very short time to…"

"What? Why?" Kagome yelled out.

"The other lords are coming here for the national day peace ball," He replied, a grin upon his face.

Giggling at his face, Kagome replied in a happy tone. "You really like socializing don't you?"'


"Oh… So when are they coming?"

"Two months, but that's not all. One lord was a very good friend of my father's, and still a great ally. I know him, and he should be here within a week or so."

"Oh," Kagome replied softly. "Hey, you never answered my other question about your beast placing my face on your neck, and when we were at the hospital wing."

"… Kagome, when I saw the mark on your shoulder, it was only half done. The ritual never took place, and you never bit me while my beast raped you… That is why the mating is not done yet, and until it is, my beast could come out and anytime and try to get you to bit him." Sesshomaru said to her. "And don't bite him, ever."


"Because if you bite me when my beast is in control, he will be in control forever and the pups with not be legitimate." Sessomaru replied softly.

"Oh. Well, I think I need to plan a ball, don't I?"

"That usually falls to the females or a high servant, but when the lord comes early, he will bring his mate. She normally does it for me since I don't have a full mate yet." Sesshomaru said carefully.

"Okay, well, I guess we should get to bed," Kagome uttered softly, but when she saw the sun rising from the east, she heard a siren come on.

"Great, who is it now?" Sesshomaru muttered under his breath, making Kagome giggle at him.
As they both went outside, Inuyasha and their friends raced towards them.

"Sesshomaru! You killed my mother!"

A/N- I wonder who that was. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one soon be up soon. Review. Bye