InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ A Change in Attitude ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

...I only wish I owned InuYasha

InuYasha stood in front of a large mirror Kami had conjured admiring his

New fire rat/kevlar body armor. It was more closely fitted than his other

Outfit and she swore it showed off his "killer ass." The thought still made

Him blush a little. He had to admit though he looked good . . . taller, older.

He smiled again showing his fangs. Yeah, very impressive.

"Yes you're beautiful, are you done yet? Would you like to see Kagome's

Armor?" Kami asked "and I still want to tell you about the special features

I managed to weave into them"

"Yes I want to see Kagome's. Can you make them look like they will when she wears them? So I can get an Idea of what she'll think?"

"Nice excuse . . . but not convincing" she muttered, knowing he could hear

her "but yes I can make an illusion of her to show you how it will look . . .

oh I also made Shippo one too, he's only little and I thought that he could

Probably use a little more protection . . . for when you're not around."

"Oh . . . yeah I guess that is a good Idea. What kind of features did you

build into these then?" Kami smiled and Kagome and Shippo's armor inflated

till they looked like their owners are wearing them. Kagome's is a pantsuit

like Kami's fighting outfit with the cris cross lacing up the sides . . . all

the way up the sides and a long v shape that shows off the cleavage - also

with cris cross ribbon across it. and a jacket like Inu's regular top (only

in black) to cover a little more ( *spoiler alert* for those who have seen

the episode with the cannibal where Kagome wears Inu's top - that's the image

- only black ^_^ ) and Shippo's looks like a tiny ninja's outfit.

"Well, for one thing they can look like any kind of outfit you want, the

spell words only work if that's what you mean, in other words you have to

tell them to change or they won't. The spell words are Traditional formal" -

at which point Shippo's & Inu's turns into a rich mans fancy suit and

Kagome's turns into a beautiful kimono depicting the four elements, "modern

formal" - the boys get cute little tux's ( Inu's ears disappear but he dosn't

notice )and Kagome's becomes a very elegant version of the little black

Dress. "Traditional casual" - they go back to their first look ( Inu's ears

are back too )and "modern casual" - black jeans for everybody, Inu's

shirt is black and Shippo's is green camo. Kagome gets a cute little T-shirt

that says "sexsi" with a Pepsi logo. Inu turned to stare back at his

reflection and suddenly

"Hey! My ears!"

"Hidden . . . to help you blend in Kagome's time, Shippo's will also hide his less human attributes" Kami smiled "Have you ever thought to bring him with you to play with Kagome's little brother? Or to meet her mother? You know he looks to her as a surrogate mother . . . I kinda think he looks up to you too, y'know."

"I... " Inu blushes and looks away, uncomfortable with the knowing, sympathetic look she was giving him "He doesn't like me . . . I just protect him"

"I think he may care for you more than you realize." She suggested quietly "Have you noticed he bothers you more than the other two when she's not here? Has it ever crossed your mind that if she agrees to be your mate . . . she would expect you to adopt him?"

"Yeah, I've thought about it." Quietly, without looking at her "I would, even if she left for good . . . I couldn't leave him to fend for himself, he's too little. I know what it's like to grow up alone . . . I can't do that to him . . . he's family now, more than my brother is."

"Have you asked him if he would be happy if you adopted him? I honestly believe he already thinks of you as his - well, an older brother at least. I think he would be happy, even relived to know YOU don't hate HIM, that he will have someone no matter what."

"I...." blushing hard, looks down and whispers, "I can't. I....I can't bear the thought of him saying no . . . Kagome either. I've been alone too long, and I don't know what I would do without them. If Sango and Miroku left, I would get over it . . . but Kagome and Shippo are different, I don't know why or how but they made me care and now I can't stop."

Kami came up and held him like a little child, stroking his head. Inu felt comfort flowing from her calming his hurt and fears.

"Why do I trust you? I never thought I could say any of that out loud . . . it makes me feel too exposed, weak . . . I don't want to hurt any more."

"No one wants to hurt, but if it helps the soldiers of the west are taught 'pain is just weakness leaving your body'(really! My brother came home from basic training and quoted that and other things almost nonstop ) so I guess you must not have that much weakness left huh?" he just snorted, but he was smiling

"You didn't answer my other question"

"I've been in your head, I've given you weapons, and I have never laughed at you . . . besides my aura leak's comfort and I can feel what you do if I want - besides I already know.

I am one of the earth's guardians and I feel I have to do what I can to help out her warriors, her champions . . . no matter what you may think of yourself - you are one of her great heroes."

"I'm nobody's hero. Kikyo died because of me, and so did my parents. As long as I can remember everyone I've met has hated me . . . except Kagome and I've done nothing but push her away bring her pain."

"I told you, I can feel what others do, you're her hero and Shippo's. They love you and think of all the people you've saved, all the ones the demons you've killed would have eaten or hurt. The world would be a much worse place without you in it. Let's go see Shippo, give him his present and ask him . . . if he says no I promise neither of you will remember at all but I don't think it will come to that."

"I've tried to say these things but . . . my mouth always seems to say something else."

"I will be beside you, invisible, and hiding my scent but you will feel calm. That way he won't see me and I will still be a surprise when you're ready to introduce me." He just nods and stands up to test the wind for Shippo.


InuYasha found Shippo out in a field of flowers by himself he seemed to have quite a bouquet going when InuYasha kneeled beside him

"Y'know" quietly, trying not to startle the kit or start a fight "it's dangerous for you to be out here all alone, so far from everyone else."

"I wanted to get some flowers for Kagome and everybody else was busy! I haven't even seen YOU since yesterday" he replied defensively, then suddenly curious "where were you? I looked all over to ask you to go get Kagome and I couldn't find you!"

"I was talking to a friend, learning some more fighting techniques . . . and getting you a present."

"Present!?!? YOU got ME a present . . . I thought you hated me . . . "

"Of course I don't hate you runt! If I hated you why would I be worried about you getting hurt out here all by yourself?"

Shippo stared at the inu hanyou in shock - dog boy was being nice!

"Actually I've been thinking runt, what happens when we've collected all the shards and kill Naraku, if Kagome decides to leave us to live in her time? ...I uh . . ." InuYasha took a deep breath feeling a warm hand on his shoulder "I wondered if you would want to . . . Um . . . if you would want me to adopt you?" he paused. Waiting, holding his breath for the kits' response. Shippo's eyes went really big

"Adopt me? You would be like my new papa?" his eyes welled up with tears and InuYasha's heart sank "I wouldn't be alone? I could stay with you?" InuYasha nodded silently and the little kits' tears started to overflow his big green eyes. ( Very very kawii!)he blinked a few times and sniffed before he nodded and whispered "I would like that Inu-papa" and jumped into the surprised hanyou's arms for a hug, feeling overjoyed that he had a home again at last.