InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ After dinner conversation ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

...InuYasha = NOT MINE!!!!...

Dinner went suprisingly well InuYasha had apparently been taught manners in with everything else, and Shippo ate with enough manners to pass for the youngster he was. The conversation was polite and the grandfather didnt try to put too many ofuda on the hanyou. Ms. H had made oden and Kaogome was in heaven... her companions from the past were a little suprised at her reaction to the food and teased that she went for oden like InuYasha went for ramen. Kagome of course denied that.

Ms. H watched her daughter and her soon-to-be son-in-law, the way the reacted to each other had changed a bit... and the way they looked after the little one (who sat between them) was revealing... at least to her "mothers" eyes. She smiled to herself, she had noticed that her daughter had grown up alot since she had started traveling to the past, and she had started showing alot more maturity in the last few months. Still, she was so young, her mother worried that her engagement and parenthood might be a little too much on top of everything else.

She wanted Kagome to finish school, and as far as she knew so did Kagome. Did Kagome have a plan? She decided that she needed to have a talk with her daughter and her fiance.

So when dinner was over she asked the two to stay behind. She sent Souta to do his homework and jii-chan to make the rounds of the shrine, Shippo however decided to stay with his "parents" and Ms. H decided that mabye that was the best place for him. She shared a look with InuYasha that told her that she was correct and he had already proposed, and Kagome had accepted.

"I belive" she began "that we have something to celebrate" The younglings both blushed and Shippo looked around in confusion, but Ms. H continued "I would like to be the first to say congratulations and welcome both of you to the family" she indicated Shippo and InuYasha "I am a little concerned however, and I think we should all talk so that we all know where we stand." she pulled out a pad of paper "I am going to start by listing my concerns so that we can address them all, calmly and thougholy. then I would like to know what concernes you have, all three of you, and what you're expectations are of each other and of me." everybody looked a little grave except for Shippo who still looked a little confused.

"My first concern, is school, I expect Kagome to finish." she wrote it down.

"Actualy, I think we already talked about that and found a solution" Kagome looked to InuYasha for confirmation before continuing, he nodded "InuYasha has offered the use of his private tutor, the one that brought him up to the equivalent to several university degrees."

"She has all the credentials, and will take care of all the paperwork so that Kagome will have gotten a full and very complete education, and be finished much sooner than if she continued in public school." Inu put his two cents in. "and she's available here and in the past so Kagome wont have to worry about missing lessons."

"All right, that sounds reasonable and well thought out..." Ms. H approved "But, I want to meet her." InuYasha grinned

"Now?" He asked mischievously, Ms. H seemed a little taken aback

"Alright" He closed his eyes briefly and just after he opened them Kami poped into the kitchen in a pretty flash of light.

"Taa-Daa! Hi, My name is Kami, the pup here says you wanted to meet me." She's in her long almost mideaval western style dress and is actualy floating in the air a few feet off the ground in a sitting position, so that she seems about the same hight as everyone else. After a moment she looks over at Shippo and says "Hey little guy, you look a little confused" The poor little fox just nodded. "Awww, poor little guy! come here for a sec... I promise I dont bite." Shippo looked to both of his new parents before venturing over to the strange girl, who picked him up and petted his head and whispered in his ear what was going on.

"You asked Kagome to be youre mate?! really?! YAAAAA!" he jumped accross to Kagome "You said yes right?!?!" at her nod "Are you gonna be my new mama then?!?"

"Yes Shippo, Im going to adopt you too. I dont want you to grow up alone anymore than InuYasha does." Shippo's little eyes fill with happy tears and he nods at his new mother.

"I promise I will be a good big brother then and listen when you guys tell me stuff." Kagome and InuYasha both nod and say together:

"It's a deal."

"That brings me to my next concern." Ms. H says bringing everyones attention back to the matter at hand "Children. What are you planning on doing about children...are you planning to wait? " The couple looks at each other...they haven't talked about this yet so Inu motions for Kagome to go first.

"I think waiting would be a good idea, At least until after Naraku is

defeated and the shards all collected?" She looks at InuYasha to see if he


"that makes sense, but..." Inu looked more than a little uncomfortable

and a blush spread across his cheeks "When youkai take a mate... Well...

There isnt much choice." he swallowed nervously at the looks Kagome and her

mother gave him.

"If you want to wait for children but still make the bond valid as far as youkai society is concerned, I can help with that... Actualy it will give Kagome a little more protection from harm or injury at the same time... Make her almost indistructable." Kami spoke up. Everyone looked at her in surprise.

"How?" Ms. H and InuYasha asked at the same time.

"Well for the mating to be acknolaged by youkai, you must prove you are "compatable" which to youkai generaly means capeable of reproducing, and exchage marks... so the obvious answer to that is to complete the youkai rituals as usual."

"But wont that leave Kagome pregnant?"

"Yes" Kami nodded glad everyone was following so far even if Inu and

Kagome looked like the blush may become permanent "But" she continued "then,

I can give you a spell that will..." the couple interupted her at the same


"You cant KILL it!!! Kami sighed and rolled her eyes

"Put the infant and the area surrounding it into stasis - so that no time will pass until you're ready to start a family... at least in that area.

That means you wont have your monthly flows until after the child is born."

she gave them a look "Y'know, If you didn't interrupt explanations wouldn't

take so long."

"So she would be pregnant but not have the child or any of the other

things that come with being pregnant until later?" Ms. H asked for


"Exactly." Kami smiled as if at a particularly bright student "I guess that sounds like a plan... What do you think Kagome?"

"I think that's probably the best solution we could ask for" Kagome said thoughtfully "InuYasha?

"I think so too." he agreed

"Alright, then that actualy answers my question about birth control as well ... So I guess that brings me to my last concern then, InuYasha have either of you got a plan for how you're going to support yourselves? Do you know where you're going to live?

InuYasha and Kagome sat deep in thought. They hadn't discussed much before dinner so they were pretty much thinking on their feet and discussing it at the same time. Both began to wish they'd had time to talk all this out before presenting it to her mother, but perhaps it was best to have a mediator . . . they always seemed to fight when they tried to talk seriously.

Kagome had noticed that InuYasha was acting differently now, he seemed a lot more mature and thoughtful. *I think I'm going to like him like this* she thought to herself.

"I don't know." InuYasha finally said. "So many things depend on what happens after Naraku is defeated, what happens with the jewel. I'm not even sure what our options are."

"That sounds like a good place to start then" Kami Spoke up "I can help with any decision you make, all you have to do is ask. Basically the choices are these: now or the past? That's first and it will narrow down the rest of your options." InuYasha and Kagome looked at each other, he spoke first.

"I think now is probably better, I can survive here now and it's more peaceful. Im sure Shippo is still young enough to adapt. I do still want to be able to visit the past though, and see Sango and Miroku."

"Okay, that sounds reasonable, but what kind of career could you have here when the quest is over?" Ms. H asked? Kami chimed in again

"He would probably do well as a police officer...except that he doesn't take orders well, maybe a private eye? Between the two of you, you could open a dojo and teach. He could actually do anything he wants but I think he would likely do better in something more physical. But you wont have to worry about that for awhile yet. what do you plan to do about living space till the quest is done? If you like I have a suggestion... and you may even continue to use it after everything is said and done." Everyone looked curious


"Well, right now you jump back and forth between times and stay either with Kaede or here." nods all around "I could build a house that would exist in both times so if for some reason the well stops working you can still get back and forth, it would probably be best if it was invisible at least until the quest is over, that way Naraku wont be able to find it... also I can make a talisman that you can carry with you so a single spell word would give you a portal back to the house. Say, for example a bracelet to Identify you to the house protections... draw a special spell rune on the ground and anyone the spell recognizes will be able to step over the threshold into 'the house', that way you can rest in the house every night without having to go back and forth. also I can put permanent gates here and in Kaede's place so your family can get to you if they need you... or if you need them. You wont need rent or hydro either... all that can be provided internally." Inu, Kagome and everyone else looked pleasantly surprised

"Yes, that should work very well..." Ms. H said thoughtfully

"Can you make it so it's visible in this time, so my friends can still visit?" Kagome asked

"Yup, shouldn't be a problem." Ms. H looked around and couldn't think of another thing that was bothering her... except maybe ...

"so when is the wedding? what kind do you want? I think small might be better... because you're both so young and because it will make it so much easier to explain InuYasha's ears ... What kind of dress do you want Kagome?"

***Later that night***

Kagome and Inu sat outside on the goshimboku, watching the stars and talking.

"There's a dance at school tomorrow," Kagome said quietly, "I would like to go with you, show you off a little..…..Did Kami teach you to dance?"

"I don't know…"

"Nope." Kami said appearing out of nowhere on a branch beside them, causing both to jump.

"Don't Do That!" the love birds yelled together, Kami giggled.

"I can though." She remarked, leaving them a little confused. "Teach you to dance." She concluded, they nodded…up to speed, Kami dropped a few feet off her branch and disappeared, only to reappear a foot or so off the ground a second later. Looking up she called "are you guys coming? We have all night you know."