InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo's Rage and Kagome's pain ❯ Love Lasts Forever,But Hates Enternal ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Inuyasha ran to Kagome...who was only 20 feet in front of him.."Kagome..." turning her over to see that there was no arrow or any other weapon in her chest ...he was more confused because she was still bleeding...Kikyo watching the whole scene with such saddness the sky would of cried.."Inuyasha..."was all she could say..Walking towards Inuyasha..ready to grab smack him to do anything to just get Kagome outta his arms..she readied her attack...hateing that she'd have to hit her only love.As a giant boomarang slammed into her..knocking her down as The Demon Slayer Sango yelled " Stay away from them Kikyo leave the-" Kikyo was already up and turned around hitting Sango with the same purple electric shock.. Sango fell.Miroku ran for her.Kikyo yelled " Inuyasha drop her now or i will kill your friends!"she said almost in tears. Sango,Miroku,Shippo and Kirara in a her soul collecters..they cried out in pain...Inuyasha just looked at The dark haired preistess this was not the woman he fell in love with..this was not the strong preistess that was feared by almost every demon even a hanyou like himself was once weary of her..he shook his head..sighing, gently he proped her up against a tree not realizeing her stir awake and watched him walk over to Kikyo.." Kikyo stop this please" he said looking at her only about 10 feet away from her. "i should hate you Inuyasha..but thats what brought me here was my hate...and the i realized i dont hate could i?" She inched closer almost afarid he would attack her. "So you hurt Kagome?You try and kill her so you can be with me?And you think that i dont think about don't love you?when all i goddamn do is think about you!" glared but soften as Kikyo ran into his unwilling arms..bearing her face in his chest..he soften even more and wrapped his arms around in to her smell 'if it is her smell' he thought.Her touch 'if it is hers' As kagome stood up useing the tree as support watching Inuyasha and Kikyo..she couldnt look anymore she ran over to her other friends pulling at the soul stealers..Kikyo smiled this was all she wanted..that and Kagome dead..but this would work being in his arms and haveing Kagome see them.. Kagome screamed as the soul stealers her with heavy force but as they did this they were only paying attendtion to her not Miroku,Sango ,shippo or Kirara."go on " kagome whisperd to them "hurry i can take care of Kikyo with Inuyasha here with me" Miroku looked at her "Are you sure?"rubbing her shoulder dangerously close to something else.Kagome smacked his hand away. " thanks for your concern." she mumbled. then Shippo finally spoke up "Kagome are you all right? your bleeding and bruised?" She smiled "yes Shippo i have some bandaids and some medicine in my bag." Shippo looked at her still worried. " i'll be fine you guys go and try to get into Naraku's barrier." As she looked over..her mouthed dropped open...And a tear ran down her cheek... dontcha just hate cliff hangers? send me some more loveins for my story (about five reviews good or bad) and once again see what happens!!~~~