InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Alphe Rules ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I still don't own InuYasha

         Things were going well, traveling was easier with a secure and comfortable place to stay at night, Sesshy hadn't put in another appearance- which was just as well considering that InuYasha was still laughing about the last time, the weather was nice and Inu wasn't nearly as grumpy as he used to be, whether it was because he slept with Kagome every night or simply because he slept better without having to be constantly on alert was debatable but not really important, it just made traveling more comfortable.

         Sango and Miroku were getting closer too, he had stopped flirting (mostly) and she wasn't hitting him as hard when he groped her. Everything was so peaceful that you just knew it had to end.

         And so it did. One sunny mild day the group was walking along, InuYasha leading the way and Kagome at the rear speaking to Kami who was cuddling Shippo who in turn was dozing and Sango and Miroku were walking quietly but sneaking looks at each other every so often. Kouga appeared and of course the first thing he did was reach for Kagome... but this time Kagome moved away, not allowing him to touch her.

         Kouga was understandably surprised, his Kagome had rejected him.... then he noticed the change in her scent. He stood in shock for a moment disbelief written in his very posture, before turning to InuYasha in a rage.

         Damn you Inu-kuro how dare you touch my woman!?!?!?

         But before the hanyou could respond Kami stepped in front of Kouga, growling deep and clear for all to understand. Kouga looked confused but instinctively bowed his head to the elder alpha bitch that had appeared before him, before looking up cautiously to see if she would accept his submission. She frowned at him and he went to his knees letting a little whimper. She stopped growling to let him know she would permit him to rise, the rest of the inu-gumi watched in awe, only the canine or part canine members following the gist of the confrontation.

         How dare you approach without an introduction or even announcing yourself? What kind of wolf are you to so badly ignore custom? Have you no honor or are you stupid? Or perhaps you feel that you are superior to all others here and that we are not worthy of your courtesy? Kami reprimanded harshly I have never seen such behavior from a wolf and I am ashamed to see it now, speak up now if you have anything to say for yourself.

         Please great lady, I did not sense your presence here with the mutt, and this is my territory, I came only to see my chosen mate.... Kouga trials off as he realizes that Kami is not appeased by this explanation, nor is she amused or impressed with his status or claim on Kagome. She stares hard at him for a moment before speaking.

         I have chosen to travel with this group of champions and share with them my training and of course any prey, of course I have not found them to be greatly needing of much. They do not require my protection as such, though of course my offer stands. (She nodded to InuYasha and looked back to Kouga) I have shared what knowledge I could and the only thing can offer now is my experience, maturity, and insight. Do you question my judgment? Do you feel my selection was in error? I have found them all worthy and I have given my blessings to this union because it is owed, to balance a karmic debt. Give up your suit, it will never come to pass and your persistence will not be tolerated.

         Kouga left with his tail between his legs, keeping a careful watch on Kami over his shoulder.

         InuYasha watched in surprise, recognizing the wolf like scent Kami had developed in the last few minutes, and the canine body language that he hadn't consciously noted before, though looking back he realized it was one of the things that had made him trust her from the start. He smiled slightly, he may not know exactly what she was but she obviously had some relation to canines.

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