InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koga of the Wolves Meets Another ❯ Chapter One: Help ( Chapter 1 )

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Koga of the Wolves Meets Another
By: RoninSoldier
Chapter 1: Help
A brown-haired girl looked over the canyon to the great forest surrounding the rocks on which she stood. She held her side where blood trickled through her fingers, gathering in her clothes and falling to a red puddle. She fingered a silver crescent moon hanging from her neck with her other hand, feeling its smooth shape. She felt a patch of fur brush against her leg. She looked down a pure black wolf whimpered at her side.
“Yes Sakura, you may call for help, but no one will come. They never do…” the girl said as she fell to the ground unconscious. As the moon rose the wolf howled once; a desperate call for help.