InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Hot Chocolate and Lemonade ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
...I HAVE NO RIGHTS OVER INUYASHA.. .do I have to say this for every chapter?
Cause this is gettin old...

         In celebration of new life Kami made another huge feast for the lovebirds, before leaving to attend to some other business. With mostly finger foods, the kind lovers can feed to each other, light enough that they don't put you to sleep. For dessert small fruits, ice cream, candies, chocolates, whipped cream and a thick hot chocolate with marshmallows and more whipped cream.

         A meal for lovers, to encourage a playful atmosphere, to enflame the senses and tease the palete and give some contrast to the touches,  Imagine a kiss, warm and heated from the hot chocolate or lips closing on a nipple, cold from fruit and whipped cream and of course the greater the contrast the more intense the sensation, a bite of ice cream and a taste of her hot honeyed core.

         They made love slowly, gently, because he didn't want to hurt his pups, taking all the time in the world to please and tease each other. Until both felt sated for the moment and they lay wrapped in each others embrace in a little nest of blankets and pillows on the beach, open to the breeze with only a little glass dome hung with curtains to protect them from the elements.

         They watched the waves of the ocean and the palm trees sway in the breeze.

         InuYasha had never known such peace, such tranquility. Holding his mate in his arms and catching the first traces of her scent changing, reminding him of his new family. He pondered of all the things he had learned of this time, of the bits of magic Kami had taught him, that he would have to teach his children, like how to hide his youkai features and scent, how to heal himself when he really needed to... so many things.

         He took a deep breath and wondered what kind of father he would make for the little ones. He didn't even remember his own father, and he had grown up wild and alone... He began to worry, about how he would protect his family... His own father had died to protect him and his mother from the prejudice of humans and youkai alike.

         He had seen other hanyou children, none had been spared from the hate, they were all outcasts, would he be dooming his own children to hide themselves for all their long lives? He had been so lucky to find Kagome... His whole life he had never met anyone who accepted him as he was... Until he met her... Now he had Friends... No, he had family!

         Kagome's family had welcomed him, and Sango, Shippo, Miroku, even Kaede and Kirara were family now. A pack, and between all of them he was sure they could raise a pair of pups.

         He could learn, after all he had already learned about Kagome's time, and he knew that she would help him learn to take care of their children.

         He smiled to himself, maybe it would be okay, after all they had made it this far...

         "You look so serious, is something wrong?" His mate whispered in his ear, her warm breath making him shiver.

         "No, I was just thinking."

         "Tell me?"

         "I guess I was just wondering what kind of father I'll make. I don't even remember mine."

         "I thought you were doing pretty well with Shippo the last few weeks, it seems like you've grown up so much, that sometimes I'm just amazed. Have you noticed that we've barely fought since? I think that by the time the twins are born we'll both be ready... Do you think I'll be a good mother? After all, I'm the one who broke the shikon no tama, and I seem to lose the pieces we get..."

         "I know you'll be a great mother, I've seen you handle Shippo so well since the beginning... I've just been wondering about how we keep them safe from prejudice since they'll be hanyou too.

         I think that we'll find a solution before they're born, between the two of us and my family and the others at the very least they will never be alone... They'll always be accepted by us

         He smiled comforted, she was right; it was being alone that was the worst part. Having no one who would tell you that the mean people are wrong... that you aren't worthless. Having someone who loves you makes a huge difference... He smiled at his mate... His solace.

         He reached past her then seeing for the first time the cold drinks some thoughtful...perverted but thoughtful... person had left there. Wondering briefly how he had missed them before dismissing the thought in favor of surprising his beautiful wife with a cool drink to quench the thirst that their lovemaking and playing had caused