InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Money ❯ A chance at millions ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*grumbles* FINE I’LL DO IT!!!!!*yelling at men in black suits* I don’t own the gang………how ever I control them MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........ HAPPY!!!! *mumbles* I hate you……

A/N: Kikyo isn’t evil!!! I don’t hate her. She just annoys the shit atta me….

~*~*~Chapter 1~*~*~

*~*~*A Chance at millions*~*~*

Kagome always had a problem with InuYasha. She didn’t know why she just did. Unfortunately for her, he (and a couple of other guys) had a huge crush on her.

She was walking home with Sango and Kikyo when she heard it. HIS car.

“Hide me” she yelled before jumping in the bushes.

“Wha…oh.” Sango replied. “Hey Yash”

“Sango, have you seen Kagome I’ve been looking everywhere for her” InuYasha asked.

“nope” she replied.

“have you Kikyo” he asked.

“I’m not her babysitter…..although she needs one.” she mumbled with a smirk.

“Hey!!!!…….. Oh shit!” Kagome said.

“What are you doing in the bushes? You know what? Don’t answer that. Come on we have to see who wins.” InuYasha said then he turned on the radio.

“Cshhhhhhh!! ……And the winner to the contest is….. Going to be announced after this break.” the dude on the radio said.

“What contest?” Sango asked.

“There’s this contest where 5 people get the chance to win over a million yen.” Kikyo said.

“And how may I ask do you know that?” Kagome asked.

“I entered it.” she replied. “ I hope I win.”

“Shhhhh its coming back on” Inu said.

“……..And the winners are: Kouga Ookami……*growl from Inu*….Miroku Moushi……
Rin Koshi…….Hiten Thunder…. And…….InuYasha Takahashi!!!! The five of you will bring a friend with you to the building. Meet me at 325 Seaside Lane at 5:00 Saturday. Some of you might want to say your good-byes…….This is Kagura Winders for Channel 5 News.”

“What did she mean by ‘ some of you will want to say your good-byes ’ ?????”Sango asked. Then her phone rang. “Hello?……. Hey Miro congrats!…….really…… sure…..see ya’ then”

“What he want?” Kagome asked

“I’m going with him!!!!” She yelled back.

“And so are you, Kagome” Inu said.



“ Dammit” Kagome said.

~*~*~ Meanwhile~*~*~

“ Yes! Hiten you, Kouga and Yash made it.” Ayame said. Her sister, Kyame, wasn’t in the room. Kyame cam into the room with a bag of chips.

“Whats going on?” She asked.

“I made it” Hiten said. “And I get to take someone with me”

“Can I be that person?” She asked.

“Of coarse “ He said. Kyame and Hiten have been going out for a while now and Kouga is starting to think Ayame is cute.


“Yash must be here to pick us up” Ayame said “Bye see ya later!”

Kyame gave Hiten a quick kiss. “ Bye” she mumbles

“Bye” He said, putting a hand on his cheek where she kissed him.

*~*~* Outside *~*~*

“Hey guys time to go home!” Kagome yelled from the front seat.

“Hey, Kagome! Did Yash say he’s taking you?” Ayame asked.

“Yeah how’d ya know?”

“Cuz he likes you der!!” Kyame said. Kagome just glared at her.

“Lets just go” she mumbled.

< br> A/N: Did you like it? Please review!!!! *gets Yash to show puppy dog eyes*
If it sucks then tell me. I think it does.

Clowns are evil and much luv,
