InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Morning After ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
...I Wish I had cute fuzzy ears . . . and the rights to Cute fuzzy puppy boy to match - but I don't

         The pair lay there for a while, just enjoying each others nearness, when Inu's tummy growled suggesting that it may be time to go find some food.

         Kagome giggled and kissed his stomach before getting up and looking into the closet for something to wear. The first thing she saw was a pretty kimono with a simple tie belt, so she put that on.

         Behind her she heard a puppy like whine, and turned to find InuYasha pouting at her comically. She giggled again, heading for the kitchen, and the hanyou jumped up and went after her, as he was.

         Not finding her in the kitchen, he went out into the sunroom/dining room and saw the huge feast that had apparently drawn her attention.

         "WOW! Look at all the food!" He said in awe "But I don't see any ramen!"

         Kagome rolled her eyes and sighed, then turning to look at her mate, closed her eyes and shook her head.

         "Inu-luv put some clothes on for breakfast hmm?" He pouted again looking at her.

         "Do I have to? (Evil grin) You could take yours off too, y'know. I wouldn't mind." He tried snuggling up to her.

         "Yes, please? Just for breakfast?" It's not polite to sit at the table without clothes on."

         "Awwwwwww" He pouted some more, but he did run back to their room long enough to put on his own -manly- kimono/robe and come back to the table where Kagome was waiting for him.

         For the first time in his life the hanyou tried pancakes, bacon, home fries, sausage, waffles with fruit preserves and ice cream, and he loved it!

         He pigged out so badly that afterward he lay on the hammock groaning in pain . . . but it had all been soooooooo good! He hadn't cared much for coffee (Kagome didn't tell him to put sugar in it . . . she didn't think that making him hyper was a good idea) and he didn't really like the orange juice but the hot cocoa was an instant favorite . . . especially when Kagome had added the marshmallows and whipped cream. He had tried oatmeal/porridge before so he hadn't eaten too much of that but the sweet Syrup had him all over the pancakes like, well, like syrup.

         Kagome had smiled, blushed and gigged through breakfast and was now sitting on the hammock next to him.

         "Maybe next time you should go a little easier on stuff you don't recognize. I don't even know if you have any allergies to food here, we put things in our food that don't even exist in your time . . . " She smiled gently and rubbed his ears to comfort him.

         Suddenly they heard a noise like a knock on the door. Kagome looked around. They were outdoors, and this was supposed to be a private island, so it wasn't like they had neighbors who would visit . . . Just to see what would happen she said 'come in' and poof! Kami popped up next to her.

         "I wanted to warn you in case you weren't decent" and to Inu "Ooooh poor puppy! (He glared at her) Did you get a tummy ache?"

         That got her a growl. Kami paid no attention to it at all as she reached over and took Kagome's hand, guiding it to her mates stomach and made her rub it a little, then she carefully showed her how to put enough of her power into it to ease the pain. Kagome picked it up quickly and smiled to herself.

         *That's going to be a useful trick* she thought.

         After a bit the pain in his stomach subsided and InuYasha's mood improved.

         Kami watched the two interact and carefully checked the energy fields around Kagome, and sniffed to confirm her suspicions, though it was much fainter than Inu would notice her scent had started to change.

         Kagome was pregnant. After a moment Kami asked Kagome to sit still, and she put her own hand over Kagome's stomach to check on the child... children.

         After a moment she said, "Congratulations Kagome, you're pregnant, feels like twins, a boy and a girl and they both seem to have their fathers ears. I would say another week and your scent will have changed enough, and I can put the stasis spell on you."

         The newlyweds looked at her and then each other for a moment before Inu grabbed her and gave her a huge hug, swinging her off her feet.