InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ok, you got what you wanted :o)
Here comes the next part in this little cute story...


Two weeks later the whole crew knew that something had happened between Inuyasha and the little fire cat youkai. Sango was very sad because her pet seemed to prefer to sleep on Inuyasha instead on her stomach or next to her like she always had done in the past. She was worried by the way the hanyou and the little youkai seemed to "talk" to each other. On one occasion she had asked Shippou if he could listen in on the two but the little kitsune only got bumped on the head and ran back to Kagome for comfort. "So much for that.." thought Sango.

Kagome was also much worried about the development between Inuyasha and Kirara. And Inuyasha seemed to be more focused these days. He worked harder to make the Tama complete. He fought with a more… Kagome searched for a word… determination. Was he that eager to become full youkai, or was it because he wanted Kikyo to be a woman of flesh and blood. The young miko sighed, not that it minded her anymore, she had found love elsewhere, with a certain perverted monk. But she had never breathed a word about it. Not just yet, but she knew Miroku had a good eye to her too, and he had improved, he did not grope anyone, just Kagome or out of habit - Sango. But he had stopped asking every young woman he met to bear his child. Her eyes wandered back to Inuyasha who had taken Kirara into his arms and cradled her with a soft touch. "Why is he acting like this towards Kirara?" she asked herself. And Kirara seemed to love to be with the hanyou. Kagome could often see the two nuzzling their faces together, it almost looked like they were…. kissing. She shook her head, that thought was just too weird for her to handle, she continued to walk behind, watching their friend's odd behaviour.


Sango and Kagome had retreated to a hot spring. The day had proved to be a fruitful one. Four large shards had been retrieved. Inuyasha had just like the previous weeks handled it beautifully, fast and effective. Although today he had seemed to panic for a moment when Kirara suddenly had gotten herself into the fight.

- What do you think Kagome-chan? asked Sango after a few moments of silence.

- I don't know Sango-chan, I really don't know what to believe anymore, said Kagome with a concerned voice.

- Do you know what I first thought when I saw that silver mark on her neck?

- No.. what?

- I thought that Inuyasha had flipped and marked Kirara as his mate… Sango laughed nervously when she saw sparks in Kagome's eyes.

- What??!!

- Shh, keep it down Kagome-chan…

- Why in all seven hells would you think of such a thing? I know he is weird, loving a walking corpse and all, but that??

- Have you not seen his brother, he has a purple crescent moon on his forehead, so I thought maybe Inuyasha's mark would be a silver crescent moon.

Kagome had to agree that it sounded like a possibility, but still. No way… or? But still, he was behaving very caring for the little cat. Always bringing her food, making sure she was fed well, he always seemed to make sure that she was not cold or anything.

- I see you have noticed it too, and what I've been taught, that is the behaviour of a male that has taken a mate, said Sango with a soft voice.

- But.. that is just… grouse.. said Kagome and made a disgusted face.

- Yeah… but do you think then Kagome-chan?

- He has flipped his lid, that is what I think. He is so into getting the jewel that he has gone over the edge.

Sango nodded, that was her second guess.

None of them said anything else and they relaxed into the waters with heavy sighs.


Inuyasha sat high up in a big tree. In his arms he had Kirara. She was sleeping heavily. She did not have to worry about being on guard all night anymore; Inuyasha was there to take care of her. And she had to admit that this little pregnancy was making her more tired than she thought it would. Not that she minded, she loved to be curled into his arms like this. Every now and then she could feel him nuzzle her little body, sniffing her and smiling. She awoke when she felt him take in her scent again.

Inuyasha was sure now, just a few days ago he could smell the puppies inside Kirara. It was going to be twins and he told her this and he could see her smile with sparkling red eyes to him.

- And it is going to be two girls too, he whispered softly and rubbed his nose into her neck, nuzzling the silvery mark he had made on her.

Kirara was so happy, she was going to give birth to twins, Inuyasha's puppies, kittens or what ever they were going to be called. And tonight she could feel that he was filled with some form of desperation and she pushed her nose against his throat, wanting him to tell her what was troubling him.

- I was so scared today koi, so scared. When I saw you there in the battlefield… I… he whispered and swallowed hard. - Don't ever do that again, please. It will kill me if you were hurt in any way.

Kirara wanted to tell him that it had been for his sake that she had gotten involved today, she had been afraid that he would have been hurt and wounded. She only wanted to help her mate. But she silently nodded and promised that she would not repeat something like that again.

- Good, now get some sleep my love, I can feel that you are tired, and our little girls is taking your strength away.

Kirara nodded again and drifted off to her much needed sleep..


So how was it?