InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo ❯ I Love Kikyo, Sorry Kagome ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: review

warnings: cussing

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Kagome glanced around the camp. She had been traveling with these people yet she still couldn't believe she was. It scared her to know this might take most of her social life. Everytime she went back home, she envied her friends even more, especially the ones with boyfriends. The only thing that got her thinkin' that she was normal was the fact that she had a harmless schoolgirl crush on Inuyasha. It wasn't serious, just one of those, yeah he's cute, crushes.

"What are you lookin' at?" a voice snapped. Kagome's heart jumped and she glared up at the tree where Inuyasha sat staring at her.

"Not at you." Kagome turned over so her back was to Inuyasha. (A/N: that was just to explain how thier relationship was)

Miroku masauged his head roughly. He really was goin to think twice about groping Sango. They were heading towards a tribe of Cat-like demons that owned a shikon shard. Shippo decided to stay with Kaede instead of fight a group of Cat-like demons, of course, Kagome argued with Inuyasha for suggesting it.

"Why couldn't he come? He's useful!" she shouted. Inuyasha sighed.

"Will you shutup bitch?" he droned. Kagome almost screamed "sit" but she didn't want to prove he could get under her skin.

"No. I think-," she was suddenly cut off when Inuyasha pressed his mouth to hers. Kagome practically fainted she was so surprised. Inuyasha broke the kiss and walked on.

"It was the only way to shut you up." Miroku and Sango both snapped back to reality when they saw that. Sango rushed up to Kagome and put on a childish face.

"Ooooooh, Kagome got kissed! How romantic!" she teased. Kagome turned even redder when Inuyasha turned around and motioned for them to hurry up. As they walked, a priestess followed closley behind. She floated a few miles behind, giving room. Suddenly she stopped, and her silver dragons flew forward. That wench will be sorry when she messed with Inuyasha! I will prove he belongs to me once and for all. Shortly afterwards, the dragons came back carrying a screaming Miroku.

"Were you seen or heard?" Kikyo asked. The dragons answered by circling her body in a strange manner. Kikyo started to rise above ground, and absorbed the soul of the monk, yet something was different, Miroku was still alive. After a while the dragons rested at her sides.

"Well monk. I have learned enough from your soul, but I won't kill you. You will not tell of this to them, not even Inuyasha. Just give the girl this." Kikyo handed Miroku a small purple pouch. Miroku was bout to throw the bag in her face, but she was gone.

Sango picked up her boomerang and bashed it into the demon's face roughly. It sputtered and a silver shard popped from it's throat.

"I got it!" she yelled to her comrades. Inuyasha finished slaughtering the last demon and took the shard from Sango.

"Good, pack up the pervert and let's go." Sango nodded, and turned to look for Miroku. Miroku came running so fast he barley missed Sango.

"Sorry Sango, but I must give this to Kagome." he explained in a rushed voice, and with that he quickly ran to the Kagome. Sango stared in wonder. His eyes were a little wierd looking, almost as if he were in a trance. Kagome had a puzzling look when Miroku handed her the pouch.

"What's this Miroku?" she asked as she untied the pouch's strings. Miroku was about to answer when Kagome threw her arms around him.

"Oh thank you Miroku! You got me pixie dust!" Suddenly Miroku snapped back to reality.

"I did?" he clutched his head and walked ahead of the group. Kagome dashed from the back with Sango up to Inuyasha.

"You wanna try some Inuyasha? It's really good." Inuyasha sighed. If he didn't she'd annoy him, if he did she wouldn't. He grabbed the bag, raised it over his mouth and in a flash he left the bag on the ground. Kagome growled and stomped back to Sango.

"I hate him!"

Inuyasha climbed up the tree and snuggled himself on a branch above the campsite. For some reason he couldn't sleep. His mind kept racing to Kagome. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Kagome's face. I feel like I want her or something. Inuyasha quickly brushed the though away from his mind as he persued to sleep again. He immediatley woke up again to find himself right next to Kagome with his arms wrapped around her waist. Kagome almost passed out when she turned over to see Inuyasha staring at her. They both scrambled away from eachother.

"What the heck were you doing Inuyasha?!" Kagome yelled.

"I don't know I woke up like that!"

"Oh- guess you thought I was Kikyo again." Kagome felt a bit hurt when she said that. Inuyasha paused for a moment before answering.

"I'm sorry if I did, but you know I love her."

"Whatever, goodnight." Kagome pulled the cover over her and laid her head down so Inuyasha could only see her neck. Inuyasha slowly crawled over to her and laid next to her, and wrapped his hands around her waist.

"I'm sorry." Kagome wanted to move but bieng in his arms was important at that moment. Inuyasha pulled her closer.

"I love you Kikyo."