InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi ❯ My Happy Life ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N::: OMG thank u soo much to everyone that reviewed, now i know why authors freak for wanting reviews!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!!

okay the time line might be a little confusing so:
·15 years old -kagome falls through the well for the first time
·17 years old -Kagome returns home
·22 years old -kagome gets married
·23 years old- kagome's grandfather dies
·24 years old -kagome has Yuki (son)
·27 years old -Kagome falls down the well again

Chapter #3

Kagome sighed as she looked up from the well.
All she saw were clear blue skies.
No well house.
She wanted to cry, but no, she wouldn't allow it. Sitting there for a minute kagome went through everything that had happened in her head and Inu yasha had always been there for her, saving her and protecting her.
Hearing a bit of yelling kagome sobered and stood listening intently.
"You have to get Kagome, Inu yasha!" kagome heard Sango yell.
"No fucking way she hates me!"
"Well that’s not our fault that’s yours so suck it up!" said Shippo
Kagome's eyes widened at the little fox demon's voice, he had grown so much, but she didn't know why she was so surprised.
"Why you little..." Inu yasha started
"Now now Inu yasha this is getting us no where. I understand that you don't want to upset Kagome in her knew life that she has made following your tearing of her heart but she in the Shikon's protector and-"
At this time kagome decided to interrupt.
"Thanks for the consideration guys, but can someone get me out of here!"
Everyone rushed to the well and looked in and there was Kagome
'She's mores beautiful than ever!' Inu yasha thought.
Without another thought Inu yasha jumped in held kagome by the waist and jumped back up. Inwardly Inu yasha sighed he couldn't remember why he did what he did all those years ago.
"Inu you can let go now." Kagome said softly against his hair. Quickly Inu yasha complied and let go but wondered at "Inu"?? Kagome had never called him that. He expected Kagome to not even acknowledge his presence.
As ever hugged kagome everyone even Miroku who's hand started to slip, Inu yasha stared at her. Her hair wasn’t as puffy but sleek held back in some sort of braid that went from the crown of her heard to her neck then was let loose and reached the small of her back. Her curves were fuller, legs longer, her eyes told stories. Inu yasha had to take a break and take a breathe.
"Inu is anything wrong?" said kagome.
She was right in front of him, her hand touching his chest, and her eyes full of concern that’s when Inu yasha saw it! the mating mark!
Inu yasha stepped back, horror filled his eyes.
"You... your mated!" stuttered Inu yasha.
Kagome looked away tenderly and placed the her hand on the mark.
"Yes I'm mated and married since humans don't know about demons."
"Lets go back to the hut. Then we can ask Kagome about her life, besides it is getting dark." said Sango.
Inu yasha huffed and was about to offer kagome his back when he saw he walk past him towards the village.
Everyone walked quietly after kagome as watched her.
Inu yasha couldn't help but watch her ass in those jeans.

Taking seats around the fire, kagome leaned against the back wall as Miroku and Sango asked questions.
Inu yasha went off into lala land he didn't want to hear about how this demon mate of kagome's was so sweet and perfect and wonderful, he knew what Sango and Miroku were doing though they were asking these questions to make him feel bad for hurting kagome.
"So kagome you one of them jobs you were always on about?" Inu yasha asked stopping the questions of Kagome's mate/husband. Kagome smiled broadened.
"Yeah I run all the business of the shrine. Grandpa left it to me when he died." sad kagome
"what kind of business can a Shinto shrine have besides sell those tokens and stupid key chains" said Inu yasha
'So different yet so the same' kagome thought
"Well a whole bunch of artefacts have been unearthed and they always refer to legends of the area and the biggest legend in the area is you! So everyone wants tours of the shrines property, even through that little part of Inu yasha' s forest, your great business.“ explained kagome
"So I'm a gimmick?" asked Inu yasha
"yeah though Yuki is more popular when it comes to giving tours"
"Yuki?" everyone asked
Everyone had assumed her husband since she never said his name.
"Yeah he's the cutest little thing! When we do the tours he waits until we get to the God tree and i tell the story of Inu and Kikyo and goes:
**Flashback memories been shared**
'NO that’s not how its is!' say Yuki ,
'Kikyo was evil'
'Yeah that s what daddy says he says she was evil and was selfish and wanted to be a normal woman!' "
**Flashback over**
"So yeah he's the cutest thing!" Kagome exclaimed
"Your son?" Inu yasha asked his voice emotionlessly
Kagome nodded, smiling brightly.
Everyone was quiet as they watched Inu yasha's reaction.
"So the kid is Hanyou-"
"No Yuki is full demon. Since his dad is more powerful than more full blooded demons and I've become immensely more powerful in my magik, some how Yuki became a full demon."
"You married a Hanyou!" yelled Inu yasha.
Kagome didn’t get why Inu yasha was freaking out.
"Yeah" said kagome
"The only man I've ever truly loved" she whispered but everyone heard.

A/N:: hope u guys like and keep reviewing !!! Blessed Be!
Assane of Ré