InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight in Shining Armor ❯ In One Night ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 2—In One Night
“Here.” Kagome said, fingering a beaded necklace. Inuyasha watched her nervously drape the necklace around his neck.
“What is it?” He asked lifting it up so he could see it.
Kagome beamed. “It's a present. So you'll never forget me.” Inuyasha cocked his head to the side.
“Why would I forget you?” He asked concerned.
Kagome shrugged. “Well, you know, if I ran away, or… died.” She said trailing off. Inuyasha grabbed her shoulders and stared down at her.
“That won't ever happen, idiot! I'm here to protect you, remember?” Kagome smiled.
“You sure do like going on about that.” She squirmed out of his grasp and walked over to her door, placing her hand on the doorframe.
“Well… I want to protect you. I like you a lot, Kagome.” He said. Kagome gasped and turned to look at him wide-eyed.
“You what?” She asked, shocked.
Inuyasha's face turned bright red, and he shook his hands rapidly. “Not like that you idiot! You're just… a friend!” He said. Kagome giggled and approached him.
“You're so sweet.” She said kissing him lightly on his burning cheek. “Night, Inuyasha!” She said turning and running into her room.
Inuyasha smiled and watched her. “Isn't that illegal?” He asked himself before walking away. “Night, Kagome.”
After all her guards and servants had left her room, Kagome finally let sleep envelop her. Inuyasha walked through the halls, pacing over his path. Everyone had fallen asleep in the castle, save for the night guards, of course. He, however, was not one of them.
Something was amiss. Kagome's life was in danger, he could just sense it. And she went about everything so calmly, it almost scared him to think she could be taken away from him so easily. Then again, Sango and Miroku were right. After the festival, everyone had returned to the castle. Nothing was out of place, no one was there that shouldn't have been.
Inuyasha was certain the king would have thrown him out for sure after they hadn't found anything. The useless half demon whelp screwed up again, eh? It's what they all said. That was the main problem for him.
Could he ever fall in love? Have a family? Be loved by anyone if he was this way? The only person who never judged him was Kagome. But, she didn't even know any better. He had to explain what a half demon was. Then again, Kagome wouldn't do something like that. She wouldn't put him down… even if she didn't like half demons.
He sighed and finally decided on sitting outside Kagome's door. If the king were to wake up, he would most certainly be dead. But, the loud snoring fro macros the corridor he heard earlier was enough to relax him. Inuyasha jumped when he heard some one moving in Kagome's room.
Immediately, he shot up and opened the door, yelling her name only to find a half naked girl glaring at him.
“Inuyasha, do you mind?” She asked walking away from the bathroom door.
“But, I heard noises!” He said thankful she was okay, but still mad about how ungrateful she was acting.
“Yeah, like me using the toilet?!” She barked. “Man, you're nerves are shot! We're all going to be okay, trust me, relax already.” Kagome said walking over to him.
“If it makes you feel any better, you can sleep in here tonight.” She offered.
“Yeah, do you want me to be killed?!” He asked angrily. What was Kagome trying to do? Seduce him? Inuyasha wasn't that dumb surely.
“No, but, I mean… I'd feel safer if you were in here.” She shuffled her feet nervously. “Please, your stupid pacing and mumbling kept me awake!”
“You heard that?” Inuyasha asked twitching his ear. Kagome rolled her eyes and crawled back into her bed.
“Do whatever you want, then.” She said pulling the covers over herself. Inuyasha smirked and walked up to her bed as well, crawling under the covers.
“You know this will get you killed for sure, right?” Kagome replied dryly. Inuyasha just chuckled and snaked an arm around her waist making Kagome's face turn bright red.
“I…Inuyasha?” She asked not finding her voice for a minute. He smiled and snuggled closer to her.
“Now, I feel safer.” He breathed into her ear. Kagome sighed and fell asleep wrapped in his warmth.
The sound of Kagome's scream blared through Inuyasha's ears and jolted him awake. He sat up to find the spot next to him in the bed was empty. “Kagome?” He asked looking around frantically for her. He heard footsteps running quickly. By the sound, it was a young girl and was approaching the door. Inuyasha raced out of the room and caught the girl in his arms.
He looked down and noticed Kagome sobbing, barely even able to breathe. Inuyasha petted her head.
“Kagome, what's wrong?” He asked. She looked up into his amber eyes. Her lip began to tremble and she just held onto him, crying her heart out. He couldn't tell what was going on, but there seemed to be chaos all around them. He could smell a fire somewhere in the castle and everyone was running around.
“What happened?” He asked holding onto her shoulders. Kagome was still crying.
“Naraku… my daddy… he's dead…” It took Inuyasha a second to register what she was saying.
“He wha…” A large flaming pillar falling down from the roof and landing in front of them cut him off. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hand and took her the other way, dodging falling pieces of flaming wood.
“Come on.” Inuyasha felt a tug on his arm and noticed Kagome was completely out of strength. He picked her up, bridal style and carried her out of the corridor, hoping to take her somewhere safer.
“What happened?” He asked once the wing of the castle dealing with all the ruckus was far behind them.
Kagome caught her breath and tried her best to fight the tears. “My daddy… Naraku stabbed him. A… and… he did it right in front of …. My mommy and I..” Kagome breathed out in between sniffles and sobs.
Inuyasha looked around them. Where were they? He hadn't ever even been down this wing. He set Kagome down after noticing it was safe for them. Kagome just sat there, crying. Every tear that fell just killed Inuyasha. She was in so much pain. But he couldn't do anything to help her.
“I'm sorry, Kagome.” He sat down beside her and held her in his arms. “I'm sorry.” He said softly letting his own sadness out. Kagome didn't say anything at all, she just wrapped her arms around the half demon's back and silently thanked him for being there. Finally, Kagome lifted her head. “Inuyasha… where are we?” She asked looking around.
“I don't know.” He said softly. Standing up and reaching a hand down to Kagome, he helped her stand and they started to walk to wherever they could.
Inuyasha sniffed the air and gave a foul look.
“What's wrong?” Kagome asked. As if on cue, a familiar voice laughed evilly. The sound itself sent a chill down her spine. Here they were, two not even close to adult children, in the middle of a huge castle away from anyone who could save them. Inuyasha growled and looked around, hoping to spot the evil half demon.
Kagome whimpered and rested a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. She closed her eyes and prayed it was nothing but a dream. She'd wake up soon and Inuyasha would be there, beside her. Her father would be alive and well and everything would be back to normal.
A loud slash shook Kagome from her thoughts and she watched in horror as her protector, fell to his knees, bleeding profusely. Inuyasha groaned and clutched his side. The wound wasn't deep, but he was still hurt.
Kagome knelt down beside him, frantically trying to find some thing that would help. She hadn't even seen Naraku.
“Inuyasha… hang on.” She said desperately. Kagome ripped off the bottom half of her night shirt and wrapped it around Inuyasha's waist, hoping it would cut off the bleeding.
Inuyasha just moaned in pain. “Kagome… get… out of here.” He strained. “Run for it…” Inuyasha said.
The tears rushed back to Kagome's eyes and she held on to Inuyasha. “No, I'm not… leaving you here!” She said crying even louder. As this was said, Naraku appeared.
“Finally, the end of the Higurashi line.” He snickered walking over to her slowly. What could Kagome do? She wasn't even completely dressed. Naraku drew his sword and continued to just mosey over. Kagome gave him a glare from her tear-filled eyes.
“Kagome… please, go.” Inuyasha groaned. “I want to live… for me.” He said softly. Kagome looked over at him. Their eyes locked. Naraku took full advantage of this opportunity and charged into the two kids.
Inuyasha saw this and flipped Kagome over. He knocked Naraku's sword out of his hands and watched it land several feet away.
Inuyasha smirked and let one of his fangs show through his smile. “You ready to die, bastard?” He asked raising a fist.
Kagome gasped. `Is he going to fight?' She asked herself.
“Soul Shattering Bone Claw!” Inuyasha howled charging into Naraku. All Kagome could see was a flash of yellow. Inuyasha cracked his knuckles and landed back on the ground, perfectly.
He walked over to her, untying the make-shift bandage she gave him.
“Thanks.” He said handing it to her. Kagome looked over at Naraku's fallen body and noticed movement. Her eyes grew wide in fear. `He isn't dead yet?' She thought to herself. Naraku ran to Inuyasha, pinning him to he ground and punching him in various places.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome ran up to them but was stopped by the sound of her name being called. Her mother stood there with an unconscious Sango in one arm.
“Oh, thank heavens!” She said softly running to her daughter.
“Mom, no!” Kagome shouted, but her mother picked her up against her will and threw Kagome over her shoulder. “Inuyasha! He'll be killed!”
“There are worse things that could happen, Kagome.” He mother said thankful Naraku had his hands busy.
Inuyasha winced but looked up at the three of them running off. `Be safe, Kagome.' He thought. Naraku laughed evilly and gave Inuyasha a final blow to the head, and his world went black.
“INUYASHA!!!!!” Kagome screamed from her mother's shoulder. Tears began falling uncontrollably down her cheeks as the fight between half demons raged on. One able-bodied one. One unconscious. Slowly, the figures began to fade out of sight and Kagome found herself in a carriage, taking her away form everything she knew and loved. In one night, she'd lost everything.
Thank you to the Following Reviewers
kagome yamamoto 8, Rami-chan, and icecream
Sorry, for not getting this up sooner. I couldn't decide which direction to take this. Please leave a review.
I do not own Inuyasha.