InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Getting On With It ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
...Y'all know I don't own these guys . . . well except for Kami I suppose . . .

         The weather was still perfect. It had been the entire month. Kagome suspected magic was involved somehow but wasn't really sure. After all the playing and lounging about they had done, InuYasha was starting to get a little fidgety, and Kagome wasn't much better. Both felt they should be getting back to the past and start gathering the shards again . . . how many had Naraku found while they were playing?

         They had finally sat down the night before and hammered out what kind of house they wanted and how they wanted it to be accessible. They had finally decided on "family" for the password, it was in English so it wasn't likely that anyone in ancient Japan would think of it, and for added security in case someone did overhear, the barrier also had to be set to accept that person, and last but not least you had to know how to find the barrier to give the password to.

         So all of the Inu-Gumi were given a charm, each a little different, each worn a different place so they could get home no matter where they were and so the gateway wouldn't be as obvious as identical rings or necklaces would have been.

         Kagome and InuYasha had used their wedding rings, a pretty little protective charm on a necklace for Sango, a ring to replace one of the ones on Miroku's staff, a collar for Kirara, a gauntlet type bracelet for Shippo, and a painting for Kaede.

         Kagome's family could get in through a tapestry hung on the well house wall, because they really weren't in dangerous situations every day, the way everyone else was, and because disappearing in modern Japan could cause a lot more problems than disappearing in the woods of feudal Japan.

         The home they had chosen was this one, where they had spent their honey moon. The island was large enough for everyone to have their own house and Kami said she didn't mind, apparently it made it easier for her because it was already in a pocket universe of its own.

         So she had another house built, a little distance away from theirs that was similar but not exactly the same, and had even built Shippo a little tree house all his own . . . though he had a room in theirs. They had considered giving Sango and Miroku each houses of their own but they had seemed to have reached an agreement and were acting a little warmer than before. Besides the house was large enough that they both had enough room to breathe and Sango could always lock her door . . .

         Basically everything was set and they could go anytime now. Kami showed up then and announced that she had a surprise for them. "What kind of surprise?" InuYasha asked, he was getting used to her surprises, but it still was kinda strange that he wasn't suspicious of them.

         "Well, I know your quest is more than a little time sensitive so when you get back, your friends will swear you've only been gone one night . . . Its morning there now so you can all get a fresh start . . . Also because your den is in a pocket dimension you can decide what time you want it to be when you leave . . . just be careful with that though, cause if the gate has moved since you went in you could land wherever it was then . . . It gets complicated, so please be careful. Now is there anything else you wanted to know or do before I bring you back?"

         "No, I think we're ready." Kagome replied looking to her mate to confirm. He nodded.

         "Then away we go."

******************************************************** *******

Back To The Past

         After a brief stop in Kagome's time to pick up her bag and pack some supplies (Kami took one look at the big yellow bag and sighed, handing Kagome a smaller black one, with a big opening instead, saying it was full of all the things they would need. think of something and your hand would pull it out of the bag. Needles to say it was much lighter that way. [Think of Mary Poppins carpet bag kinda - but cool looking])They stood under the Goshimboku, where the only permanent gate to their private island was located, spanning both times. (Technically all times but whose counting?)

         After a moment a familiar cry of 'Kagomeeeee' was heard followed by the impact of a baby kitsune into Kagome's chest and greetings from their other friends as they came within view. After getting through their initial surprise at seeing their friends again so soon and the explanations, (and several more lumps on Miroku's head for hentai comments about honeymoons in general and Kagome and Inu in particular) they went back on the road looking for jewel shards.

***************************************************** *****************

       & nbsp; After about a week and 2 shards later, they were sitting in a lovely little glen under some nice shade trees near a little waterfall resting, While Kagome got another lesson from Kami on the other side of some shrubs (Inu having finished all but the combat lessons).

         Sango was polishing her hiraikotsu (the BIG boomerang) and Miroku was coping a feel, WHAM, uh, okay Miroku was [cough] sleeping.

         Everything was looked peaceful so Inu took Shippo hunting, thinking that rabbits would be really good for lunch.

         Kagome lay recovering from her 'lesson' and Kami was playing with something small and mechanical looking when Sesshomaru walked gracefully into the clearing, and demanded

         "Where is he?"

         Kagome froze knowing Inu was too far away to keep him from killing her, then remembering what Kami had said about her armor and the spell currently humming along in her guts, she started to feel a little braver... Besides Kami was right there and she was ignoring him... if they were in danger she would be doing something other than trying to fix her Discman right? She stood and looked him in the eye.

         "He's out hunting with Shippo. He should be back in a little while." He eyed her coldly. "I guess we could call him if it's urgent . . . " She muttered.

         He simply nodded, and crossed his arms, his expression, glacial. Barely daring to take her eyes from him she politely asked Kami, in English,

         "Can you find him? Is he close enough to hear me?"

         Sessomaru's gaze fell on the little female who sat playing without the slightest trace of fear. Didn't she know who he was? He sniffed discretely and noticed that her scent was very soft and female but not human nor youkai . . . His eyes narrowed, what a strange creature . . .

         Kami on the other hand was ignoring him because he had been terribly rude to not say hi, and to not introduce himself to her. Kagome however she would speak to, she decided . . . in English

         "He's close enough, but don't yell for him. Let rude Mr. Fluffy here, wait for him. We are not his servants and we do not answer to him."

         Kagome choked, but managed to turn it into a cough. Her cheeks turning more than a little pink, she told the youkai

         "Sorry, he's too far away to hear me, you'll just have to wait a few minutes for him to come back."

         Being far from stupid, he looked back and forth between the two females a moment before demanding to know what Kami had said. After another coughing fit Kagome carefully told him that Kami though him rather rude . . . but fearing for their safety left it at that.

         Mr. Fluffy was not amused. He had the strange feeling that the little female had said more. After a moment he asked

         "What is she?"

         Annoying Kami all the more. Kagome looked briefly at Kami, knowing her sense of humor if not her temper, and looked back at Sesshomaru and said sincerely.

         "I don't know . . . "

         Kami on the other hand smiled darkly and changed her scent, till she smelled of deadly danger to the Inu youkai. He looked at her as her scent changed, and narrowed his eyes.

************************************************************ **********
Meanwhile . . .

         InuYasha laughed as Shippo missed the rabbit again. They had already caught two and this was going to be the third . . . He hoped, As it escaped right out from under the little fox's nose again. Then Shippo suddenly leapt forward and caught it and Inu clapped, proud of his foster sons first catch.

         Shippo was beside himself! He couldn't believe he had done it! All by himself too! He held up his catch to show his new papa, who smiled at him and said

         Good job . . . Son.

         The little kitsune felt his eyes fill up with tears, he was so happy to have a new dad; a home and now he even had a mom! Then on top of all that he had actually caught something! He knew that InuYasha would teach him to be a great hunter and warrior as he grew up and Kagome would teach him all sorts of other stuff and make sure he was happy, now he just needed to show them how happy he was . . . Inu knelt down next to him and wiped a tear away gently with one clawed finger.

         Men don't cry. Now lets go show your mother. Then he stood straight up as the wind shifted and he caught the scent of his half brother and something else that was vaguely familiar but very dangerous . . . right near where he had left Kagome! Shippo jumped up on his shoulder sensing that something was wrong, and together they raced back to the clearing where their family waited for them.