InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Truth and Confrontation ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Is it really necessary for me to remind everyone that I do not own Inu Yasha?

…it seems cruel to make me remind myself….

Kami walked past Kagome and Inu then turned around to look at them, still walking, she called back "well? Are you two coming?"

Kagome and Inu looked at her, still puzzled.

"If you don't hurry we'll be late…." She said, stopping. "Is something wrong?"

"You're coming with me?" Kagome asked.

"I thought it might be fun…I've never been to school in Japan before….and it will help me place your level better. I already set up my cover at the school so come on." She looked to Inu Yasha for a moment. "I'll keep her safe for you" And winked at him before pulling Kagome towards the school. He smiled and turned to take care of some other business.

*********At School*********

"I heard she graduated from college when she was 13" "she's some kind of super genius" "she only tutors really rich kids and has all the degrees you can get" "She's been all over the world!" "She knows everything!" The whispers followed Kami and Kagome from the moment they arrived at school. Kagome was more than a little surprised that her classmates had already come up with so many theories, but this was a high school.

"Kagome!" her friends surrounded them when they reached their classroom. "Is it true? Your tutor is going to sit in today?" they turned as one on Kami "Will you help us study too?" so Kami helped them study until the teacher arrived. Then the English test was passed out and they all bent their heads to concentrate.

*********InuYasha - at the mall*********

Inu wandered through the mall, looking for a few things he wanted, like a disk man, shades, a cell phone…and a few other things to help him blend in a little better…and maybe some toys for Shippo.

He was looking at a skateboard when he heard the human boy from Kagome's school. Hodo? Homo? Hojo…..Inu had to wonder why he wasn't in school with Kagome, so he listened in on the conversation he was having with his friends…..

"So, Hojo, who are you gonna invite to the dance this Friday?" asked the skinny guy with a buzz cut.

"Higurashi," He replied. "She hasn't been asked by anyone else in the school yet… mostly `cause all the guys at school know she's mine."

"They wouldn't dare touch her!" laughed the other friend, he was heavier, with a rat tail "Everyone in town knows she's yours." Inu Yasha frowned


Kagome left the classroom feeling more than a little surprised...the English test had been a complete breeze...she looked suspiciously at Kami, but Kami just smiled at her innocently and Kagome's friends caught up with them before she had a chance to ask Kami what she had done.

"Wow!" Ayami was saying "I've never had such an easy time with an English test before! Kami, would you tutor us more often?" Kami smiled but replied

"When I and Kagome are around I don't see why not, but you must understand

that she is my student, and she must be my first priority." the girls nodded least they were going to get some help... the group went outside to sit under the biggest tree on the grounds for lunch. Kagome looked surreptitiously into the branches above them for Inu but didn't see him. With a pang of regret she turned her attention back to

her friends...who were at the moment discussing the very same hanyou. Suddenly Kami stood up and pulled Kagome with her,

"We'll be right back, please excuse us a moment" - and she pulled Kagome away, her friends stared after her for a moment before going back to their conversation.

*********at the mall

InuYasha growled at the passing boys, and debated inwardly about setting Hojo straight, here in front of his friends...or later, in front of Kagome. He suddenly saw the look Kagome would have on her face if he did it in front of her...she would be embarrassed, and likely take it out on him….Like with Koga. He smiled evilly then and decided it may be better to nip this thing in the bud.

"You're not talking about Kagome Higurashi?" he asked casually, leaning against the wall, as they passed him. All three boys stopped dead in their tracks to look at the person who had interrupted (and eavesdropped on) their conversation. Hojo frowned, looking Inu up and down.

"Actually, that's exactly who I was talking about." he replied. Inu gave him a cold smile

"Then you're too late, she's going with me to the dance tomorrow. She's mine now, forever, and I don't think I want you following her around anymore. She may have fallen for the innocent, dumb as a stump bit, but I've had about enough. Kagome is taken; don't let me catch you too close to her." Hojo was not amused, this punk was trying to scare him away from the girl he had been working for over a year now....with a cold smile on his lips, he advanced on Inu, his head held high to show he was not afraid of him.

"I bet I can get Kagome back anytime I want," he looked Inu up and down again, "I obviously have more to offer her than a poor freak like you, she deserves someone with money, who can protect her from scum like you, besides, when she grows up a little the bad boy appeal will have worn off and she'll realize that she should have stayed with me...really its better to give up on her now....before she breaks your pathetic freak heart."

"You should be careful not to speak of things you know nothing about, little boy, Kagome was never yours, so you cant get her 'back', and no one can protect Kagome better than I can. You're out of your league, you're obviously just too dumb to realize it."

Kami and Kagome materialized right behind Hojo's friends just in time to hear Hojo say "I don't think I like your tone, punk, maybe we should teach you some manners." Hojo's friends smiled and cracked their knuckles. "Unfortunately, our lessons tend to be a bit harsh, and you're not likely to be up for any kind of vigorous activity for awhile, so it looks like I'm taking Higurashi to the dance after all." He went to throw a punch and InuYasha's eyes flashed, but a second before he attacked and shredded Hojo he heard Kagome yell.

"Don't kill him!" as Hojo spun around, InuYasha whined

"I wasn't gonna kill him, just knock him and his friends out... for a week or two."

Hojo turned to sneer at him,

"As if, I think she was talking to us, dumbass." Kagome though was already pushing through Hojo's friends to InuYasha, as she passed Hojo, she shoved him harshly to the side, saying

"Move jackass," and throwing her arms around her hanyou's neck. After a second she pulled away and gave him a light punch to the stomach, "Didn't you ever learn that fighting in public can get you into a lot of trouble!?!? The police would have arrested you for hurting them!" She took him by the hand and was leading him away "honestly I can't let you out of my sight." she suddenly turned back toward Hojo.

"Hojo, don't aggravate InuYasha, you could really get hurt…having a gang with you wont save you, he's stronger, faster and a better fighter than all of you put together. I don't want to see you around him again, and it would probably be best if I didn't see you too much either." With that she turned and walked away with her hanyou and Kami, and didn't look back.