InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Naraku's Final Battle ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]




Kami turned to the group, after she finally stopped laughing, and said "We cannot be certain that Naraku is no longer a threat, an animal in pain is often more dangerous." She changed into the fighting outfit only Inu had seen so far surprising everyone but him, her mate and Phoenix. "Dark Wolf and I will take point with Inu and Kagome, Sesshomaru and Kouga take left and Sango and Miroku will take right, Phoenix give us some air cover and stop anyone leaving, I want a barrier sphere over the area, you're also in charge of summoning help if we need it. Everyone nodded Phoenix saluted turned into a huge bird of flame and launched himself into the air. Kami and her mate became grey wolves and headed down the middle, Kagome jumped on Inu's back and they followed the wolves. Sango and Miroku got on Kirara and both flanks moved out.


Inu and Kami's team reached the fortress first, bursting into the main room only to pause while they took in the scene before them. Both girls were whimpering and sniffling but came running toward their parents, turning into wolf pups on the way. Kagura was using her wind attacks on the huddled snivelling remains of Naraku.


Kami turned back into her normal form changing her children with her and took both children into her arms; her mate changed back to and surrounded the rest of his family with his arms. Kagome smiled at the group hug and turned back to Naraku.


He was in bad shape, broken and bleeding. InuYasha looked disgusted.


"All it took to finish him off was two little girls?!?!?!?" He looked over, they didn't seem dangerous…Kami and Dark Wolf stood up each holding one of their girls, and the one in her father's arms looked over at him and screamed:


"He's got puppy ears!!!" Inu suddenly felt a little trapped and started looking for a graceful exit. It was too late both girls jumped on him and each had an ear in hand. They only got to pat him for a moment before their mother, who called for the girls' nanny through Phoenix, took them in hand. She turned out to be a youngster that called Kami Aunt. She reminded Inu a little of Kagome.


The flanks moved in and were just as surprised as the others at Naraku's state, Inu leapt forward and finished him quickly out of pity. Kagura apologized to Kouga and told him how Naraku had made her do a lot of things she wouldn't have done herself, gave him her fan as a peace offering and brought out Sango's brother Kohaku before leaving with her own sister Kanna.


The last battle had been quick, but they were all glad it was over and that they had all survived. Kagome took the rest of the shards, purifying them and added them together till they were almost whole again…they were only short three.


Kami turned to Kohaku and healed the last of his wounds. When she removed the shard however he started to sob for all he had done. Sango tried to comfort him but he was hurting too bad, his mind kept replaying the last few moments of his fathers life, him attacking Sango and killing everyone with them. Kami put her hand on him and removed the memories for good; the simple grief that he had lost a lot of people would pass without the crushing guilt of being responsible.


Kagome turned to find Kouga holding out the last two shards, she smiled and took them from him. The jewel was complete at last.









A/N THE END? No....I could leave it here but I won't…. there will be more to come and maybe a sequel with Inu and Kagome's kids. But I hope this is good for now.