InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King & Queen ❯ Chapter 3 Rejection only means try harder ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

King and Queen 3
I don't own inuyasha
Inuyasha sat smirking and smiling to the beauty next to him. He was completely oblivious to the world and all his trouble. He couldn't take his eyes off of her beauty and damn right sexiness was causing him to want to grab the woman and fuck her until she was unconscious. It was the first time in his life saw something he wanted and couldn't have.
This woman had rejected his `fuck a star' proposal. He continued to glance and a want to gain the courage to talk to her however he was frozen in his chair.
`TALK TO HER PUSSY!' his mind screamed at him.
`I CANT SHE'S WONT GO FOR ME' he tried to convince himself.
`WE HAVENT BEEN AFRIAD TO TALK TO ANY WOMAN SINCE HIGH SCHOOL ……TALK NOW' He mumbled to himself trying to conjure up some words to say. He simply sat in his chair and continued the war inside of his head when he was snapped out of his thoughts by two security guards approaching him.
`Damn must be time' as he got up from his seat kicking himself for not saying anything to the beauty. The guards surrounded him and lead him to the door that lead up to the stage.
He could hear the crowd cheer and the noise of the backstage crew making sure the show went on without a hitch. He failed to notice a young woman closing in on him wrapping her arms around him.
“Inuyasha Baby! You're on in 15!”
Inuyasha turned around quickly grabbing her hand and pushing her against the wall. She let out a small squeak knowing she startled the superstar.
“Oi ... you know I don't like to be surprised kikyou” Inuyasha growled letting go off his manager.
“Yea I know just wanted to say good luck you big ass whole” she spat with a quick crack of a smile.
“Yea yea….. One thing who is that girl I am sitting next to?” he said walking over to the large curtain looking out of it into the crowed.
“That's Kagome Higurashi you dumb ass she is like HUGE... How do you not know about her” Kikyou glared at her client. She had always had a crush on him and was furious that he had found another bitch that he wanted more than her. She had been a loyal manager to him for years and he never gave her a thought.
“She is like japans Mariah carry and Megan fox all wrapped up into one minus the age of Mariah and the hoeness of Megan.” She said hitting him over the head with a magazine with kagome on the cover. He took it and simply stared at the cover contemplating on his next move.
“SO! What did he say to you?” Sango said shacking kagome like she had salt in her.
“Nothing Sango….. He's just another typical rapper ….wants some booty” kagome sighed
“SO! Its inuyasha Takadda... and not to be mean kagome but you need to get laid” creating a malevolent stare from kagome.
“I DO NOT I AM FINE” she said getting in Sango's face with a few veins on her head popping out. Then she turned from her friend with an “humph” and gave Sango the cold shoulder. It was quiet in the theater because of the commercial break and all throughout the theater the crowd was getting restless waiting in anticipation for the grand finally and Inuyasha performance. The lights then shined brightly and the announcer walked back on stage.
The crowd cheered and almost everyone got out of their chairs
The Crowd then again screamed.
The room got completely dark and everything got completely dark. Then the music slowly started causing a huge uproar in the room----
(I can't rap and I think using other people's work as your own is illegal so just imagine a rap concert)
Kagome was exhausted as she and her group got up too leave the theater she had really enjoyed inuyasha's performance along with everyone else. She danced with Sango during the show and they bumped and grinded like they were two high school kids (that were two women of course). Miroku had tried to join but Sango gave him a quick and solid smack across the face when he started to pull her towards him. She had to admit inuyasha was very good at what he did the entire room was full of dancing people giving their bodies up to his words and loud rhythmic music.
Kagome was walking to her limo waving to all her fans and blowing kisses to them .after all they were the reason that she was where she was. She owed them all her wealth and the happiness that she overall enjoyed in her life. She walked in her heels to her limo and got into the vehicle sighing in relief that the day was finally done. (Or she thought) Just then Sango hit the car causing kagome to flinch and gasp.
“HEY! WERE GOING TO THE AFTER PARTY!!” Sango screamed at the top of her lungs
“Why are you yelling bitch!” kagome yelled back wincing and covering her ears.
Both women laughed as miroku got into the car and took a seat next to Sango.
“Sango baby. I think the club is going to be good I heard a lot of stars are going there to blow off some steam after the big show.” He said while he rubbed her leg causing a twitch from her. Sango creped away from miroku and tried to get over to kagome in hopes of using her as a barrier to block him.
“You two should just get marrie... owww” kagome couldn't finish her sentence before sango hit her on her head.
“Watch your tongue Higurashi or ill cut it out!” Roared while holding her fist up in a murderous way.
By this time kagome and miroku switched over to the farthest side they could get to away from the very pissed off Sango.
“It was just a joke Sango” she whispered not trying to get her friend anymore mad.
“I know and what would be so bad about marrying me anyway Sango we dated in high school I'm not that bad.” He laughed trying to ease the beauty in front of him. He remembered the first day he saw her it was an attraction at first glance. However they were a rocky duo one never being able to fully give up there selfish desires to be completely committed to their relationship and so it failed repeatable usually with Sango punching miroku and running to kagome house heartbroken. They did however keep some kind of friendship through all these years even with their success.
“So what's the name of the club we are going to?” kagome said breaking the awkward silence. Miroku snapped out of his flashback and turned to his friend.
“I believe it's called Demons “
“What a weird name for a club” Kagome sighed she was already tired and just wanted the day to end. Kagome looked outside watching the many street lights pass just gazing out of the car looking at the passing people when she noticed something. A huge poster of inuyasha with his hoodie obviously promoting his upcoming album.
`He was gorgeous …… But I don't think it would be a good idea to date a woman killer like him' Kagome smiled knowing the fact that one of the world's most eligible bachelors asked her out.
The limo stopped in front of the club and the trio got out of the limo walked to the front of the massive line and simply got in with no questions asked. Inside was loud and disorienting with all the lights flashing red and with so many strobe lights kagome didn't see the man in front of her.
“Oi Sorry ……Inuyasha-Sama?” She said looking up into two golden eyes.
Sorry it took so long to update….
I wrote half of the chapter like two weeks ago and didn't finish it so……..