InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&heart s;♥ 11♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&h earts;♥

Three days later, Inuyasha and Kirara got front row seats for the first part in Sesshoumaru's courting of Sango. They were sitting high up in a tree when they saw Sesshoumaru come back from a nightly trip. He carried a small package, wrapped in black cloth and he laid it next to Sango.

- A gift for your mistress, whispered Inuyasha to Kirara and she nodded.

They saw him patted the head of Rin that laid next to Sango and now Inuyasha knew that his icy lord had taken the little girl as his own pup, just as he had taken Shippou as his pup.

- Koibito… I have a question for you, he said when he realized the trail of his thoughts.

Kirara looked into his golden eyes.

- I am sure you have realized it already, but I think I see Shippou as my own son… would you.. would you take him in too? Inuyasha bit his lip.

She answered with a soft mewl and nodded. Of course she would, she loved the little energetic cub, and she knew Inuyasha cared for the kit more than he would admit.

- Thank you my love, it means more than you can know, said Inuyasha and nuzzled her soft fur.

Kirara purred in response.

- You have no idea how much I love to hear your and our puppies' hearts beat like this. It is the most beautiful sound ever, he said and moved a hand to stroke over her slight swelled belly.

- It sounds very pleasing, I must admit.

Sesshoumaru's dark and low voice had them taken by surprise.

- Niisan?

- Otouto, I have come to a decision - this Sesshoumaru finds the thought of being an uncle to your puppies very pleasing. And if Sango-san allows me, I will give you a blood line puppy too, said the lord emotionless.

- What about Rin-chan? asked Inuyasha although he already knew the answer.

- I have as you said - been very dense - I have seen Rin as an adoptive daughter for a long time, but I have not acknowledged it. But I do know, thanks to you and Kirara-san.

- Then tell her niisan, she needs to hear it. She is just a child.

- If you promise your brother that you will tell the kit the same thing, snorted Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha smiled, he could do that, easily.

- Seems like we have gotten ourselves a family without the help of mates…. No offence little love, said Inuyasha and caressed his little kitten over her belly.

- Seems like it little brother, said Sesshoumaru and his lips twitched in an eerie attempt to smile.

Sesshoumaru moved to settle down in the tree closest to Sango and Rin, across the clearing from Inuyasha. He saw his younger brother smile softly and he grunted softly in return.

♥The next morning ♥

Sango was again awakening to feel the small form of Rin sprawled over her belly. Not that she minded, not at all. It was rather pleasant just to feel that someone sought comfort in her. She patted Rin's head softly and managed to wiggle away from her sleeping body. She stood up and stretched her limbs.

It was then she noticed the black cloth next to her sleeping spot. She took it and unwrapped it and saw the beautiful crafted sword. The handle was carved of black youkai bone; the blade was of the finest iron, reflecting the morning sun. She took it in her right hand and made a sweeping movement with it. It was light, very easy to handle. Much better than her old sword. But who would give her a sword like this? It must have cost a small fortune. She looked around the camp and saw Sesshoumaru sit in the tree above her. But he looked like he was still asleep so she walked away, taking her gift and little bag with her .

Sesshoumaru felt her aura left the clearing and he opened his eyes and saw her disappear into the forest. He jumped silently to the ground and saw that she had taken his little gift with her. He followed her and stopped when he felt her stop. "No spying on them while bathing… " Kagome's words echoed inside his mind. He saw a bush of azaleas bloom next to him and he picked a dark crimson flower.

- Sango-san, can I have come to ask you something, can I come forth? he asked before he saw her.

- Yes Sesshoumaru-sama, come forth, I am decent, answered Sango.

Sesshoumaru walked towards Sango. He saw her held the sword he had found yesterday and he was glad she seemed to like it.

- What do you want Sesshoumaru? asked Sango.

He did not answer instead he held out his hand and gave her the flower he had picked.

Sango was taken back but she took the flower and looked at Sesshoumaru with bug eyes. This was… creepy.

- Are you feeling alright Sesshoumaru-sama? she asked.

Sesshoumaru snarled and made a snarling sound.

- I knew this would be wasted time, this Sesshoumaru is very sorry for taking up your time taijya, he stated and turned around.

Sango was confused at first - but then it hit her - he was courting her.

- Sesshoumaru - thank you, she whispered.

The lord stopped dead in his tracks and turned around and saw Sango sniff the flower. The blush on her cheeks told him that she felt more than just friendship and his heart fluttered.

- Was this your gift also? she asked and held up the sword.

- Yes.

- It is perfect, perfect weight for me.

- Good, this Sesshoumaru is pleased that you liked it, said Sesshoumaru and suddenly felt very embarrassed.

Silence fell and they just looked at each other for a few moments. Then Sango dropped the sword and flower to the ground and made a daring move. She took a leap and flung her arms around his neck and pulled his face down and she kissed him hard.

Sesshoumaru was not the one to be caught of guard this time. He folded his arms around her waist and he answered her kiss with passion. Soon the both were wrapped up in a tangled mass of discarded clothes and caressing hands. He found a way into her kimono and slayer suit, wanting to feel her soft flesh in his hands. He growled softly into her mouth when his hand found a silky soft mound to cup.

Sango moved away and looked into his golden eyes.

- Tell me lord Sesshoumaru, do you want me? she asked shyly.

- More than anything demon slayer - I want you to be my life long mate. I want you to be Rin's mother, I want you to be the one who gives me my heir, he said with his breath caught in his throat. - Will you be my mate Sango? Please tell me you will…

- Yes, o so fucking yes Sess, I want you too. I have wanted you for so long; my heart and soul have ached for you.

Sango cried and hid her face into the crook of his neck. Just to have him this close was making her more emotional then ever. She wanted to feel more. Her hands found their way in under his kimono and she sighed deeply when her fingers made contact with his hot skin.

- Let me take you away so I can fully perform the mating ceremony? asked Sesshoumaru and cupped her face in his hands.

- Yes… she breathed.

He smiled and kissed her before taking her into his arms. He used his magic to take to the sky to find a secluded area where he fully could make the taijya his mate. To mark her as the lady of the western lands.