InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

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Disclaimer: Same thing that the previous chap.

"Hey Kagome?"
"Yes Inuyasha?"
"I know you since many years and you've always been so sweet. But why are you so…mean with Kimiko?"
"I…I don't know…I just can't help it. When I see her I just see the girl that arrived too rapidly in my life. You know, at this very moment, I don't hate her. But when she's there…It's like if I have known her before as an enemy…Kind of complicated."
"I see. Do you have an idea of the reason why she has the ability to go through the well?"
"No, and it's very weird. She doesn't have any miko blood, ne?"
"No but there's something strange with her…In the rare times I met her I felt something…not human."
"Hai, me too. But as the time passed, it became obvious that she cannot be miko nor demon…We should ask Kaede, tomorrow. But for now let's rest a little. Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara are already asleep."
"You're right. Good night.
"Good night."

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Kimiko-chan? Why are you wearing this strange kimono?" Kimiko giggled at the little girl's remark on her clothes.
"It's not a kimono. This," she pointed her pants, "are called jeans. It's a very comfortable fabric. And this," she pointed her t-shirt," is a t-shirt. What is written on it is Nirvana, it's the name of a music band in my…world."
"Do they do good music?"
" I'd say yes, but I'm not sure you would like it."
"Sesshomaru-sama has very good musicians in the castle. We could make them play some music when we get home! "
"Sounds good to me!"

While the girls chatted, Sesshomaru listened to them discreetly. ` That's it…she probably comes from the same world than Inuyasha's human… That explains many things, her clothes in particular. But at least they are not as indecent as …Kagome? Yes. As Kagome's clothes.'

A strange noise took him back from his thoughts. It came from Kimiko.

"Oops…sorry…Guess I'm hungry…"

Rin laughed happily and a smile almost appeared in Sesshomaru's face.

"We're almost there. We will arrive at the castle in one hour if we keep a good pace."
But then Kimiko seemed to realize something.
"W…wait…You're Sesshomaru…THE Sesshomaru??"
" I am. Why this question?"
Kimiko was confused. She just had remembered what Inuyasha and Kagome had said on Sesshomaru three months ago, after a battle. They had talked like if this guy was a monster.
"I just…heard things on you. It sounded like if you were some kind of blood-beast, but you're not."
"You could be surprised." He whispered that final sentence because he didn't want Rin to hear him. Kimiko shivered.

Later, they finally arrived at the castle. It was, well…BIG. `Anybody can get lost in here… it's kind of scaring…' thought the girl.
"Rin, guide our guest to the dinning room. Jaken and I have to talk about how you got yourself in that stream while he was supposed to keep an eye on you…"

The toad-youkai gulped, and followed his Lord. The two girls laughed happily while they walked to the dinning room. They sat but didn't began to eat because they had to wait until the Lord was present. So Rin continued to ask questions about Kimiko's world.

" In your world does everyone have dark skin and pale hair like yours?"
" Hum…Not everyone, there is some of course, but they are not Japanese. This is a mystery I'd like to resolve, I'm sure I'm not Japanese but nobody knows my parents…I don't really know who I am."
"Rin had no father and no mother like you! But one day Sesshomaru-same saved Rin's life and now he and Jaken are my family!"
"Are you happy with them, Rin?"
"Yes, a lot! Jaken is funny and Sesshomaru-sama is very nice with Rin. Sometimes I would like to have a mother, too, but if I never have one I think I will still be happy because Sesshomaru-sama will be there." Said rapidly the little girl.

"You don't have any mother? Sesshomaru doesn't have a wife or something like that?"
"No." Said the cold voice of the Lord.

`Oops. He was there…Baka onna!'
"And we, demons, do not have a wife or a husband. We have a mate."
"I don't see the difference…"
"I'll teach you later. For now let's eat." He sat at the extremity of the table, between Rin and Kimiko. They ate in silence, except for Rin who just couldn't stop talking. After the supper, Rin was sent to bed, and Sesshomaru sent Kimiko to the gardens while he was in his study room to finish some work.
Kimiko was fascinated by what she saw. Waterfalls, thousands of flowers, enormous trees, fresh grass…
She walked for a long time in the gardens, then sat on the edge of a small waterfall, leaning her back on a tree just next to the waterfall. She took a deep breath and gazed at the stars in the dark sky.
"Hmmmm…It's so beautiful…it's just…perfect."
"Happy to see that you appreciate the place."
"HAAAAAA! What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Please show a little more respect to me."
"I have no problems with that but if you could only stop scaring the hell out of me…Please. So what are you doing here, My Lord?"
"I've come to talk to you. I have a suggestion."
"Go ahead…"
"Rin needs a woman in her life, someone to take care about her when I'm away. If you stay here and take well care of the child, I will discover for you who you are exactly, I will lodge you, nourish you, and if you want, train you to fight."
"It's an interesting offer…But this is not my world. I'll have to return to where I belong. Even if right now I feel like I'm already where I belong…"
"I understand. When will you leave?"
"Tomorrow, if you let me sleep at the castle…"
"Perfect. Tomorrow morning I'll send you an escort of great fighters to protect you during your travel."
"Thank you very much, Lord Sesshomaru. I will always be grateful to you."
With that, he rose up and went back to the castle. Kimiko did the same ten minutes later. She collapsed in the big bed covered by sheets made in soft silk. Before she felt asleep, she thought about the day that would follow. It sounded strange, but she had never felt so good since many years. This place and those people will miss her…

I know my chapters are small but I'm so busy it's the end of the year and you know what it is like…Exams, exams and more exams! Please review I'm beginning to seriously think I'm writing a boring story! So I beg you…If you like it, please, please review!