InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Study Buddy ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

...Still no own fuzzy puppy boy

The group had moved to Kagome's room, Shippo and Souta had disappeared

to play video games and Kagome's mother was making dinner... InuYasha just

sat in the window listening to Kagome and her friends - topics of

conversation - him and English - which Kagome apparently had a test on


"How long have you and Kagome been seeing each other?"

"Where did you find that beautiful kimono?( which Kagome's mother - Ms. H had put back in its box )Are you taking Kagome to the dance tomorrow?"

"have you told Hojo yet?"

"The ... quick ... brown fox ... jumpes...over...a lazy dog...? Does that

sound right?

"Jumped. Not jumps" InuYasha answers without thinking and it normally

goes 'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'" Kagome stared

"when did you learn to speak English?"

"Ummm ... before?"

"really... then how do you ask for the time in English?"

" 'Excuse me, do you have the time?' is usually acceptable or 'do you know

what time it is?' or if your being slightly rude or with your friends 'what

time is it?'... why?"

"It's question 3 that's why ... who on earth taught you English?"

"He probably learned in school Kagome, why are you making such a fuss?"

"He doesn't go to school" Kagome replied and at the same time….

"I don't go to school." Then with a smirk at Kagome "I got a private tutor awhile ago, ... she really only helps with my fighting techniques now, but she's really good. I was actually thinking of introducing her to Kagome since she misses

so much school. She would have you finished the equivalent of several

university degrees before very long. You would be able to test out of high

school." Kagome looks at him suspiciously and the hanyou knew he was going

to hear about it later but for the moment she let it go

"That would be nice InuYasha, thank you for thinking of me." It came out

a little strained but everyone decided not to comment, but he couldn't resist

rubbing it in a little.

"I mean if someone as regularly accused of being stupid as I am, can learn

all this stuff in such a short time then you shouldn't have any trouble


"But will she tutor Kagome here or in the hospital when she's sick...

because that's the real reason she's falling behind - all her absences."

"She will teach anywhere, but she's a hard task master. strangely though

after everything she puts you through, she never assigns homework." He

smiles conspiratorially at Kagome "and then when she's "feeling better" she

will have more time to spend with her friends and family"

"And with you right?" InuYasha seemed slightly surprised


Time passes and finally her friends go home leaving the two alone with a

little time left before dinner, which both Inu and Shippo have been invited

to. Up in her room alone for a bit he awaits the questions she squashed

earlier in front of her friends.

"How long have you known her?" Kagome is quiet but doesn't sound happy -

much closer to angry "and how long have you known all the things I've been

struggling with? Did you hide this from me to make me look stupid?"

"I only met her just after you left, it only took three lessons to bring

me up to university level. I wasn't trying to make you look stupid... I wasn't

aware I could" he moved up to her and gently (cautiously) put his arms

around her. "You're so much smarter than I am, I'm sure you will have picked

this stuff up in no time working with Kami. For now though, I should tell

you about your has some special features" He said as she went

to the box he had given her, still resting on her dresser from earlier. She

opened it and held the kimono in her hands as he spoke "For one, mine and

Shippo's are hiding our demon features" Kagome nodded having of course

noticed that they looked more human "even yours can transform into just

about anything you want. Tell it to be a kimono and that's what it looks

like, tell it to be 'traditional casual' (it transforms to her firerat

outfit) and it becomes something for you to wear shard hunting. Its made out

of fire rat fur and kevlar to protect you from harm." Kagome looks at him

for a moment

"You got this for me?" questioningly...then her face darkens a little,"to

protect your shard detector?" Inu frowned at her.

"No, to protect one of my best friends" he told her "You didn't see the

rest of your presents did you? The box isn't empty yet." Kagome searches his

face for a moment before turning to look into the box. She stared at the

little black velvet box inside for a moment as if not understanding what it

means, then reaches in and carefully opens it with trembling fingers. Inside

is a ring made of platinum and ruby with a large diamond in the center.

Kagome gasped at the sight of it and looked into the hanyou's eyes.

"Do you know what this means? In modern human society?" She asked in a whisper and he nodded. "Are you sure? Is that what you meant? ... You chose

me?" InuYasha reached out and held her close to him so he could whisper in

her ear.

"Yes, I choose you, I want you beside me forever. When we're apart I cant

sleep or eat ...just think of you. I love you, I want to hold you and keep

you safe... I want to make you happy."

"InuYasha..." Tears filled her eyes and fell silently down her cheeks

"Please don't cry, ashiteru ( I just know I spelled that wrong - sorry -and yes I did mean to use this word and not koishiteru…he's been alone so long he is more likely to hit the extremes…he just doesn't know anything else) I cant stand to see you cry. I didn't mean to upset you..." Kagome put a finger to his lips

"I never thought you would choose me." she whispered "I've loved you so

long..." He reached up, removed her finger, and kissed her lips gently

"Is that a yes?" he purred "cause if it is you should tell me before I

change my mind" Kagome smiled softly, realizing he was teasing "and we

should tell you're mom" Kagome nodded, speechless and hugged him tight... a

moment later she allowed one hand to wander up to play with his fuzzy ears.

For a change he let her, bowing his head a little so she could reach better.

He allowed himself to enjoy the sensation for a change and closed his eyes to

savor the feeling of his mate's hands massaging his sensitive ears. After a

moment he pulled her hand away and whispered in a husky purring voice "If

you don't stop that Im going to start petting you where you're fuzzy." Kagome

blushed scarlet shocked that her hanyou would say something so, so, so

Miroku! He just pulled her close and held her tight while he kissed her deep

and long. "I think we had better go downstairs for dinner... before we get

caught like this"

"I guess so, but somehow I would rather just stay here and kiss you... I

waited so long for this I don't really want to let go."

"I know I don't either but Im starting to think if I don't let go soon,

I'll forget how" he smiled warmly "besides Im shocked that Shippo hasn't come

running in yet to see what happened to us. ...did he tell you I adopted


"You did? ... now that I think back he might have when I got home but he

said everything so fast and I was so surprised to see the two of you that it

slipped my mind... I did notice you two were getting along better though...

I guess that means I kinda adopt him too when I...I" she looked up at him in

shock and whispered "Im getting married!" He laughed at her

"Yes, I know, to me. Did you just notice?"

"I think it just took a minute to sink in... Im getting married... Im

going to be a mother!" she sat down suddenly "Im only 16! Im not even done

school yet! What am I doing?"

"Don't worry, Kami and I will make sure you finish school, and Shippo

isn't a baby he looks after himself a lot of the time and I'll take my turns

too. I promise it will be okay. I love you." he soothed, a little worried

himself now.

"I know its just a lot to get used too all at once... I'm still just a kid Myself... What if I'm not a good mother? What if..."

"It will be okay, as long as we are together, we will make it work. For

the record though, I think you're already a great mother to Shippo" As if on

Que Shippo burst through the door right then and landed in their arms

between them.

"Dinner's ready!"