InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ temptations ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Before I begin, I should say I posted this on mediaminer but I'm having trouble getting the site to load now…so from the top (new and improved) I give you … Knowing Eyes

I DON'T OWN INUYASHA (...sniffle)

Inu Yasha reclined on his favorite branch of the goshimboku, Kagome had gone back to her own time and he was still trying to recover from the "sits" she had used to get away.

*why does she have to sit me all the time? Its not like I wasn't gonna let her go for her stupid "tests" I just didn't want her to take too long ! We have shards to find and Naraku to get rid of! I don't know why she always has to go back to that stupid school thing anyway,

Sigh...I don't like it when she leaves, Shippo bugs me almost non-stop.....and the world seems to go flat and grey..* The hanyou shook his head and growled low in his chest *I ...miss her...damn...*

Suddenly there was a cute girl/woman with looooong silver hair (think hair like fluffy's...only hers falls past her toes) and big purple eyes is sitting on a branch near him giving him a sympathetic smile

"pooor puppy, miss her huh?" Inu growled, but the apparition just smiled "I could help with that" Inu stoped growling but still tried to act like he didn't care "I can teach you, all the things she goes to that school to learn, all about her time... it would help...not just with Kagome but it should also help with your quest here"

"feh, what do I want with stupid things like that?" He asked trying - and failing - not to look interested "who are you anyway? what do you know about Kagome's time?"

"You can call me Kami...and I know all about Kagome's time because I've lived there, and when I say I can teach you the stuff Kagome is learning I mean everything she has learned and will learn in her whole school career...and the fighting techniques of her time.... I can show you how to be stronger than all the youkai you've faced put together...Naraku will be less that a warm up exercise...(her eyes sparkle and dance with fire and passion - Inu has even stopped pretending not to care ) I can give you some understanding of Kagome too... so you will know how she will react to things... well better than you can now anyway, and because I can tell you want her whether you can admit it or not, I can show you how to get her...and how to live in her time so you can stay with her and not have to fight as much if you don't want too.....besides think how nice it will be to show everyone up by being so much smarter than they think you are? And think of showing Hojo that Kagome is your girl... Knowledge and intelligence are weapons that can do more damage than any sword……...are you in?

Inu Yasha watched Kami with suspicion "What do you get out of this?"

Kami smiled "I've grown fond of you and your friends and I was bored and this will amuse me for awhile...besides no one wants Naraku to win...the world would end. Oh and just so you know, I plan on teaching Kagome too after I've taught you...then she wont have to go back to school but she will probably still want to visit her family every now and then... I may even come up with more things to teach you if I think awhile, what do you say?"

"How long is it gonna take?" he growled finally

"I can teach you almost everything in time to go get Kagome a day early... the fighting stuff though will take longer."

InuYasha's ears flick "If you can teach me so fast why does Kagome have to spend so much time learning this stuff?"

"I can condense it into like a single thought and implant it right into your head... (Inu looks clueless) ...It's a spell"

"Oh...alright but don't tell anyone till it's done...I think I want to surprise them"

"Done" she smiles and reaches out a hand to shake ...and as he takes it a pulse of white light goes from her to him and Inu seems to pass out "and that's your first lesson"