InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Too Much Reality ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome and Kami made it back to school just as the bell rang, meeting up with Kagome's friends as they walked into the classroom. The $1,000,000 question was "where did you go?" and variations thereof. Kagome told them about the fight at the mall, and the girls were shocked.

"But Hojo called in sick today! Why would he be at the mall?!" The teacher came in just then with Kami trailing behind him, so they didn't have much time to dwell on that interesting piece of information. Kagome however did look behind her wondering when exactly Kami had disappeared...

"Class," the teacher announced, "today we have the famous tutor Kami RavenStar with us, as I'm sure you have all heard, but today we also have one of her students sitting in on the class, his name is Shirosenshi, Inuyasha". (SeeA/N)

Inuyasha himself then walked into the room, looking every bit the annoyed teenager he was supposed to be. Bowed politely to the class and took the seat next to Kagome at the back (I know she sits in front but bear with me)

Kami bowed slightly to the class and went to the back to sit beside him. The class went on the teacher occasionally calling on Inuyasha when a problem was especially difficult, but he got them every time. Kagome was impressed with the way he handled himself. No onewould have believed he was an inu-hanyou from 500 years ago, with a short fuse, and big sword...but it left her feeling very strange, like she was the one out of place.....


As they walked home Kagome looked around noticing suddenly that Kamiwas no longer with them...seeing the look Inuyasha looked around as well.

Kagome had to wonder how it was she had disappearedwithout himnoticing...and why it didn't seem to bother Inu that he hadn'tnoticed...that was the sort of thing that had always made him cranky andtense before.

She didn't get long to think on it though because the momenthe noticed she was gone he was holding Kagome tightly to him, breathing inthe scent of her in great deep a man drowning pulls in airas he reaches the surface of the water.

She breathed in to tell him offfor holding her in public but she caught his scent and it circumvented hermind and made her knees feel strange, she let it out and breathed inagain, enjoying the clean male/cool woods/green scent of him, and snuggleda little closer.

The silver waterfall of his hair hid the world from view till they were all alone, as they hadn't been since they had first startedadventuring together, her hands clenched the fabric of his shirt as sheheld him to her.

For that moment all was right with her world, she held the peace of that inside to look back on in days when harsh realities intruded, but for this moment, there was no evil Naraku trying to destroy their lives, no fights between her and her love, and no perverted houshispying on them or making equally lewd comments or assumptions.

Somewhere in her mind she had known this couldn't last, for some reason they couldn't ever seem to get any time alone, but she had been desperately trying to ignore that too logical little voice when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Kagome?"She turned to see her friends staring at her, with expressions of surprise, irony and inquiry on their faces. Inu did not let go of her, but kept his arm around her waist. "You left so quickly, we wanted to make sure you were okay..." Another one put in "We weren't really expecting you to be making out…in broad daylight in front of,like, everybody." She turned to another friend, "don't people usually go someplace private beforethey make out?"

Kagome had had enough of her friends sense of humour for the day though and only managed a tired reply of `bite me' making the girls look at her in shock and Inuyasha laugh.

"For the touching, I would say get used to it" he advised them, "I'm not going anywhere, and I plan to be holding on to her as often as possible…as for the language…" he looked at Kagome "Since when do you talk like that? I thought these guys were your friends?"

Kagome gave him a look he knew to mean he was on thin ice and replied "they are, but I'm tired and I don't particularly feel like explaining myself to anyone just now….and secondly who do you think got me started talking like that? Hmm dog boy?"She turned back to her friends, still irritated at their interruption and intrusion into her private life "I'm sorry, (she didn't sound sorry) my temper must be worn thinner than I thought, I should lay down before the dance tonight. I will see you there though, okay?" Her friends looked at each other for a moment and then nodded but as they walked away she saw more than one worried glance thrown over a shoulder, which only irritated her more.

She took her fiancé by the hand and started to drag him back toward home.


(sorry animealim - that's the best last name I've heard for him yet -and you get all the credit (see `present time' on mediaminer or I'm sorry for borrowing it without permission - for those with less Japanese it translates to white-warrior)

I know….I'm evil…I haven't updated in Waaaaaaaaay too long - there have been computer issues - schedule conflicts - an anime convention - and everything else short of earthquakes and floods…I don't think my chapters are going to be going up everyday again yet……Faaaaaar to busy at work - plus I just took a second job - designing characters for an anime style fighting game (like Tekken 2)!!!! [Woo Hoo! Yeah!] So my time has become a precious commodity….however I do still plan to finish this fanfic - as a lot of you know - there are a bunch of chapters that I already wrote that just need touch ups - these will go back up soon - I just realised that I had said before that there was supposed to be a dance at Kagome's school and then skipped a week - never mentioned it again and gave no time what so ever to telling Hojo off….so I had to rewrite it - well some of it…I also plan to expand the lemon scene and a lot of the explanations of Kami's interference … cause I know I've lost a few people with the brief explanations I had in here - don't worry though - there will be another chappie up in the next little bit - I havn't forgotten about you guys.

Guardian Wolf