InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Times of Change ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


It took only a couple hours, but they were all exhausted after teaching Inu to dance. So the lovebirds went off to bed, after checking on Shippo, who was sleeping with Souta.

Kagome was a little nervous, she didn't know if Inu was planning on……Mating tonight, or what…So she changed into her jamies in the closet, and sat next to Inu, who had taken off his top, on her bed, blushing.

"This seems to be happening really fast, doesn't it?" He asked. Kagome nodded, and he put his arms around her. "I feel like I'm dreaming," he whispered into her ear, "I-I can barely believe I told you …I love you…let alone asked you…to-to be my mate, I can't even begin to believe you said `yes'. I never thought you would want to stay with me, I'm just a hanyou after all…" he nuzzled her throat.

"Shhh, Don't talk like that," she whispered back "I love you as a hanyou, I love your ears and your hair and I love that you always protect me. I'm proud to be with you, to love you, My hanyou." She felt him smile into her throat

"I'd understand," he whispered into her throat, as if fearing to look her in the eye, "if you want me to sleep outside tonight, but I-I'm afraid that I'll wake up and this will all have been a dream." She shivered, unused to her hanyou showing his feelings.

"You…. Could you just hold me tonight?" she whispered blushing, then nuzzled him back, "That way I'll know it wasn't a dream too." He held her tighter for a moment, and kissed her throat, before laying them both down and spooning with her. She lay just enjoying his presence for a moment before rolling over and laying her head on his left shoulder, he gave her a funny look but she kissed his bare chest, and settled back down, letting the beat of his heart lull her to sleep.

Inu Yasha looked at his soon-to-be mate wondering how she had known she would fit there so perfectly, and smiling because she did fit there perfectly. He decided after a moment that all females must have and instinct to lie on their mates like this….Couples in the forest he had seen had all lain like this too…it was more comfortable than it looked, he could get used to this…..

********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********

The first sensation was warmth, then the scent of Kagome. Inu Yasha smiled. It hadn't all been a dream, Kagome was really his, she had said yes…he was still unsure why he had been acting so strangely but, it didn't really seem that important, after all, it had turned out really well so far. Then he caught another scent, very faint but calming and familiar, he cracked open an eyelid and saw Kami sitting in mid air beside the bed.

"Didn't Kagome say she had an English test today?" she whispered, Inu nodded and Kami lightly touched Kagome's forehead. There was a little flash of light and Kagome sighed in her sleep, but didn't move. A moment later she stirred and opened her eyes, only to see her fiancé and he new tutor watching her.

"Morning." She looked around, "Did I miss something? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" she sounded sleepy and confused…but not grumpy, Inu smiled, relieved that they weren't gonna fight, then he remembered Kami saying something about how her presence made people calmer, he wondered if Kagome was being affected by that as well…

"I was waiting for you to wake up," Inu told her "so I could kiss you, and let you know it wasn't a dream." Kagome smiled.

"Well then? Why aren't you kissing me?" She asked playfully. He smiled and kissed her deeply, tasting her, enjoying her scent, her taste, and warmth. When he pulled away, reluctantly, she asked quietly:

"Are you a dream?" He smiled and nipped her collarbone with his fangs, making Kagome squeak and bop him playfully on the head.

"See, not a dream." He smirked, as the alarm started to go off. She kissed him and jumped out of bed, Kami handed her her new armor, and Kagome remembering suddenly that Kami was in the room blushed. Kami took pity on her."

"Don't blush on my account hon, I'm just as bad with my mate…if not worse." Kami's eyes took on a far away look. "They're supposed to make you feel like the only people in the world, and its important to touch each other, it keeps us sane." Kagome and Inu both looked at her in disbelief, "Don't give me that look," Kami pointed to Kagome's new armor. "get dressed, it will turn into your school outfit if you tell it to." Kagome had gotten dressed before Inu had overcome his shock at the thought of Kami having a mate.

"I hope I studied enough for the test this morning." Kagome said to Inu as they walked towards her school.

"I'm sure you'll do fine." He told her, before pulling her into his embrace. "This is your last day of school, `cause you're gonna have Kami after this, after your test, tell them you don't feel good, and I'll get you and take you home. I want to spend some time with you alone, Kami will want to give you a lesson, and don't forget about Shippo, no doubt he'll want some attention as well." He handed her a little flip cell phone/walkie talkie with a little Inu figure hanging from it, and showed her a matching one with a little Kagome figure on it. "I'll be right outside, in the big tree, my number is already programmed into the phone." He kissed her. "I'll miss you." She smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss before heading towards school again.

However just before they got there Kami appeared beside them in a school uniform like Kagome's.

"Konnichiwa!" She chirped, to the astonishment of the youngsters.

( A/N for those who speak little or no Japanese, I apologize, konnichiwa means hello/good day/afternoon and is usually used anytime after 10 or 11am, Kami is not actually Japanese so hers is very slightly off - and for those who say: but Guardian Wolf, Kami is a very Japanese name I say, yes, yes it is. [To keep more suspense in this story read no further] However she is only using that name for this story, those familiar with my work will recognize the meddlesome nature and sense of humor as my main character, Lani/Quicksilver, Ruler of Earth's Guardians, who actually jumps through all of my work as well as various anime and non anime realities "helping" various heroes..…Particularly their love lives! ^_^ )