InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&heart s;♥ 14♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&h earts;♥

Both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru raised their powerful swords and let loose a powerful wave towards the figure called Naraku. The ghostly girl Kanna and her sister Kagura had turned against their former master now that he had dropped their hearts. Sango saw her brother lying on the ground, the shard on his back was removed and he was dying in front of her eyes. She felt a rush of hate and she threw her boomerang with a loud battle cry. Sesshoumaru saw the boomerang cut several tentacles in half and he let loose another wave of power from his sword, a wave that disintegrated the cut off parts of Naraku.

Kagome fired off her purifying arrows, together with Kagura's wind blades. The two females smiled at each other, this time they would win for sure. The little girl Kanna kneeled next to the fallen form of Kohaku, and soon he was up on his feet, kissing the pale ghost with all his heart before taking up his battle with their former master.

Inuyasha shouted out the name for his ultimate attack, and he held his breath as he saw the tornado like attack cut all of the tentacles to pieces. And with the help of Sesshoumaru's powerful sword, Kagome's purifying arrows, Kagura's wind blades, Sango's boomerang and Miroku's wind tunnel… The evil Naraku was no more. He could not take the power that the group displayed, he should have know that he was going to loose this battle.

Kirara sat at the edge of the forest and saw the battle from a far. She hated it, she wanted to be there with them, she wanted to help them defeat Naraku. But to see his own offspring turn his back on him had her quite relaxed, they was going to win this fight, her mate was going to get the jewel for her so she could transform into the form she wanted to be in.

- Kirara, we are going to win? asked Shippou and hugged her form closer to him.

- Miijauuu…

She tried to give the little fox some of her strength, of course they were going to win, and the asshole known as Naraku had not a chance in hell.

- Look Shippou-chan, said Rin and pointed towards the battlefield.

The little fox turned his green eyes to where his cousin pointed and his worried face was transformed to a great smile. They were winning.

- Soon mama, soon I can hug you like a real mama, he whispered to Kirara.

- Miijauu, she answered and pushed her nose into the crook of the kitsune's neck.

Kirara wanted to cry out in happiness, the little kit saw her as a mother already. She looked at the battle and saw Inuyasha release his most powerful attack, the tentacle monster known as Naraku was turned to dust. She saw the miko Kagome take the remaining shards in her hand and fused them together with the rest of the jewel. It was completed.

Kagome smiled and gave the jewel to Inuyasha. He took it in his clawed hands but he did not wish for anything, instead he walked over to where Kirara and the children was standing. He gave the purple pink glittering ball to Kirara.

- My love, it is done, he whispered. - Make your wish Kirara.

Kirara wanted to cry when she felt the power of the jewel coursed through her body as she made her wish. She saw the spirit of Midoriko appear in front of her.

"Little fire cat, I am glad to see you again."said the spirit.

"I am glad to see you too Midoriko-sama."answered Kirara.

"What is your wish Kirara?"

"I want to be a full youkai, I want to be the youkai with two feet and two arms, just like I wanted earlier."

"Why do you want this Kirara?"asked the spirit.

"Because I want to give birth to my kittens in my humanoid body. I want to be with Inuyasha in that form. Please turn me into that form I want to."

"Of course my little friend, you have given me a reason to live on, I will grant you this wish Kirara-san."the spirit said and her ghostly appearance dissolved into thin air.

Kirara felt her body transform into the humanoid form she only had know during the full moon. Soon she stood on her two feet. She felt something cover her shoulders and she saw Inuyasha place his red haori over her naked body. He smiled lovingly towards her before taking her into his arms and kissed her gently.

- I love you Kirara, he said softly and rubbed his nose against hers.

- I love you too Inuyasha, she answered.

No one could ignore the love that flowed between the two, but they had questions.

But for now, they all were glad that Naraku was defeated.



Mmm, how was that???