InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kyoudai no Meiyo (The Honor of Brothers) ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Kyoudai no Meiyo"
By: Lucifer_Spades
Chapter 2-"Revelations"

"Sa ngo!"

She caught a glimpse of her friend as she approached the village that had become her second home.

A blur of coppery fur streaked into her arms, nearly knocking her over.


The ecstatic young fox demon was wriggling with excitement.

“You’re back!”

“I missed you too, Shippo”

She laughed as she tossed him in the air and caught him for a thorough hugging.

“Have you behaved yourself while I was away?”

“Uh huh.”

His voice was muffled as he burrowed into her pack in search of candy. She giggled as she helped him find the bag of suckers she had stowed in one of the pockets.

Sango strolled up with her usual warm smile, followed closely by a studiously serene envisaged monk.

“Kagome-chan I trust you enjoyed your trip home?”

The monk inclined his head with genuine inquery.

“It was alright, Miroku. Though, I had to study the whole time for a chemistry test I didn’t know I had.”

“Oi! Kagome, what the hell was that for!”

Inuyasha loudly announced his returned presence.

She chose to ignore his question, instead returning to her pack to fish out the ramen she had brought for him. She tossed it to him as he approached, and watched as the appreciative gleam danced in his eyes when he caught it.

The pain of her command a few moments ago forgotten, Inuyasha smiled at his treat.

The reunited friends, glanced up as an old woman in miko garb approached.

“I see ye have made it back safely, child.”, the miko intoned sagely, “Let us retire to the comfort of my home, much has happened in your absence.”

Kagome blanched slightly.

I don’t like the sound of that.

They followed the old woman's quickly retreating form into the village.

A few minutes later they began seating themselves around a small fire in the center of the priestesses’ hut. Kagome began preparations to boil some water so Inuyasha could make his ramen.

When they were all settled and the half demon had his bowl of noodles, she began.

“A visitor arrived while ye were in your own time. A young woman, I believe ye know her.”

A small sound outside of the hut caused everyone to look up as a mane of long dusky hair, and one soft brown eye peeked around the doorway.

“Come in child.”

The old woman's face was kind, as she beckoned.

The head bobbed out of sight, then a slim leg followed by a petite female figure, slipped into the small space.

A shy young woman of about sixteen, stood in front of the group, a nervous look marred her usually open countenance.

“Rin? What are you doing here?”

Kagome looked confused. She glanced at the faces around the room, but could discern nothing.

“I couldn’t think of anywhere else to turn.”

The girl was nervous.

“Perhaps ye will now speak of why ye came? Ye said you would not unless Kagome was here.”

Rin looked uncomfortably around the room, stopping on the gentle face of the woman who had treated her kindly the few times Lord Sesshomaru had not been there when she had run into trouble in the past.

Kagome answered the girls unasked question.

“It’s alright, there’s nothing to fear here. No one will hurt you.”


She stumbled on her words a bit, paused, and then she took a deep breath and a familiar cool demeanor replaced the nervousness on her face.

“Lord Sesshomaru is missing. He went ahead of Jaken, Ah-Un, and I seeking Naraku, and he didn’t come back.”

“Ewah ta tfut…!”

Inuyasha attempted to speak through a huge mouthful of ramen, he gulped, choking on the mass , his golden eyes flew open and began to water as he coughed up bits of noodle and vegetables.

Rin looked at him quizzically, noting the physical resemblances between her beloved lord and this, his half demon sibling.

The cool, nearly dispassionate way she observed him with only a slight drawing in of the brows to indicate query, reminded Inuyasha far to much of his cold, calculating brother.

“Why the fuck should we care what happens to that asshole? It’s not like he’d trouble himself about us. Not that we’d need that bastards help anyway."

“Inuyasha! You’re so insensitive!”

“I…It’s alright, Kagome.”

The girl's eye's masked the hurt she felt at the slight to her master.

“I know they don’t like each other. It’s just, as I said, I didn’t have anywhere else to turn.”

“Master Jaken did not want me to come, but even he is very worried, Lord Sesshomaru has been gone for almost a month now.”

Kagome was aghast.

“He leaves you alone for that long!”

“Fucking bastard!”

Sango gasped, and Kaede furrowed her brows a bit.

Even the monk looked perturbed at the thought of the young woman alone in the forest for such an extended period of time.

“That’s just it!”

The mimic of her lords calm evaporating, as emotion took over.

"He has never been gone for more than a few days, a week at most!”

She quickly turned away, and by the time Kagome had risen to comfort the girl, she turned back with the practiced look of dispassionate calm again. Only the tinge of redness in the whites of her eye’s gave signal to the tears that had nearly fallen.

“Master Jaken and I were unable to find him, though we knew which direction he had gone. We searched for miles with Ah-Un but there was no trace of him.”

The girl inhaled another controlled breath.

“I asked Master Jaken, what we should do but he was no help, he believes my Lord Sesshomaru became displeased and simply abandoned us.”

“Keh! I wouldn’t put it past him, Sesshomaru never gave a damn about anyone in his life, I’m surprised he let you hang off his ass as long as he has, you...”


He was slammed roughly to the earth again.

Kagome gave his prone form an exasperated glare.

Rin’s almost perfect stoic demeanor slipped as a small smile tilted her lips. Her clear brown eyes twinkled a tiny bit, at the somewhat absurd spectacle before her, too soon it was once again masked with seeming indifference. She shook her head gently.

“I cannot believe that my lord would leave us behind. He has always taken care of me, taught me, provided for me. Why then, would he just abandon me?”

She sighed and continued her story.

“I asked Master Jaken if we should find you, as you are the only one I could remember meeting, that might be able to help us. He would hear nothing of it and said Lord Sesshomaru would have our heads if we sought help from his hated half brother. So, I left with Ah-un to find you alone.”

“Please help me find Lord Sesshomaru, I just know something terrible must have happened to make him stay away so long.”

Her face cracked again as she begged.

“Of course we’ll help you! Right guys!”

Kagome looked around at her friends for confirmation.

An uncomfortable silence followed.

“Why should we what’s in it for us?”

Inuyasha had finally extracted himself from the crater of earth his body had created.

Sango too, voiced her misgivings.

“Kagome you realize that this is Sesshomaru she’s talking about, the demon lord who has tried to kill Inuyasha on numerous occasions, not to mention the times he tried to kill you.”

“I think we should do it.”

Miroku ignored the look of confusion on two of his friends faces.

“It stands to reason that as he has allowed her to follow him for several years, kept her alive, and taught her, I find it hard to believe that Sesshomaru-Sama would suddenly abandon the girl.”

“Yeah, I think we should help her too.”

Shippo's shrill child like voice broke in. He had finished his candy and tuned into the conversation.

“I suppose we should, it‘s not as if we can take her in, and she doesn't really have anywhere else to go.”

Sango was swayed by the monk's argument.

"That settles it! It’s four to one, we’ll do what we can to help you.”

Kagome jumped up with a clap of her hands.

“Oh, thank you!”

The girl dipped herself to the ground in a low bow, her lord had taught her manners, and she would not vitiate his honor by forgetting to give proper gratitude.