InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ok - another chappie done ...

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&heart s;♥ 10♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&h earts;♥

Kagome had just risen from her sleep and stood there in the camp, rubbing her eyes. She saw Sango coming from her early morning cleaning. Something was going on, that was Kagome sure of, because she saw the taunting gleam in her friends dark eyes. That was so… so unlike Sango.

- Good morning Sango, what's up with the funny face? Asked Kagome and her mouth twitched amusingly.

- You would not believe even if I told you, smirked Sango evilly.

- Huh?

- Let's say that Miroku is not the only pervert around here.

Kagome made big eyes and looked around camp. Inuyasha sat in his tree with Shippou and Kirara in his lap. Jaken, the ugly little imp was asleep next to the two headed dragon, and Sango said it was someone else then Miroku, then.. Kagome's eyes widened and she saw Sango burst out in a laugh suitable for a maniac.

- NO???

- Oh yes… You better believe, laughed Sango.

- Shit!

- Yep, it gave me a hell of a good time too.

- How did you know it was him watching you and not somebody else? Asked Kagome.

- Well, a powerful aura like that is hard to disguise, Miroku is harder to notice. But this one was easy, and since it was a youkai and neither Shippou nor Kirara has that kind of aura, it was no other choice.

- What did you do when you noticed him?

- Attacked him, using my half nakedness as an advantage. He is like every other male out there, show some tits and they are defenceless, giggled Sango and Kagome gasped.

Kagome could not believe that Sango had done that, but she knew her friend would not lie to her so she… "Shit, I would have paid a fortune to see that…" thought Kagome and took a deep breath and pictured the scene before her inner eyes. And she too had a fit of giggle.

Low vicious growls from behind made them turn around to see a very angry lord.

- This Sesshoumaru is not defenceless, he stated.

- Admit it Sessy-sama, you were defeated by a mere human wench, taunted Sango.

For a moment Kagome was sure the lord was going to attack Sango for her disrespect, but he just swirled around, his long fluffy tail flowing behind him. If he had been a real dog he would have put his tail into the air and walked away. "Once a dog, always a dog?" She giggled again, but she regained her posture soon.

- Sango-chan, I don't think it wise to tease the great Sesshoumaru like that.

- And I don't think it is very wise of a demon to spy on a demon slayer, he had it coming, snorted Sango.

- But still….

- Yeah, yeah… I will not do it again. But I don't think I will promise anything, it is quite fun to fool around with him.

Kagome smiled when she heard Sango use a modern expression. They began to work with cooking breakfast and they talked about the usual things. Things like Naraku and how to get stains out of kimonos.

Sesshoumaru found a rather quiet place not far from the camp. He was still angry with himself for getting defeated by a mere human, a human wench too. He growled under his breath and wanted to take off into the sky, but he didn't. She was fierce, funny, beautiful, strong, so full of life. He could not let her get out of sight for long. When he had noticed her wander off during the early morning he just had to follow. He kept telling himself that it was because she was a member of his brother's pack, that she was human and a woman. He did not want her to get hurt.

He noticed the fire cat jump into the tree with him. She looked at him with her red eyes and he frowned. He could easily see what she wanted.

- No, I will not hurt the taijya, she was right. She defeated me and she did it because I was infatuated with her bare chest, he sighed as he spoke.

- Niisan?

- Yes was it Inuyasha?

- Can we talk… please?

If Inuyasha said please it had to be important. He nodded and jumped down to the ground.

- Let's take a walk niisan, he said and turned his golden gaze to the little cat. - Will you come with us koi?

Kirara mewled and jumped into the arms of Inuyasha. They walked away from camp to get some privacy.

- I need an honest answer from you Sesshoumaru.

- What do you want to know Inuyasha?

- Do you intend to make Sango your mate?

- Why do you want to know that? asked Sesshoumaru.

- Because she is my friend and I don't want her to get hurt, that is why I am asking.

- She is a demon slayer and I am a demon…

- That I know niisan, snorted Inuyasha.

- If I want to take her as mate, how will I know that she will accept me? said Sesshoumaru, revealing his insecurity.

- Don't you worry about that, Kirara said that she could smell Sango's arousal when we met the last time, smiled Inuyasha.

- Are you sure?

- Please don't tell me that you did not noticed it? I mean, your eyes were practically glued to her the whole time. You are a dog demon, you must have smelled it?

- Yes, I noticed it, but I did not think it was because of me, I have always thought that she liked that houshi you travel with.

- Trust me, the perverted monk has only eyes for one female and it is not Sango. It is Kagome, although they have yet to tell each other of their feelings for one another. But Sango wants you, only you. She has asked me questions about you and I must admit I had trouble to figure it out why, but now I know. She likes you, she wants you. So I will ask you again. Are you serious in taking her as your mate? If not I suggest you stop this … this foreplay of yours. Hurt her and we will kill you on the spot.

Kirara mewled in consent to that.

- Yes I am serious. I want her to be my mate - there are you happy now??!! snarled the lord.

- Thank you niisan, then I think you should get back to camp and begin your courting, smiled Inuyasha and walked away.

Sesshoumaru groaned mentally. How the in the seven hells did you court a human woman? He doubted that Inuyasha would know how to do it, but perhaps that strange clothed miko could know? He groaned again, would he really sink so low to ask a human female for advice? He snarled when the thought hit him - yes he would.

After a long day of travel the group settled down at the foot of a great mountain. Inuyasha, Kirara and Shippou had caught plenty of fish from the nearby stream and they were now cooking next to the fire. Sango had gone off to gather more firewood with Rin, and the monk lay on his back, resting. Sesshoumaru saw Kagome stir around, trying to get her sleeping bag in order. "Now or never." Thought the lord and walked over to the miko.

- Kagome-san?

- Yes Sesshoumaru-sama?

- This Sesshoumaru have a few questions… he swallowed his pride.

- What is it Sesshoumaru-sama?

- Can we talk in private?

Kagome nodded and dropped her things to the ground. This sounded serious and she followed the lord away from the camp. He stopped once he knew they would not be listened in on.

- This Sesshoumaru is curious how you go around when you want to court a human female, he said and refused to look at Kagome.

- Court? Oh… I understand. Well… most women like flowers. Give her flowers and gifts.

- Gifts? What kind of gifts?

- Some women like jewellery, others like more useful things like bowls, glass, perhaps a good sword, said Kagome and smiled inwardly knowing that Sango wanted a new sword.

- This Sesshoumaru understands - anything else?

- Well, most women like to hear compliments about their looks or if they are good at something you should tell them this. Touch them lightly, perhaps take her hand, and help her if she has troubles with something.

- Sounds simple enough.

- And don't spy on them when they are bathing…

Kagome showed her gentle smile and the lord blushed.

- Don't be embarrassed Sesshoumaru-sama, I have no intentions on teasing you. But I am glad that you like her too.

- Too?

- Sango likes you also. Not that she ever had said it but I am a girl just like her and we can sometimes read between the lines, said Kagome.

- Read between the lines? What does that mean?

- That I can hear things that she never had said.

- This Sesshoumaru understands.

- And I am hoping that it is Sango-chan you are thinking about…

- Yes I am.

- Good, then I suggest that you found a good sword for her, she have been wanting a new sword for months now. The one she uses is … not so good anymore.

- This Sesshoumaru thank you miko for your advices, I will do as you have told me. But what about flowers?

- A single flower will do just nicely for Sango-chan, she is not very feminine like, and don't help her out too much, she likes to be able to handle things by herself. She is a proud woman, just like you are a proud demon. I guess it took some courage to ask me these questions?

- You are right miko, it did.

- I hope you two get together soon, because the tension is a bit of a killer.

She was rewarded with an odd look but he did not say anything.

- May I be bold to say something to you Kagome-san?

- Yes Sesshoumaru-sama?

- Why not tell the houshi about your feelings?

Kagome blushed deeply and looked down on her feet.

- I… I have been thinking of doing that… but I am too shy.

- He likes you too, this Sesshoumaru have smelled his arousal when he is around you.

- Thank you Sesshoumaru-sama.

- Thank you Kagome-san. Now let us get back before anyone comes searching for us.

She nodded and they walked back in silence.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&heart s;♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥& hearts;♥

Did I say that I have a lot to do?
If I have not - let it be know that my job is killing my free time
*sighs deeply*
So bare with me if I don't get to update as fast as I want to.