InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kouga's Den ❯ Revelation ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kouga's Den
Chapter 2
By Hanyou_swimmer
Disclaimer: I own nothing! I don't even own the computer I'm typing this on, so sad. You can sue me but, you'll probably end up paying me I own so little.
As Inuyasha followed the scent of his beloved he noticed two things, one her scent had changed from scared to angry and two, it was leading to Kouga's wolf den. He no longer had to follow her scent, he knew exactly where he was going and he had to get there
before anything happened to his Kagome!
"Kouga, what are you doing?" Kagome asked getting angrier by the minute, Kouga wouldn't tell her where they were going and she didn't like it.
"I'm makin' you my woman" he simply answered, as he placed Kagome on the haystack that was his bed, something bit her as he sat her down. “Before you say somethin' I only promised to leave you alone if dog boy didn't hurt you, and he hurt you so your mine
now.” Kagome just laughed.
Kagome tried to say something, this was ridiculous, but was stopped as Kouga put a finger over her mouth, soon replacing it with his mouth. She shivered as she endured his tongue licking her lip. Kouga placed his hand on her left breast, when she tried to say something he took it as his chance and his tongue invaded her mouth.
Gaining strength Kagome pushed him away, "What the hell are you doing?"
Kouga answered, "I said I was gonna make you my woman. Kagome, I want you and I know you want me."
"I'm sorry Kouga, but I can't be with you, I...I don't want you. I thought I made clear earlier today" She stuttered out.
Kouga was getting irritated, "Why do you love him? I know you said earlier that you could never love me as long as he's here but you haven't tried. He doesn't love you back, and even if he does you'd never be happy. He'd be so jealous and controlling you'd regret ever being with him."
Kagome, shocked, stood and began rambling, "Look I know that he`s jealous and overprotective and controlling and arrogant and hard headed but I do love him, he may piss me off sometimes and he may hurt my feelings sometimes but to be honest he doesn't try to, half of the time he doesn't know that he even does it and I know that he loves me back, he just hasn't realized it yet."
“Look Kagome you've been traveling with him for over a year, and he hasn't realized it yet, what makes you think he ever will? You need to get over him and move on with someone who can protect you. Besides, he`s dumb ass half breed he probably isn`t capable of love.” Kouga replied without emotion.
“He can too protect me!! He's stronger than you'll ever be! And he more of a capability to love than you could ever imagine! He's sweet and caring when he wants to be, you just don't understand him!” Kagome shouted into the irritated wolf's face.
“Hold on a second.” Kouga yelled before jumping off, leaving Kagome surrounded in dust and wondering what was going on, until she felt his aura. Inuyasha had come to save her!
Inuyasha stood outside the wolves den after having just knocking out what looked to be almost an entire pack of wolves, and had heard everything Kagome had said, so Miroku was right? She was in love with him, but how? He was touched, but he had no idea how to react to such an admission, the only other person to love him was his mother and it had cost her her life.
He couldn't ask that of Kagome. On the other hand, he was stronger now and he could protect her, but what if he couldn't? What if he didn't make it in time, what if he lost her? Maybe she'd be better off with Kouga, but he was just too selfish to let her go, besides she had said she wanted him so maybe it would be ok.
Kouga came running out of the den to come face to face with a newly energized Inuyasha.
"What the hell have done with MY Kagome?!" Inuyasha angrily asked. Pissed off more than anything, wait did he just say, out loud, that she was his, oh I hope she didn't hear that! He simply wanted to wait to tell her he loved her, not like this.
"She's not yours Inuyasha, she's mine, she will bear MY pups! And there isn't anything that you can do about it, she's already here, in MY bed and I will mark her before nightfall. You had your chance and you blew it."
Inuyasha became even more upset at that statement, his eyes flashing red although Tetsusaiga was by his side. Kagome would never bear anyone else's pups, and she would definitely not mate that mangy wolf!
"She's not going to bear your pups Kouga, if she bears anyone's pups, it'll be mine!"
Inuyasha screamed at Kouga, not realizing that an angry and confused Kagome was standing in the door to the den.
"Inuyasha...," Kagome startled him.
"Kagome, stay back."
"Ok," she said as Inuyasha jumped toward Kouga. Kagome could swear for a brief second Inuyasha's eyes flashed crimson. She didn't know exactly what was going on, but Inuyasha had just said that she was going to have his pups and she knew that she had to stay back, this was no longer harmless, the tone in Inuyasha`s voice had told her that much.
Kouga had actually tried to mate her and although she knew very little about the whole mating process, she knew to stay out of this. Sango had told her what she knew about it, which wasn't a whole lot considering she had mostly killed demons, not studied them, and Keade had filled her in on what Sango didn't know.
Inuyasha had claim to her, something she wasn't totally okay with, but this was the warring states era. Kouga had challenged his claim, something that could be cause for death. At first she thought that Kouga was just flirting with her to upset Inuyasha, but tonight it became clear that that was not the case and she had to let them fight this out, as much as it hurt her. If she didn't let them do it then, it would be perceived that she had denied Inuyasha's claim and in doing that he lost a great deal of honor, which was all he had.
She had to let them fight. She couldn't do that to Inuyasha, especially after the things Kouga had said about him. But that didn't mean she had to watch. She turned her back to the battle.
Inuyasha ran toward Kouga, claws ready to kill. Kouga had challenged his claim on Kagome and he had to make it perfectly clear that she was his. He had no intention of killing Kouga, which was his right, Kagome would be upset by that, but he had to defend his claim and his honor.
Kouga spun around, leaping from Inuyasha's way. He came back down, behind Inuyasha.
Kagome turned momentarily and screamed, "Inuyasha look out behind you!" Kouga was taken by surprise. His Kagome, the one that was going to be HIS mate, if only she could realize that dog-boy could never make her happy the way he could, had just helped his enemy! How could she?
Inuyasha turned around and ran towards Kouga, dropping the Tetsusaiga, and pulled his claws and went to annihilate Kouga.
The moment he dropped Tetsusaiga, his eyes turned crimson.