InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kyoudai no Meiyo (The Honor of Brothers) ❯ The Prodigal Priestess Returns ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Kyoudai no Meiyo"
By: Lucifer_Spades
Chapter 1-"The Prodigal Priestess Returns"

She was late.

She's always, late.

Slowly he shifted his position on his chosen branch, amber eyes never leaving the well that had been the focus of his vigil over the last four days.

She said she’d only be gone three days.

Will I have to go find her again? She doesn’t seem to like it when I do. I don’t like it when she gets mad at me.

He leapt silently from the tree to the grass below, slowly approaching the enchanted wooden structure. He peered blearily inside, then slumped dejectedly beside it.

Rubbing his eyes, he whined softly.

Why does she always take so long to come back, doesn’t she want to find the shards? More importantly doesn't she miss me?

I should just wait, she always comes back, even if she is late.

Maybe she got hurt, or is sick.

He growled at the thought.

What if she is though? He couldn’t protect her in this time.

He snorted at himself, a gentle "Keh" escaped his lips.

She's probably just enjoying herself, she always seems to want a “shower”, whatever that is. Maybe that’s what she was doing.

He whined again, a bit more audibly this time. He shifted his position, and threw his arms haphazardly around his knees, burying his face in his lap.

What if she doesn’t come back this time, what if I really made her mad and she never wants to see me again.

I didn’t really need to go to Kikyo that last time. I just feel so damn guilty for what happened to her. It was my fault, I said I would protect her and I failed.

Why can’t she just see that? Why does she always have to look so betrayed when I talk with Kikyo? It's not like we ever do anything except talk, usually about finding Naraku, or my promise to her…

He groaned.

Why did I make that stupid promise? It wasn’t what I wanted. I want to avenge her, I know I have to do that, but I don’t want to die with her. I don’t want to die at all.

He shoved himself up, to gaze down the empty shaft again.

Resting his arms on the edge, he carefully placed his chin on them. His features hardened.

It 's not any of her business anyway, the past has nothing to do with her. Kikyo is my past, I know she's dead, it’s not my fault that old hag resurrected her.

Why am I always getting in trouble for it?

He growled again.

It's not fair, and now she's making me wait, it's probably her idea of punishment. Well I don’t have to take it, I haven’t done anything wrong.

He huffed back to his tree, and vaulted himself back to his favored branch.

He continued growling quietly.

A flash of pale blue light signaled her return. A few seconds later a ratty yellow backpack bulging near to bursting, was tossed onto the grassy floor of the clearing. A head of soft dark hair followed.

He descended and stalked over still fuming. He glared down at her.

“You’re late as usual, Kagome”,

“I know, but I had a really important test.”

She looked apologetically up at the beautiful half-dog demon. Who, at the moment, seemed determined to pierce her through with just his gaze.

“Keh! Whatever. Come on let’s just get back to finding those shards.”

“You’re always so grumpy, Inuyasha. “

“You’re always late! The shards are not going to find themselves you know!”

“You know I have obligations, in my own time!”

“You only stay gone so long to piss me off!”

“Inuyasha, I do not!”

“Keh! Bullshit!”

“Inuyasha, SIT!”

His eyes bulged, he was pulled face first to the ground from the force of the enchanted beads around his neck.

“You’re such a jerk!”

She slowly walked toward the village, where their other friends were awaiting her return.

He released a muffled groan.