InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Two days later Inuyasha could smell his brother and he whispered to Kirara to stay with the group while he talked to Sesshoumaru. He needed to tell his brother about their little secret. Kirara nodded and nuzzled her nose into Inuyasha's neck before going back to Sango and Kagome.

- I will be back soon, said Inuyasha and before anyone could say anything he was gone.

Kagome and Sango frowned. Their hanyou friend was acting weird and now Shippou was doing it too. Sango saw Shippou take the little cat into his small arms and whispered something to it.

- We must do something; this is getting too far now, said Sango silently to Kagome.

- Yeah, whatever Inuyasha have in mind is affecting Shippou and Kirara, that's for sure.

Shippou and Kirara heard their talk and they began to worry, when those two females put this side to show, nothing could stop them. "Poor Inuyasha, they are going to mangle him to tell them the truth." thought Shippou and scratched Kirara's ear.

♣A few miles away ♣

Inuyasha landed in front of Sesshoumaru. The little girl Rin looked for a moment terrified and grabbed Sesshoumaru's white clad leg.

- Rin-chan, it's only me, said Inuyasha with his gentle voice and her face split up in a toothy grin.

- Uncle Inu!! she shouted and rushed forward to get a hug.

- Nice to see you Rin-chan, what are you doing here? asked Inuyasha.

- Sesshoumaru-sama thought I wanted to meet Shippou-chan and play with him, but I know that he wants to see that lady with the big thing on her back, babbled the little girl.

- RIN!!Sesshoumaru's dark voice was stern.

She paled and got down and rushed back to her saviour.

- Niisan, you don't have to hide it, I already know, said Inuyasha with a smirk. - But I came here to tell you about my mate.

- Yes, that cat of yours, that is sickening you know, snorted the Lord.

- She transforms.

- Yes, I have seen this, she gets bigger and can fly, I know this too.

- She transforms into a human looking youkai every full moon.

That was enough to make the Lord stumble over his feet. Inuyasha began telling the story about how he met the transformed Kirara and how they mated.

Sesshoumaru was to put it lightly, very amused by the story, not that he showed it though. But he could understand Inuyasha's wish to complete the jewel now. "Perhaps we should travel with otouto and his pack. Rin would certainly like that. She is very fond of the little kitsune. And she could use a friend to play with." Sesshoumaru frowned a bit, he had been thinking about Rin's need quite often the last year. She was a child and she needed a friend to play around with. "Well, I think that settles it then. We travel with Inuyasha and Rin gets a playmate." He nodded and refused to listen to the soft silky voice in the back of his head that told him that he was going to be close to the taijya.

Inuyasha watched his brother, he was in to some serious thinking and when he saw Sesshoumaru nod to himself he wanted to smile but he settled with a questioning look.

- What is it niisan?

- We will travel with you, I think Rin would like it too.

- Good, but I need you to promise that you don't tell anyone about Kirara and me. This is not my wish, it is hers. She does not anyone to know about her little secret until she can fully transform.

- I understand otouto, we will not say anything.

Rin began dancing around with Jaken, singing about Sesshoumaru and his lady to be. Inuyasha laughed softly and sure enough, the lord had two blushing cheeks.

- RIN!!

- I am sorry Sesshoumaru-sama, but I thought you liked that lady?

- Her name is Sango, said Inuyasha and took the little girl into his arms and put her on his shoulders.

- Sango, that is a pretty name, said Rin and giggled. - Don't you think so too Sesshoumaru-sama.

A snarl was the only answer she got from her lord.

- That means he thinks it's a pretty name too, translated Inuyasha and chuckled when he got a deadly glare from his brother.

- Are you far away Uncle Inu?

- No, you will be playing with Shippou soon. Come let's go.

Inuyasha took the lead, Sesshoumaru not far behind. Last came Jaken and the two headed dragon. An odd little bunch indeed.


Tooth ache?
Anyways, hope you all liked it.