InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Teach Me ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Nope, Still dont own InuYasha and co

InuYasha's woke up feeling a little dizzy ( @_@ ) the sun hadn't moved much so he figured he hadn't been out too long. He tried to sit up but his head hurt worse when he moved. The hanyou let out a noise between a growl and a groan and closed his eyes. *damn ... what the hell was that?* something nearby made a noise...Inu cracked open one eye to glare at the girl now hanging upside down on a branch near him with her long skirt tucked around her knees to preserve her modesty

"You should try to rest a little more...that's a lot of information to process at once....does your head hurt...I can give you something to make it feel better, or we can work out till you feel ready for another lesson" she spoke quietly out of sympathy for his head but was still far too cheerful for the grumpy hanyou

"What was that? I don't feel any smarter... actually kinda the opposite, and my head is killing me! You should warn a guy before you do that!" Kami giggled

"Well if it's any consolation you already sound smarter" InuYasha growled

"You said you could make my head feel better." She smiled and her hands started to glow...after a moment the soft glow settled over him and he felt the pain melt away almost instantly, improving his mood considerably. After a moment he asked "how long was I out?"

Kami smiled and said "well...there are two answers to that" InuYasha glared "you didn't sleep as long as most after your first lesson, most people sleep a full day or so...but I tend to condense it so only a few minutes pass in their seem to be made of stronger stuff, you only slept about half that and I condensed it to about 5 minutes."

"Feh, of course, I'm not some weak human." he bragged.

She giggled, "Do you want another lesson then or do you want to try the other kind of lessons I promised?"

"other kind?"

"Well I promised to teach you what I could of martial arts and modern fighting techniques ... as well as help you polish the ones you already know... and these things are too physical for me to condense them and just put them in your head ... they require muscle memory to be useful to you"

"Yeah…..let me try that kind for a bit, I use those skills a lot more often than reading and writing...but I warn you, I'm good and I'm probably gonna kick your butt."

Kami laughed "Puppy love, I think I'm gonna surprise you" and dropped straight down flipping upside right at the last second and landing gracefully on her feet...Inu landed beside her a moment later.

"Don't call me that."

She giggled "stop me" and bounded away. InuYasha gave chase growling and yelling threats. Kami stopped in a clearing relatively far from the village where the rest of the Inu Gumi were resting and turned to the fuming hanyou. "This should be far enough. Your friends shouldn't stumble into this, at least not until you're ready to tell them. Do you want to start with sword techniques or hand to hand?" He thought for a moment

"Hand to hand, I'm already really good with Tetsuaiga and there are a few people that would be really surprised if I beat them hand to hand...besides I don't want to hurt you."

"Alright, hand to hand will give me a chance to show you I won't break... if you can touch me that is" and she assumed a ready position. InuYasha waited for her to move still unsure if the little girl knew what he could do, when she suddenly changed. her hair twisted and became short - just below her pointed ears, her outfit changed to something tight with pants that were laced up the side in a cris-cross pattern showing a lot of skin. her boots came up to her knees with special guards over her knees. Her smile lit with unholy glee, making her look older somehow. He saw for only a second because with the next she had moved - too fast for him to follow even with his eyes...and he felt her hit him three times in less than a second before she landed in front of him crouched low to the ground. The mighty InuYasha stood in shock before the little girl who had managed to get past his defenses like they didn't exist.

"Show me how to do that!" he demanded. and the training began in earnest. she worked him without mercy, testing his endurance, stamina, power and speed. after an hour or so he stood dripping sweat and panting his cute fuzzy ears drooping so she called a halt to the training session.

"You did even better than I expected pup, even knowing how good you are at fighting I didn't expect you to last this long at that pace... are you ready for another of your other lessons then?" Inu looked at her in disbelief and nodded tiredly. "good. do you want it here or do you want to go back to your perch? I wont let anything happen to you either way you know." He nodded. "and really I think all the things I said I would teach you will fit into three lessons anyway...except for the fighting stuff of course. You should be ready to go pick Kagome up tomorrow and surprise her." he just grunted and jumped up into the nearest tree and settled down.

"I have wondered though why she wears her school uniform all the time though..." Kami mused "I would have thought she would want to wear something else... would you like to take her a present tomorrow?"

InuYasha just stared at her

"Huh? what kind of present?" He asked suspiciously.

"Some amor, like yours. made of fire rat and maybe some kevlar... something that covers a little more than that stupid could use a new set yourself, worn. that would at least give you something to change into when you wash or whatever."

"Armor...for Kagome..." thoughtfully "why didn't I think of that?" Images of Kagome getting into trouble wandered through his mind. *Of course! Kagome can get in trouble taking a drink of water...and I'll get points for bringing her a present...* "Covers how much more than her skirt?" Kami lifted one perfectly groomed brow

"Well, I was thinking something like my fighting outfit... with a yukata like yours for cover."

"That sounds like a really good idea, and you can make one for me too?"

"sure! With special features...but not red like the one you have now... I think black would look good...and reflect that you're on a blood feud...also I kinda think you're enemies have gotten used to looking for the bright red target of your outfit."

" should be okay...What kind of special features?"


well? This is my first fic... I usualy write my own series...but I fell in love with InuYasha's fuzzy ears ^_^ please let me know what you think so far...and if anyone has suggestions for spells to teach him let me know...but you may be surprised at where this goes later... oh and the rating will go up when I post the lemon chapter. R&R Thanx