InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Kidnapped! ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I only own my own.






Life had been so much easier lately, Inu was more patient and in fairly good humour, fluffy had not made another appearance…neither had Kouga. There had also been no sign of Naraku since Kami had first appeared. Miroku sat pondering this while they all sat down to a lovely picnic lunch one day, about a week after the Kouga incident. After a bit another absence nagged at him…. InuYasha's flea, Myoga hadn't been seen either, and that usually meant danger. Before he could get to worked up or mention that too Inuyasha the tiny servant appeared, and tried to suck blood from their newest friend.


Kami jumped but before she had time to so much as swat him, he let go and fell to the ground screaming. Kami moved quickly to help him while Inu looked on in shock.


"I've never seen him react that way to anyone's blood before!" he exclaimed.


"My blood is different! If I'd realised he was going to bite me I would have warned him!" she took her had away and Myoga seemed to recover a little.


"You are very delicious but it felt like I was being purified!" he complained


Kami snorted, "you're lucky you didn't drink any more, it was purifying you, I can keep my aura from purifying you but it's in my blood, I can't help it."


Inu looked at her, "what are you that you have strength like a youkai but holy powers like a human miko?"


Kami sighed and started to say something when the pillar of flame Inu and Kagome had seen before burst from the ground, but instead of taking a moment to materialise it took less than a second and when he stepped out he was a mess!


"They're gone!!!" he screamed! Right behind him came Kami's mate, stepping from the shadows, he held his arms out to her and she ran into them and looked up distressed.


"How?" she asked. He seemed worried too but he looked down, away from her eyes when he answered.


"Fame says she smelled something rank and when she came too they were gone, the island has been searched, they're gone."


The Inu-gumi looked at each other. "Who's gone?" asked Kagome.


"Her Imperial Majesties twin Daughters." Phoenix answered. Everyone stared, except Kami who turned on him.


"Are we sure this isn't another of their tricks?" she demanded. "Could they have figured out how to get off the isle?"


"We don't think so Majesty, there is no trace of their magic's anywhere on the island," phoenix's eyes shifted, "but they didn't call for help either."


Kami's eyes glowed and Inu noticed her scent had become dangerous again, "Give me a little space!" She ordered and as they all moved back she began to glow.


After a few moments her glow faded a little, retreating into her eyes, when it no longer hurt to look at her, she spoke:


"They're in this dimension, but they're not conscious."


"Good thing for whoever has them." Muttered Phoenix, Kami glared at him a moment but then smiled.


"Would serve the bastard right if they woke up…" Phoenix flinched, but Kami's mate smiled and took her hand, they glowed briefly, then stood staring into each other's eyes, smiling.



********* ********* *********



In his hidden fortress Naraku smiled, he had successfully kidnapped the strange brats, after watching their mother go back and forth, from this world to hers.


Now that he didn't need to worry about her or wonder what powers she had, he almost looked forward to them finding him, so he could surprise them with the children's state.


But just then he felt a pulse of power from the two little girls, he turned to subdue them once more only to find they were now awake, and the miasma that had held them unconscious didn't affect them anymore.


Both three year olds looked at him and gave him tiny, identical evil smiles that sent shivers down his spine.