InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&heart s;♥ 13♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&h earts;♥

Sesshoumaru carried his precious mate back to camp. Sango had protested against it, saying she was capable of walking by herself. They fought, and Sesshoumaru smirked and won the fight easily and he picked her up and carried her bridal style back to the camp. Sango was embarrassed beyond words and she hid her face in his haori.

The whole thing did not get better when Inuyasha and Miroku flashed of their smirks. Kagome blushed but smiled gently towards the newly mated.

♥ Later that night ♥

The camp had divided into three parts. Sango and Kagome were giggling and talked about something very funny. Miroku acted like the pack's babysitter, watching over Rin and Shippou together with Jaken and the two headed dragon. Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha and Kirara had sought refuge in a large tree. The little fire cat snuggled deep into the hanyou's warmth and he smiled gently as he stroked his hands over her belly. He could feel the heart beats against his palms and it made him feel so proud, so loved, so… he wanted to scream to the world that he was going to be a father, he wanted to howl out that he was going to have twins!! But as long as Kirara wished her special moment to be secret, he would keep silent.

But Sesshoumaru saw his brother's excitement and he shared it. He knew what he had done with the slayer and if she knew - boy - he was in lot of trouble. He took a deep whiff from the girl's corners and it confirmed his suspicion and wishes.

A mewl form the little fire cat, and Sesshoumaru blushed deeply. "Gods, who would have thought that a little neko would make me blush?" he thought and he nodded. But when the lord looked closer he could not detect any anger or scold in the little cat's red eyes. It was just like she was… smiling?

Inuyasha chuckled low, understanding the look his mate gave his brother.

- I guess you did not waste any time either niisan?

- Should I tell her?

- You get your pale ass kicked that is for sure, she wants revenge for her tribe and family. If you are going to deny her that because you got her pregnant…. yep, you are dead meat brother, smirked Inuyasha and Kirara mewled in consent.

- Instinct… It is the fucking instinct Inuyasha. I know you did the same, the first time you mated with Kirara. She became pregnant. That is a curse of the Inu Youkai clan. When we take our bitches the first time we impregnate them, growled Sesshoumaru.

- I know niisan, I know… But if you do not want her to know the first few months… I suggest we hunt the tentacle asshole and take the Tama, and avenge our loved once and I give Kirara the jewel so she can give birth in her humanoid form.

- I understand, said Sesshoumaru with his icy voice. - Tomorrow Miroku, Shippou, you and I go on a scout. I guess the little twerp you call a pup will not be left behind?

- Not unless I tell him to guard my precious mate, said Inuyasha with a smile and nuzzled his mark on Kiraras fur.

- Then I suggest you tell him that. Although he is a full youkai, he is still just a pup.

- I will do as you say niisan, said Inuyasha. - Will you let us grown up males to go on a search for Naraku?

Inuyasha saw Kirara nod, but her eyes was sad and worried. He kissed her nose.

- Tomorrow love, tomorrow, right now you are going to sleep, I can see that you are very tired. Have you eaten enough?

Kirara nodded. Her mate was such a wonderful mate, always taking care of her every need. And now she had a little pup to look after and that little pup was going to look after for her as well. Just like a family. She could not ask for anything else - unless you counted for the tama of course.

Ok, a bit short... but I am a little bit un-inspirational right now.. this will just have to do for ya..