InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


"where's my present?" Shippo asked after InuYasha let him go "what did you bring me?"

"Here." He replied handing Shippo his new armor "Its firerat. . . like mine." Shippo squirmed and wiggled out of his old outfit and into the new, then twisted about trying to admire himself.

"Wow! I look like a ninja!" and he Immediately made some very kawii (Shippo glares at me and gnaws on my head) ahem! - I mean cool and manly -ninja moves. InuYasha just smirks at him. Suddenly Shippo stops to look at InuYasha "... why doesn't it look like yours...and when did yours change?"

"Well, the person who makes them thought that style would suit you better, and they said mine was getting really ratty and worn so I got a new one too - and these are better - they can look like anything you want - just tell them and they change to what you want."

"Cool!" Shippo looked at his armor and said clearly "I want to look like Inu-papa!" and poof he looks like a tiny InuYasha. The young hanyou falls over laughing and Shippo sticks out his tongue at him and tries "I want my armor to look like Inu-papa's" and again with the poof and now Shippo's outfit matches Inu's.

"Actually" the hanyou considers a moment "that doesn't look half bad on you" the baby kitsune beams at his adoptive father. "now try telling it you want to look like a boy from Kagome's time." Shippo looks a little confused but does as he's told and yet another poof, he looks like a little human boy wearing black jeans and a camo t-shirt ... he looks around in amazement

"Hey! I look human!" He looks up at InuYasha

"Do you want to come with me to give Kagome her new armor? I thought it might be nice to surprise her."

"What are you up to? You're not usualy this nice." Shippo asked suddenly suspicous. "And you never take me to Kagome's time with you! Did you hit your head? Or maybe you aren't the real InuYasha!"

"Of course Im the real InuYasha runt, I just spent like three days training with a friend - who thought you and Kagome could do with a little more protection. and I started to think maybe you would like a little more security. I know what it's like to grow up all alone and to fend for yourself - its really hard, and I didn't want to leave you to grow up like that."

"Wow, you sound a lot smarter than you did before... How did this friend know about me and Kagome?"

"She knows a lot of things - she's very smart. She even knows about Kagome's time. I plan on introducing her to everyone sometime but right now its time to go get Kagome - do you want to come with me, or not?"

"Yes, I want to come! Im sorry but you don't sound like you!"

"That's okay runt" patting Shippo on the head "Im not used to it yet either. come on let's go get Kagome." Shippo grabs the flowers he was gathering and follows InuYasha towards the well.

"Yeaaaah! What does Kagome's armor look like?" Inu pulled it out and showed him "cool! I think she'll like it... do you think she will like my flowers?"

"Of course she'll like your flowers... doesn't she always? You may want to save some for Kagome's mother too because you're gonna get to meet her too, and her little brother Souta." the little foxes' eyes got very big "Watch out for her grandfather though because if he finds out you're a youkai he'll put ofuda all over you... his don't really work but they're sticky and hard to get out of hair and fur." Shippo giggled, and then they were at the well. "Hold on tight runt, you don't want to get lost" The hanyou jumped in holding the little fox youkai close to him as the pinky purple light surrounded them, then they were through, kneeling in the bottom of the well.

"It worked!" Shippo squealed and jumped out of the well with InuYasha right on his heels. Together they peeked out of the well house towards the stairs Kagome would be coming up in half an hour or so.

"INU-NO-NIICHAN!" Both time travelers jumped a foot and turned around to see Kagome's little brother standing behind them. Souta's eyes fixed on the little boy is hero had brought with him

"Who are you?"

"My name is Shippo! Im InuYasha's son." Souta's eyes went very big

"Inu-no-nichan's son? I thought you were going out with Kagome?" Looks at Shippo again then back to InuYasha "He isn't Kagome's is he? ... She hasn't been going back that long... and she didn't say she had a son..."

"Im adopted. InuYasha and Kagome rescued me from two bad guys that killed my papa and left me an orphan ... but Kagome looks after me when she's around." Shippo stated matter-of-factly.

"Wow...That's so cool...that makes you my nephew!" He holds out his hand "Hi, Im you're uncle Souta." Shippo giggles and Souta smiles "wanna go play with my video games?" Shippo looks up at InuYasha as if to ask if its okay

"In a minute, Shippo, Kagome will be home in a little while and she will be coming up those stairs over there" points out the huge stairway up to the temple "don't jump on her the way you usualy do till she far enough away from those stairs, got it?" Shippo nodded "And make sure if you take off you're disguise that you put it back on before you come running out that everything? I think so... be polite to Kagome's mother and keep an eye out for the old man." he nodded once to himself "That should do it - have fun!" The boys ran off to play and the hanyou went to perch on his favorite branch of goshimboku (many apologies if I spelled that wrong) and wait for his love.


The birds were singing and the sun was shining, it was a beautiful day... but Kagome barely noticed as her friends grilled her on her mysterius, two-timing, bad ass, boyfriend.

"C'mon, what does he look like, he must be something if you're willing to forgive him for cheating on you..."

"Is he still doing that?"

"What school does he go to Kagome?" She sighed her friends were so nosey ... they would probably shut up if she told them he was a half demon that had survived on his own since he was about 5 that kept her safe from all the demons who were tying to kill her in feudal japan- but they would likely try to have her commited. She sighed again missing the hanyou

*I've grown so different from my friends* She thought sadley *I dont know how to talk to them anymore... our lives are so different now its hard to relate to them... They think Hojo is perfect for one thing - how can they like someone that air headed and weak? I wish I was back with InuYasha ... even having him yell at me is better than this.*

"Guys for the last time, leave it be. I have other things to worry about right now like that test tomorow!" *oh InuYashas gonna be sooo mad - Im gonna be late...I just know he's gonna show up to take me back soon. But I realy have to take that make-up exam* Kagome panicked

"Im sooo glad you guys are coming over to help me study!"

"Remember Kagome we can't stay to long we're gonna have to leave before dinner"

"I know dont worry for a test this important I'm sure mom can keep Souta in line so we can concentrate" *I just hope InuYasha doesn't show up while you're here, even mom won't be able to keep him out of our hair* The girls walked up the stairs to the temple still badgering her about her "boyfriend" Kagome got a few meteres (yards for Americans) from the stairs before a red and black streak screaming 'Kagome, Kagomeeeeee' hit her in the stomach causing her to stumble back a bit and land on her butt.

"Kagome! I missed you! I brought you flowers but your mom put them in water she said they would last longer that way! I met your brother! he said I was his nephew because InuYasha adopted me! And he let me play with his vidio games! And dog boy has been acting realy wierd! He's being nice and he brought me a present!"

"Shippo!" Kagome interrupted the gush of words. he stopped and looked at her expectantly

"what are you doing here? Where is InuYasha?"

"He brought me with him...arnt you happy to see me?" Shippo's eyes filled with tears "I thought you would be happy to see me!" The little kitsune started bawling his eyes out.

"Of course Im happy to see you Shippo!" Kagome sighed getting up. She started walking towards t sacred tree, her friends followed mostly out of curiosity "Im just surprised... InuYasha never brought you with him before." She looked up into the tree "I told you I would see you later! Your early!" InuYasha dropped out of the tree with his usual grace and his usual cocky grin on his face. Kagome's friends gasped at the athleticism and the sheer drop.

"The runt really missed you, and I brought you a present."

"You? You brought me a present?" Looking up at InuYasha in surprise. He pulled out a beautifully carved and ornamented box. "Oh, InuYasha its beautiful..." She looked up as if asking for permission to open it, and he smiled reassurance down into her warm dark eyes for an answer.

She opened the box carefully, forgetting her friends completely, to see a beautiful thick kimono with a matching obi and her eyes flew up to look into his deep amber ones. He smiled at her surprise and obvious admiration of her present, Damn she was cute when she blushed. She searched his eyes for an answer and for the first time she thought she could see his love for her burning in the amber depths.

"Its beautiful" he smiled lazily for a moment before Kagome's friends made their presence felt.

"Oh my god Kagome! Look at it! Put it on!"

"Its beautiful!"

"You have to wear it to the dance tomorrow night!" The three girls had it out of the box and around her in moments and her mother came out to look

"Its beautiful, Kagome."

"InuYasha brought it for me" Kagome's mother looks at him.

"I see,"picks up the box "and plays with something inside before looking back at InuYasha with a raised brow. He looks back at her steadily and nods. She miles at him and then at her daughter and her friends antics. Looking back at the hanyou she just nods and closes the box hiding a little black velvet box from view.