InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koga of the Wolves Meets Another ❯ Chapter 2: The Smell of Blood ( Chapter 2 )

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Koga of the Wolves Meets Another
By: RoninSoldier
Chapter 2: The Smell of Blood
The male wolf demon looked out from behind the waterfall. His nose sniffed the air while his turquoise eyes studied the canyon beyond. He wrinkled his nose as the strong smell of human and demon blood met his senses. He gazed in the direction it was coming from. Everything looked normal. Another wolf demon came up behind the first.
“Koga, what's that smell? It's demonic yet familiar.” Koga sniffed the air again.
“You're right, it is familiar…it smells like a wolf's blood.” The other wolf demon looked at Koga.
“But none of our men went out today, is it another tribe?”
“Must be, I'll go check it out.”
“Wait, Koga! I'll go with you!” It was too late, Koga had already disappeared within a whirlwind that dashed across the canyons.