InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Miroku had seen it too and he was also concerned about his hanyou friend. Somehow he could not get near Kirara anymore; Inuyasha was too possessive over her. He would not let the monk pet the little cat and this made Miroku think. And not to mention what Inuyasha's strange behaviour was affecting the little kitsune. The boy had been robbed of a playmate.

Shippou was indeed miserable, but when he heard Inuyasha tell him that Kirara was in no condition to fight and if Shippou could promise not to tell the others he would soon have new friends to play around with. That had earned the hanyou one happy face from the kitsune.

Soon the three humans had three strangely behaving friends. Now it was not only Inuyasha who acted protective around Kirara - Shippou was there to help too. Inuyasha had two figures in his lap at night. Shippou said he would help to guard camp during the night so Inuyasha could get his rest too.

- But you must wake me when you smell youkai or anything that could be a threat, said Inuyasha with a firm tone.

- Yes of course Inuyasha, nodded Shippou and acted very much like a grown up.

- Good, then you take the first watch.

- Yes Inuyasha, and make sure you get some sleep. I promise I will watch over you, said Shippou.

Inuyasha grunted something but felt he really needed to sleep. He had not slept much at all and it was beginning to take its toll on him. He was happy that he got the help from the little annoying kitsune. "But you don't think he is too annoying do you?" said a small voice in the back of Inuyasha's head. No, he didn't, he actually had grown quite fond of the little runt. He rustled the read head before drifting off into a light and well needed sleep.

Shippou listened to the sound that surrounded the sleeping camp. It was silent, only light snores could be heard and he took the opportunity to listen in on the extra heartbeats inside Kirara. She had smelt kind of off lately and he knew now why it had been like that. She was going to have kittens; that was why Inuyasha had been so possessive of her. She was his friend just like Shippou was, and of course the hanyou wanted to keep her safe and now Shippou was on that very important task to watch over the camp. He felt all grown up and he puffed his little chest just to think that Inuyasha trusted him enough to do this. He would never admit it to the hanyou but Shippou loved the grumpy puppy eared male like a father.

Shippou watched the stars travel over the night sky and when he felt that he was about to fall asleep he pulled on Inuyasha's collar. The hanyou opened his eyes and looked with glowing eyes at Shippou.

- I am getting tired Inuyasha, whispered Shippou.

- Ok, get some sleep then, I'll watch over you from now, ok?

- Ok, good night.

- Good night Shippou-chan, said Inuyasha.

The little endearment surprised the kitsune, but chooses not to say anything about it; at least he didn't get bumped on the head.

Inuyasha tucked the two smaller youkais to his body, covering them somewhat with his big red sleeves, providing them with some warmth, or so he hoped anyway. The nights were getting colder and it would not take long until the winter arrived. He sniffed the air around Kirara and guessed she would have at least three or four month before giving birth. "We must have gathered all the shards until then." thought Inuyasha with a scowl on his face. "But there are not many left, perhaps we only have to defeat Naraku and then chop the legs of that wolfy ass named Kouga to get his shards…." He sniffed the air again and was pleased to find it to be free from danger. "You know.. You could ask your bastard brother to help defeat Naraku. If he accepts - you will have no problem what so ever to beat that tentacle monsters ass." Inuyasha continued to ramble with his consciousness through out the night, and in the end he decided that they would search for his brother, of course they would not know it, but it did not matter to him.


Inuyasha rushed through the forest, searching for a perfect camping place. Tonight was the night Kirara would transform. He could not wait to get her into his arms again. It had been to damn long, a whole moon cycle. "A very fruitful moon cycle. The Tama is almost complete, and Sesshoumaru has agreed to help us to fight against Naraku." said his inner voice. But he could not help but wonder why his bastard brother actually had agreed to come with them. He had been confused over Sesshoumaru's sudden interest in the taijya; he had been watching her intensely as they were discussing tactics on how to take the evil Naraku down. He shook his head and his thoughts were blown a way when he found the perfect place to camp. It was not far away from a clear spring. "Good, perhaps we could get some grooming done tonight." He thought and his face was glowing with lust to have her inside his arms again, to kiss her, to hear her soft purring voice. And he wanted to see if she showed any signs of her pregnancy yet. "I'll better get back to the others." And with that he leaped back to the group and showed them the way to the clearing.


Ok, this is getting weirder and weirder...
To Chibi Usa - Sango's first guess was that Inuyasha had mated Kirara...