InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo's Rage and Kagome's pain ❯ As The Arrows Rain Down ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kagome screamed in pain as Kikyo's arrow pierced her shoulder..Kagome fell to her knees on the grassy ground..her shoulder now throbbing along with the rest of her wounds.She look up at Kikyo.."why Kikyo Why are you hurting me?" Kagome looked down..."Because you healed inuyasha's wounds..i chose death so i could be with him..but you set him free so i could no be with him even in hell"Kikyo growled as another purple electric shock shook Kagome's body.Kagome stood, "i didn't heal nothing on Inuyasha..all he ever thinks about is you.No matter how hard he trys he can and probably never will forget about you." Kagome said remembering all the times Inuyasha would stiffen at the sound of his old love's name. shall die tonight Kagome.So i may take Inuyasha to hell to be with me forever."Kagome then wished she had not ran off from everyone as her shoulder throbbed... raced forward ahead of the others.His thoughts racing through his hanyou mind ' where are you kagome?why did you run off with out me?what are you gunna fo with out me there to protect you?' ''Inuyasha??" Sango the demon slayer yelled as the hanyou bound from each tree. "what?"? he yelled back. "Can you still smell Kagome's scent?" As miruko rubbed her backside.."you jerk!" Sango said with a slap."would you be serious for one second!" She glared at the monk riding behind her on Kirara." I was but that second has pasted" with another rub and smack later Inuyasha spoke up" yes i still smell Kagome now can we keep moveing?' As he thought 'and i can smell Kikyo's scent as well' he sighed. the group continued toward the Bone Eaters Well. sighed she hated hurting people even if this one was part of her or still is. she had to she loved Inuyasha...he was her soul mate..he wanted to become human just to be with her.she gave up being a MIKO for him...So why would he love this Kagome girl why would her care if she died?He probably wouldn't. "kagome you should fight with me..then maybe you'd have somewhat of a chance" she said vemon in her voice." NO!" kagome screamed pain running through her body like blood." i will not fight you Kikyo..Inuyasha loves you." she was hurt by her own words."ha ha very funny lil girl but if he loved me he wouldnt be on his way of helping you outta this mess now would he?"Kagome's eyes wided 'no way shes lieing he'd be to pissed to come and help' Kikyo too this as her only chance she had to do she had to get her Inuyasha back no matter what " sacred Arrow!" Kagome turned just in time to see the Kikyo's arrow get counterd by "WIND SCAR!!" a bright yellow light flashed and Kikyo's arrow disappeared in to thin air. The forest shook and out of the light came Inuyasha.Miruko,Sango and even lil Shippo.Kagome looked up seeing Inuyasha standing in front of her between her and kikyo.."move Inuyasha!" Kikyo yelled. " No Kikyo please stop this..just stop it." Kikyo glared '" no Inuyasha!NO! Soul Stealer!!" a bunch of those snake/soul stealers came out of Kikyo towards Inuyasha..For the first time Kagome had a chance to protect Inuyasha so she took it. She got up and jumped infront on Inuyasha so the Attack hit her head on...Everyone's eyes wided in shock and fear. Inuyasha yelled "no kagome Damn You Damn you!!!"