InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

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Disclaimer: See the first chapter…

I forgot to say in chapter 3 that the song Working class hero was from John Lennon, I'm not the author!! I was listening Marilyn Manson's version of the song and I found it appropriate to introduce more information on Kimiko's life.


It had been a calm day. Two or three intruders on his lands, that was all. Sesshomaru came back to the castle in the evening and directly went to the dinning room, where Kimiko and Rin were supposed to be. But at his surprise, the room was empty. Where were they? Suddenly his ear caught a noise. Two people were laughing. And running in the castle. Obviously Kimiko and Rin. He didn't even had to went at their search, they passed directly in front of him. They were playing at this game…what was it? Cat and mouse? Anyway.

"Rin, Kimiko. It's no time for playing. We have to eat."
"But we…"
"No argument. Sit down and eat."
They all sat, but Sesshomaru was the only one who has eating.
"My Lord…"
"We already ate."
Sesshomaru's eyebrow raised. He looked at Kimiko like if she was insane.
"You ate. When I, Lord of the place, was out."
"We…I thought that you would come back late and we were very hungry…"
"Even if I would have been out for one year, you shouldn't eat without my authorization. I see that now is the time to teach you how to function in my place, now that you are permanently established."
"And I thought that school was finished…" Kimiko mumbled.
"Yes that place were learn boring things like…mathematics…" She made a disgusted face.
Sesshomaru was interested by what she was saying. She already had an education? He would have to know more about this, too…This girl was so unpredictable, everyday he learned more and more about her.
"You may leave and go play with Rin. But I want her in her bed in two hours. Come to my study room after, we'll have to…talk."

The two girls obeyed and directly went to Rin's room, where Kimiko told funny stories to the little girl. After two hours she left the room, the kid almost asleep. Kimiko went straight to Sesshomaru's study room, that was located just next to his room. But when she arrived, she was surprised to see that she was alone. The Lord wasn't there. She sat on a chair and waited, but being the hyperactive she was, she couldn't stay still after five minutes. She went to the library, in the back of the room, and read the titles.
"Youkai Legends…The birth of the first youkai…Mikos, spells and purification…Inu-youkais…"
She took the third one and began to read it. It really was interesting and after reading the first two pages she was completely gone into the book. Sesshomaru entered the room and saw her, completely absorbed. `So she can read, too…She must come from a very rich family. Females with an education are very rare.'
"Ha hum."
Once again, Kimiko jumped ten meters up into the air (Lucky that the roof was so high lol).
"May I ask how come you can read?"
"What? I learned when I was six."
"So young."
"No." She giggled." Everyone in my time goes to school and learn how to read, write and count. And many other things, as we grow up."

"I see. So you may be a nice person to talk to."
"Yes, I think I can manage to have a good conversation." She blushed a little. It was clear that Sesshomaru was agreeably surprised, and she was happy to know that maybe she would pass a little more time with him. She wanted to impress him, as he impressed her.
"Let's go straight to the point I wanted to talk with you. You need to receive another type of education. You have to learn how to act with high row people, to learn how we function in a castle."
"Ethics" She mumbled.
Kimiko sighed. It was summer, school had finished a week ago…Suddenly, her face brightened.
"Will you teach me?"
"Of course."

"Oh. Okay." She tried to hide her joy. Yes, Sesshomaru was a cold man, and not a very kind person, but she couldn't stop herself from being in awe. `He is so powerful, and strong, and intelligent, and…beautiful…' At that last thought she looked at him straight into the eyes. She tried to see his emotions, but failed. His face was unreadable.
"How do you do this?"
"Do what?"
"To hide every emotions you feel. To be…unreadable. I'd like to be able to do that. Would you teach me that, too?"
"Because anyone can know how I feel just by looking at me, I'm too much expressive, I know it."

"I won't teach you."
"Why? Come on, please!?"
"No. I want to know how you feel, it is very important for your future training."
With that he sent her back to her room. She rose and put the book she had in her hands at the corner of Sesshomaru's desk. Once she was gone, the man's eye felt on the book. He began to read it, and found something very interesting…maybe the answer of all his questions about Kimiko.

"So, Kagome? What did Kaede say about Kimiko?"
"She has no idea. She said she could only see what's going on with her if Kimiko was in front of her. And it would be hard to find her because I don't know where she is. I'm not even sure she returned home…"
"Is this worry?" asked Miroku.
"Hell, no!"
Everyone remained silent, and continued their travel, each one thinking about Kimiko.

This is the second version of chapter four, I found major errors in the first version so I corrected it and now everything should be okay. I know I update less often and that my chapters are small but I had a lot of things do to and had to write during what should have been "sleep time". But now I've finished the biggest part of the school work, so I'll try to update the more possible!! By the way, if you have any suggestion for the story, let me know! And please review!! I won't want to continue if there's not that much review…three per chapter is the minimum. So please please please please please review!! Thanks!