InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

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Disclaimer : You all know it.

It's Friday afternoon, no more school until Monday, tomorrow I'll go shopping, life is beautiful!! So here we go with the fifth chappie!!


"No way!!!!"
"It's stupid!!"
"You ha…"
"I said NO!! No no no no no no no no!!!"
Sesshomaru glared at the panicked girl. He was teaching ethics to Kimiko, and he had said her that both had to smell each other in the neck. It made her face turn red and she began to yell that she would never do that. It seemed to stress her a lot.
" It is the use. You cannot say no."
"Oh yes I can!"
They argued a while, and Sesshomaru lost his patience. He went to her, took violently her wrist and pushed her to him. With his hand, he placed her head in his neck, and he placed his in her neck. He inhaled deeply, and released her. Everything had been so fast that Kimiko didn't have the time to realize what was happening. When she did, her face turned to the brightest shade of red.
"You…you…You did it!!!"
"Yes I did. It wasn't that terrible, don't you think?"
She remained silent. She was soooo embarrassed! She rarely had close contact with people, and everything that resembled to a hug always made her uneasy. But that was worst, Sesshomaru was involved AND he had smelled her!!
"It was that terrible."
"What makes you that uneasy? It's like a little hug, but without the affection."
"That's the point. I hate to have contact with someone. I'm not used to it."
"Same thing for me. But in that case it is necessary. I promise I'll make contact with you the less possible."
"Let's take a break. Maybe you can go get Rin and play with her."
Kimiko's uneasiness disappeared instantaneously. `It is so obvious that she adores the child." He thought. While the two girls played together, he went to his study room and spotted the book he read after Kimiko left the evening before. He had completely forgot it. He went back to the oldest girl, the book in his hand, and told Kimiko that he probably had the answer to her neko-youkai / human problem.
"The book mentions a potion that neutralized the demon blood, it makes it…asleep. But it's still there."
"That would explain a lot of things…"
"But I'm still not sure about it. We have to ask to a miko to be certain. There's a potion to "wake up" the demon blood, but if someone who never had the first potion drinks the second one, it can be mortal."
"I know that Kagome is a miko, but she's not very experienced. She knows an older miko, what's her name…huh…Katede…Kede…Ka…Ka…ede!! Kaede! That's it!"
"I think I know where she is. Let's go."
"Can Rin come with you?" asked the little girl. (Yes, she's still there! lol)
"No I want you to stay here with Jaken. We will come back soon."


"What is it, Inuyasha?"
Inuyasha had suddenly stopped walking and was sniffing the air.
"…Sesshomaru! He's coming!"
Everyone prepared to fight. They saw him, running toward them, but at their surprise he didn't stop to fight and continued his way.
"Was that…Kimiko?? On his back??"
"Did he saw us?"
"He did. But apparently he didn't want to fight."
"I wonder where he's going…with Kimiko…"

Everyone in the village yelled at the sight of the demon. Alerted, Kaede exited her hut to see what was happening. The first thing she saw was a torso. Sesshomaru's torso.
"I need your help, old woman."
Kaede observed him. He didn't seem to want to harm her. Then she spotted a young girl behind the tall man.
"What kind of help do you need?" (Okay I just don't know how to make Kaede speak, I know she uses "ye" but I really don't like how it sounds so I'll make her speak normally.)
The young girl spoke.
"We want information on…potions that make demon blood…asleep."
Kaede felt something strange from her. At first sight she thought she was human, but she rapidly realized there was something else within her. Then she understood why they were here.
"You may enter." She said as she went back into her hut. Her two visitors followed her, and then the three of them sat around the fire.
"So, explain me the reason why you are here."
"Last week I found this girl on my lands. I thought she was human, but when we carefully analyze her aura and her scent, it is clear that she has youkai blood. Neko-youkai blood."
"Yes, I felt it."
"As you have remarked, she has no physical sign of demon being. After some searches, I found in a book a chapter that talks about a potion that can make demon's blood inactive as long as that demon doesn't drink the antidote."
"Yes, I know about it. If someone who didn't receive the first potion drinks the antidote, it is sure that death will follow. That's why you're here…you want to know if the young girl over here drank the first one."
Kaede rose and went to the back of the hut to pick ingredients. She began to make a kind of recipe that turned into a violet paste at the end.
"Come here, child."
Kimiko shyly approached the old woman and sat next to her.
"Roll up your sleeve so I can have access to you arm."
Kimiko obeyed.
"I'll put this on you arm. If it turns green, then you do have the first potion in you."
She put the stuff on Kimiko's arm. Instantaneously, it turned green.
A big smile appeared on the girl's face. Got it. They had the answer! She turned to Sesshomaru, expecting to see his unreadable face. No. He was…smiling. It was a very little and slight smile, but it was a smile. That was a really nice day. She was demon. And Sesshomaru smiled.
"LIFE IS SO GREAT!!!" Kimiko happily shouted."Oops…that was loud…sorry…"
"I suppose you want the antidote?"
"Yes, please!"
While Kaede prepared an other potion, Kimiko went back next to Sesshomaru.
"It had been years that I haven't felt so much joy." She whispered. "I'm happy. Thanks. " "My Lord." She rapidly added.
"Here, take it." Said Kaede, handing her a tiny bottle that contained a pale blue liquid. "Be carefull, when your demon blood will wake up, it may be extremely painful."
"I'll remember it. Thank you so much, Kaede."
"You are welcome, child."

Okay. Yes, I said I wouldn't update until I have 3 reviews/chapter. Yes, I just got one since chap. 4. But being the kind and sweet girl I am (naaaaaah I'm joking!!) I decided to post chap.5 even if the number of reviews doesn't satisfy me. First, because my chapters are small so you should receive more, ne? And second because it's been 3 days that chap.5 is waiting to be posted. So take it as a small gift!
So, I hope you (still) like my story! It's my first fic ever, so I'm a little insecure about it, but hey, everything has a beginning! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review, I beg you!