InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Inuyasha insisted that Shippou would sleep with Kagome, and after much trouble the little kitsune did as he was asked but he pouted with the whole face, making Inuyasha feel guilty as hell. But he put it aside and watched in growing anticipation how everyone went to sleep. "At last!!" he thought and jumped silently out of his tree. He listened and sniffed around and it was peaceful and safe, he could leave them for a while. He took off towards the spring he had discovered earlier and as soon as he got there Kirara was transformed in his arms. Inuyasha's face cracked up in a wide smile when he saw her.

- Hey beautiful, he whispered and hugged her tightly to his form.

- Hey my mate, she answered him and was happy beyond words just to hug him like this again.

- I have missed your voice.

Kirara smiled and caressed his cheeks, just relishing the softness under her fingertips. She giggled when he took her fingers into his mouth and suckled them. His hands had found their way up into her hair, taking her black and blond tresses between his fingers. He moved his hands down to waist and he pushed her away a bit. She was showing a small roundness and he smiled and kneeled in front of her, kissing her stomach. He could hear the small fast heartbeats of their kittens.

- We are confusing everybody, said Kirara and laid her hands against his head and rubbed his furry ears, earning herself a deep purr from the hanyou.

- I know, but I will not back down from you, I want you to be close to me all the time, said Inuyasha and stood up again. - Shippou is the only one who knows about your condition.

- He is so cute when he is acting all grown up. I think it did him some good to be on night watch, makes him feel a little bit more important to the group.

Inuyasha nodded, he had noticed this also. He moved to stand next to the spring.

- Do you want to take a bath while we are here koi? He asked.

- Not unless you are taking one with me, I want to have you close all night, said Kirara and her hands moved to untie his haori, wanting to feel his warm skin against hers again.

- Impatient are we? he chuckled and helped her undress him.

- Mmm, very much.

A rustle of leafs made them stop dead in their tracks. Inuyasha and Kirara both sniffed the air and they mouthed a name - Shippou.

- Stand behind me koi, said Inuyasha and pushed Kirara behind his back.

- Ok.

Inuyasha's golden eyes turned back towards the sound.

- Shippou, come forward, I know you are there, said Inuyasha.

A small gasp could be heard and then a confused and guilty looking kitsune appeared next to the spring.

- What are you doing here Shippou; you are supposed to be a sleep, scolded Inuyasha. He was grumpy because they had been interrupted.

- I had a bad dream, whimpered the little kitsune, he was sure he was going to get bumped on the head. - And I could not go back to sleep.

- It's ok Shippou-chan, come here, sighed Inuyasha and held out his arms.

He was amazed how fast the little boy was, soon he was cradling the sniffling child in his arms and he heard Kirara make a sound behind him. Shippou stiffened.

- Who is with you Inuyasha? asked Shippou and sniffed the air. - Kirara?

- Yes, it is Kirara, but I don't think you will recognize her tonight Shippou-chan, she looks a lot different from what you are use to.

- W-what do you mean?

Kirara peeped shyly over Inuyasha's shoulder and looked into the kitsune's wide green eyes. Shippou saw the black diamond shape on her forehead but she looked.. she was human looking.

- K-kirara?

- Hey there little friend, hope I don't scare you looking like this, said Kirara with a soft voice.

- B-but how…?

Inuyasha managed to get his red haori off and gave it to Kirara to put on and then he settled them both in his lap. It felt nice even though he still was a bit grumpy over the interruption. Kirara began to tell the story about how she transforms every full moon into this form.

Shippou sat silent during the whole story, but he could see Inuyasha caress her hair, her back and bare legs every now and then. It was then it struck him that Kirara was pregnant, she was going to have little kittens, and by the way the hanyou acted - could it really be that.. He just had to know.

- Uhmm Inuyasha… Shippou began.

- Yes Shippou-chan?

- Areyouthefatherofherkittens? He rambled out and hid his face inside his hands.

- W-what?

- Love, I think he just asked you if you were the father of my kittens, said Kirara with a small smile.

Inuyasha blushed but cleared his throat and answered the kitsune.

- Yes, I am.

- Oh… no wonder you have been keeping her to your self. Are you mates too?

- Yes we are. But you must again promise not to tell anyone about this. This is not my wish Shippou, it is Kirara. She does not want anyone to know yet. And the reason for me to get the jewel is not because I want to use it anymore, I will give it to Kirara.

Shippou mouthed a silent ohh and nodded. He could understand that.

- I don't want to be in my cat form when I give birth either, said Kirara and patted Shippou on his head.

- Then we just have to work harder, said Shippou. - Don't we Inuyasha?

Inuyasha chuckled and nodded.

- I guess I interrupted something so I will just go back to camp. And I promise you, I will not tell a soul about this, said Shippou.

- Thank you Shippou-chan, I appreciate it, said Kirara and kissed his forehead.

Shippou blushed deeply and bolted up from his position and ran back to camp. Inuyasha let out a breath. It had been hard, but he was quite sure that Shippou would not tell anyone about their little secret. He had not said a word about her having kittens, although he had been jumpy all that day. He nuzzled her neck, nipping lightly at his mark.

- So where were we..? mumbled Inuyasha into her hair.

- I think we had began kissing and hugging…

- Skip that, I want to mate with you again, breathed Inuyasha.

- Mmm, sounds good to me, let's do it in the spring.

Inuyasha flashed a fanged grin and picked her up and brought them into the spring, with clothes and all.


Ok, that was that...
Hope you enjoyed it.

A few responses to two of my reviewers:
InuYashasGirl - Just got to let Sango have Sess... :o)
KagomeHater -
Shippou knows now...

I think I put this story under experimental so far...
I have no idea how long it is going to be, so if I take a break on it every now and then, I have just run out of inspiration..
But don't worry - it will be finished sometime..