InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ The Wrath of Mr. Fluffy ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
...Y'all know the drill . . .

       &nbs p; Sesshomaru watched Kami intently as she continued to play with her Discman, and then asked her:

         "Do you understand what I'm saying?" Kami looked in his direction and raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, waiting for him to ask politely. "I asked you a question."

         He looked to Kagome, who was watching the entire exchange, and she felt the need to explain her friend's behavior.

         "She won't speak to you unless you introduce yourself and use some manners when you address her . . . and it probably isn't a good idea to piss her off . . . I've seen her and InuYasha face off and she doesn't even break a sweat."

         He looked for a moment as if considering then looked at Kami, then back to Kagome.

         "Introduce us then." She rolled her eyes and sighed but tried anyway when he glared at her.

         "Kami, this is InuYasha's older half brother Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru, this is our friend Kami." Kami looked from Kagome to Mr. Fluffy, thinking. Then she nodded, and inclined her head just slightly.

         "How do you do?" (Or the Japanese equivalent) He frowned at her slightly.

         "So you do understand what I say."

         "Yes, I understand a lot of things youngling. However I do tend to insist on manners, strangely I thought of the two of you, you were the one more likely to have some. I am terribly disappointed to find that InuYasha's are the best in the family."

         Fluffy growled. "What do mean youngling?! What exactly are you?" Just then Rin came up quietly behind him, and seeing Kami squealed and ran up to her

         "Kami-Sama, Kami-sama!" Kami of course opened her arms and greeted the good-hearted little munchkin

         "Hello Rin! How have you been since I last saw you? You look like you've grown at least a foot! And look you even have a new kimono! I guess Mr. Fluffy here has been taking care of you huh?"

         Sesshomaru had growled when Rin came out, Kami still smelled dangerous to him but when she had seen Rin, she had gone back to her original scent. He had been surprised that Rin and this enigma had met, but relived that she would not hurt his companion, then she had referred to him as Mr. Fluffy and he was shocked right through to the bone, he suddenly thought he knew what she had said that had made his brothers mate blush and cough . . . HOW DARE SHE MOCK HIM!!!

************************************************* *************

          InuYasha and Shippo raced back toward the clearing fearing the worst... but Kami was with them ... then he realized what the other scent was though he had never seen her as threatening he realized she had to be dangerous if she could beat him so easily...

         He fervently hoped she was using her scent to scare off his brother and that was why it had changed... then as suddenly as it had changed the first time her scent changed back. A few moments later they arrived only to find Kami cuddling the little girl that followed Sesshy and the bastard himself standing in the smaller clearing with Kagome and Kami.

         He skidded to a stop in a defensive position, waiting to see if he should attack or relax, just in time to hear Kami call Sesshomaru 'Mr. Fluffy' his mind stopped for a moment to let that sink in.

         It looked like Sesshy was having the same moment... He couldn't help it; he fell over, howling with laughter. MR. FLUFFY! That was perfect, why hadn't he ever thought of calling him that?!? The look on the arrogant son of a bitch's face was absolutely priceless! Trust Kami to be the one to bring him down! And Sesshomaru couldn't even attack her right away because Rin was sitting in her lap!

         Kagome knelt next to him and whispered in English

         "She was calling him Rude Mr. Fluffy earlier, I swear I almost died, trying not to laugh!" Inu snickered and whispered back, still in English

         "What did he do to piss her off?"

         "He was just rude and arrogant, the way he always is... but he made a good point, do you know what Kami is?" The Inu Hanyou stopped,

         "No, actually... She isn't human and she isn't a youkai...(to Kami - in English) Kami, not to be rude, but what are you? Your scent doesn't tell me."

         Kami laughed and replied "I thought you would have figured it out by now... I am Kami"

         Just then Sesshy LUNGED at InuYasha for laughing at him, and Inuyasha just dodged it like it was nothing. He smirked at his brother, amazed that he had learned so much from Kami so quickly, without noticing.

         After dodging a few more times he decided he had been easy enough on his big brother and started to fight back, landing enough good hits to drop him on his ass in less than a minute.

         Mr. Fluffy was having a bad day, to say the least, he growled up at the little freak, before attacking him again.

         They went around and round for a few minutes, InuYasha doing much better than his brother, obviously having no trouble keeping the upper hand, before Kami stopped the fight by simply holding Fluffy immobile with a little bit of invisible binding. His hair was mussed he was developing a black eye and he was REALLY pissed at this turn of events.

         InuYasha was practically jumping for joy, this was one of the best days of his life, after his wedding day (and night) and a couple others, he had beaten Sesshomaru! Without breaking a sweat! It had been so easy; he could barely contain his triumph, though if he gloated he knew Kagome and Kami wouldn't be pleased. So he asked calmly
   ;       "What did you want?" The Inu Youkai growled out

         "What have you learned of Naraku's whereabouts whelp?" The younger hanyou smiled evilly and replied

         "Ask me nicely." Sesshomaru tried to lunge at him but Kami's bindings held fast.

         Rin was becoming upset, her guardian and protector was being held captive and had been hurt by the other silver haired boy, she turned to Kami and asked her to release her companion. Kami told her that she would release him in a moment and make him feel all better but that they didn't want him trying to hurt them either. Rin nodded but still watched Fluffy with concern in her dark brown eyes.

         Kami stood up with Rin in her arms and walked over to Sesshomaru, holding Rin on one hip. When she was in touching distance InuYasha turned to see to Kagome, making sure she wasn't hurt, and Kami reached out and touched her captive on the shoulder of his left arm (the missing one!) and a pulse of golden light later the Youkai lord was completely healed - including the arm InuYasha had removed during the fight for the tetsaiga.

         Then she released him and handed Rin to him so he wouldn't have a hand free to cause trouble, told him that they had heard nothing of the evil hanyou. She gave him the choice to stay and hunt with them or to go off by himself and search on his own. He chose to go taking Rin with him, the girl waving happily over his shoulder.

A/N ***
WOOO HOOOO!!! I am on a roll today! This is what 4..5 chappies? Wooo hooo!
         review review review!
