InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter Eighteen: Pups VS Parents ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

Chapter Eighteen: Pups VS Parents

Sesshomaru looked to the side to see Mizuki and Toga glaring at him, rage filling their eyes.

"Sesshomaru. I don't think so," Naraku spoke slowly as he appeared next to the children.

"Naraku! Get the hell away from my kids!" Kagome yelled.

"Sorry miko, they are mine seeing as this demon here killed their mother…" He said slowly before finally whispering "you" before disappearing and reappearing next to the twins.

"What did you do to them?" Kagome cried out as she looked at Mizuki, whose eyes were pure black and had an evil grin that adorned her face. Before Kagome could even blink, her daughter attacked her father, Sesshomaru.

As Toga looked at Kagome, he began to attack her, saying that he and Mizuki were her children.

...Toga and Kagome fight...

"Toga." Kagome said slowly as she dodged almost all of his attacks, only a few hitting her. Kagome knew that she was getting weak from the poison that were emitted from Toga's claws and whips that he decided to use.

Naraku was smart using Toga and Mizuki as his new weapons. Kagome would never fight back against her own children.

"Why won't you fight me?" Toga hissed through his teeth as Kagome sidestepped another one of his attacks.

"I won't hurt you son. Smell me; do you smell a familiar scent on me?" Kagome uttered out to him as she ducked and rolled away just in time to avoid his whip towards her head. She took this chance to look at Sesshomaru and her daughter.

Within the quick look that she took, she looked for a jewel shard in Mizuki, but found none. All the while fighting Toga, she stared at the darkness being emitted from her son's head. She knew all she had to do to get her loving son back was to remove it, but she could never get close enough to do so. Knowing that Toga hadn't listened to her when she told him to try and recognize her scent, she thought of what plan she could use to get close to him.

As Toga charged toward the woman who was now deeper in thought that before, he used his powers to create a sword from his yokai poison. He got closer to the lady he was fighting, when she turned to him.

In much contradiction to what Toga had thought, she knew that he was coming at her with a new power, and her mind had been made up. Her plan was risky, but it was her only choice. Feeling the sword pierce her stomach, Kagome screamed in pain as she summoned a bit of her reiki powers.

Quickly grabbing a hold of Toga, she pushed her hands to where the jewel shards were. Screaming in pain, Toga tried to escape his mother's helping hands, but stopped when he heard the woman causing him pain sing a song that only his mother knew.

"Mama…"Toga whispered as he felt himself being freed from whatever was holding him prisoner.

"Toga, are you okay?" Kagome smiled as the sword he had created disappeared from sight.

"Mama," Toga replied as he smiled and only stopped when he smelled the blood on her, not knowing how it had gotten there. He had hazy memories of fighting someone, but he refused to believe that it was his mother.

Getting up he looked his mother over, seeing claw and poison marks adorning her body as well as a sword puncture in her stomach. As the truth dawned on him, tears began to well up in his eyes as he realized his mother had tried to save him.

"Toga, you need to help your father. Mizuki is under Naraku's control, but in a different way than you were." Kagome grunted out as she placed a hand on her wound.

"No mom, you're hurt," Toga wailed as he took her clawless hand in his, licking at her wounds as he cleaned the poison out, but Kagome pulled her hand from his.

"Toga, please help him," Kagome ordered. "I'll be fine."

Toga nodded his head at her in understanding. Standing up, he looked over at his sister fighting the man that Naraku had told them killed their mother.

"Naraku lied." Toga growled as he raced towards his father and sister.

~With Sesshomaru~

Sesshomaru was having a hard time with Mizuki. He knew that she was his pup, and that meant that he wasn't going to dare hurt her, not even to make her stop. She thought that he had murdered her mother, and that was his only reasoning as to why she was attacking him so relentlessly.

Mizuki ran at him with full speed, but he sidestepped and tried his best to dodge her acid whips from both hands. His eyes glared at her, but on the inside Sesshomaru was impressed that his daughter could manage the acid whips so well at such a young age. He was brought from his thoughts when he felt a dagger hit his thigh. Jumping back before he could grab her, Mizuki summoned her reiki and created a large barrier around him, stunning him in the process.
Pouncing on the temporarily stunned Sesshomaru, she stabbed him in the shoulder.

"Mizuki. Stop."

Sesshomaru heard the words being spoken outside of the barrier and tried to turn his head toward the voice, only to see his son running towards him.

"Toga, you killed that woman?" Mizuki spoke out roughly as she looked at Toga.

"No. She is your mother, smell if you don't believe me," Toga answered her cautiously.

"No, she can't be my mommy. She was killed by this man." Mizuki almost screeched.

"Mizuki. Don't believe what you saw, it might had mommy's looks, blood, and smell, but it wasn't her," Toga tried telling his sister as he walked towards her carefully.

She grabbed her head as if in pain, and looked up at Sesshomaru seeing loving and emotional eyes staring back at her. Looking at her brother, she found him right beside her. Jumping into his arms, she began crying and let the barrier around Sesshomaru disappear.

"Mizuki stop," Sesshomaru heard outside the barrier. He turned his head at the voice to see his son running toward them. Kagome must gotten through him, he signed at that now for Mizuki.

"Mizuki, don't listen to your brother!" Naraku ordered.

Mizuki broke a hold of Toga's hug, and jumped back, looking at the two of them.

"You tricked me Toga! You betrayed me and mommy.,"

Using her yokai and reiki, she formed a large ball and threw it at them.

~With Kagome~

Kagome bit her lip until it bled trying to keep herself from screaming out in pain as the poison spread throughout her entire body. Looking up, she found Sesshomaru and Toga trying to get through to Mizuki. She watched as her daughter used both powers together to form a ball, and was about to throw the death trap at her brother and father. She stood up and stumbled as blood dripped down to the ground as she ran towards Sesshomaru and her children.

~ With Sesshomaru~

Getting in the way of the attack, the reiki healed some of her wounds while the yokai made pain ripple through her body like knives. Screaming aloud, Kagome fell to the ground.

"Mother!" Toga yelled as he raced over towards Kagome.

"Mate." Sesshomaru whispered lightly as he rushed towards her.

Mizuki looked at the woman that had taken in the impact of her attack. She had the same hair and eye color as her mother. Taking a sniff, her eyes went wide as she saw the tears in her eyes.
Realization dawned on her, and she screamed out in fury. As she understood that she had caused her mother such pain.

"NARAKU!" He brainwashed her and showed her the body of a fake mother. Turning around to face Naraku, she growled viciously at him. "You lied to me." Mizuki growled out as her rage sky rocketed. Feeling power again, she gulped it in, a white light forming around her.

"Mommy!" Toga yelled.

"Toga. Are you okay my baby?" Kagome asked as she held up her hand to him.

"Yes, mama, I'm okay." Toga whined out at her, licking her wounds again.

"Mate…Kagome, This Sesshomaru is sorry," Sesshomaru said as he looked at her and then his son. He knew that Toga's saliva wasn't enough to heal her and he was about to help when he felt power coming from behind him. Looking from behind him, he found Mizuki transforming into her true form.


"Dad," Toga replied as he looked over to Mizuki. "Oh no!"

A/N- I wonder what is going too happened next.