InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Double Trouble ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own any but my own.




Kami and the Inu-gumi stood at the top of a cliff, over looking the valley where she felt her children; Phoenix and her mate were still with them.


"Y'know if he hadn't kidnapped the girls we may not have found him for another week." I hope he's really sorry! She had sent messages to Sesshomaru and Kouga and they stood nearby, they were about to descend into the valley when they all heard a bloodcurdling scream rising up out of the depths below them.



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Naraku was trying to pant as quietly as possible, and felt amazed as he felt fear that he would never have believed he could still feel. He knew that it didn't really matter how quiet he was, the little girls would find him, they had an unholy knack for finding him, no matter where he hid, and then somehow he wound up under their power again and he would find himself playing horsey, or they would shrink him and dress him in strange clothes and have a `tea party', they never seemed to run out of terrible things they could force him to do.


He couldn't understand how he had lost control, how he had become the one cowering in fear, they were only infants! They couldn't be more than three or four years old! And yet, their evil surpassed his own.


A pair of tiny hands suddenly clenched in his hair and he screamed.



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Kagura landed in the courtyard just in time to hear Naraku scream as if hell had come for him at last, she smiled and went to see if there was a way to use this to her advantage.


To her incredible amusement and amazement, she found Naraku tied to a chair with two little girls giving him a makeover. They had makeup all over his face and he was wearing a dress that wouldn't have covered everything if he had been a woman. She couldn't help herself, she laughed, hard and loud and long.



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The Group at the top of the hill looked at each other, then Kami and her mate broke out laughing.


"What's so funny?" asked InuYasha


"That wasn't the girls." She replied. They all looked at each other again.


"You don't think…." Said Kagome, Kami just nodded. They all laughed.



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Naraku was a sobbing twisted wreck on the floor, the girls had somehow taken all of his power from him and he was in more pain than he could ever remember being in before.


Kagura sat playing with the little girls, wondering how they had managed to do that and why he couldn't protect himself from them. `I wonder' she thought idly.


"Sweethearts, could you find auntie's heart? That mean man over there stole it and hid it." The girls looked over at Naraku and then back, then at each other, before finally walking over to Naraku and one held out her little hand, a moment later it materialised in her palm and she brought it back to Kagura who smiled and thanked her.


One of the little girls looked over her shoulder and said in the same Japanese dialect Naraku and Kagura had been using "mommy and daddy are coming"



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