InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kyoudai no Meiyo (The Honor of Brothers) ❯ Exodus ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Kyoudai no Meiyo"
By: Lucifer_Spades
Chapter 3-"Exodus"

"Wh ere in the seven hells are we even supposed to start looking?"

“Ah-Un knows where we were when he last scented Lord Sesshomaru, he will bring us back there.”

The group moved out, Rin in the lead on the two headed dragon demon, she had named Ah-Un. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo rode Sango’s companion, a giant fire cat demon called Kirara, and Kagome was carried by Inuyasha on foot. They traveled swiftly along the forest floor.

“Oi, Rin. Where is this place?”

“About two days travel southwest of here.”

“What the fuck was Sesshomaru doing in that area? The last we heard Naraku was in the north!”

“If I had that answer I would not have had to ask you for help, now would I?”

Inuyasha had no retort for her.

Ah-Un suddenly veered to the right of the path and began grunting softly as both heads swiveled as if looking for something.

Suddenly a very morose looking little toad demon, bald with green skin and large yellow eyes, stepped out of the bushes, carrying an odd looking walking stick.

“Master Jaken! You’re all right!”

“No thanks to you, stupid girl! What gives you the right to run off with my lord’s belongings!? You are fortunate my lord is not here to give you the thrashing you deserve, I ought to teach you a lesson right now so my lord need not trouble himself with such a disloyal servant!”

The grumpy, squat little fellow looked positively furious, so overcome with the emotions that tears were streaming down his wrinkled nose less face.

Rin slung herself off Ah-Un’s back and threw her arms around the little demon.

“I missed you too Master Jaken.”

She kissed his bale pate as the fuming youkai spluttered.

“How dare you touch this humble servant of the great lord with your filthy human lips!”

All the same he looked a good deal less angry, and a good deal happier, until he noticed the group standing a few yards behind the human girl and her demon mount.

“Riiiin! How could you! My lord will be so angry!”

He turned a sullen gaze to the cluster of bodies before him.

“I suppose the silly female has informed you of our predicament.”

“Yes, she told us Sesshomaru is missing, and asked us to help find him.”

“I, Jaken, do not need the help of human scum, and filthy half breeds.”

Inuyasha grimaced at this but for once wisely kept his mouth shut, having gotten used to the little toad’s tirades over the years.

“My lord will return to his loyal servants!”

“Master Jaken, you know…”

“He will!!”

The little imp sniffed a bit, and his eyes glossed.

Rin looked apologetically at the group of friends who had been so nice to her.

“Master Jaken is a little upset.”

“I am not upset!”

“Please, do not allow his feelings sway you.”

“Keh! Like a useless lump like him would bother us.”

“Why you!”

Jaken swung the staff around and pointed it in the hanyou’s direction, on the top were two carved heads a young woman and an old man.

“Behold the power of the Staff of Two Heads!”

Flames burst out of the mouth of the old man.

Inuyasha leapt out of the way laughing. The little demon’s eyes bulged impossibly larger as he struck again and again at the amused hanyou. In a few minutes Jaken was spent, Inuyasha sauntered up to him looked him in his wildly spinning eyes, and cracked him three or four times on the head with his fist.

“Inuyasha! Was that really necessary?”

“What? I wanted to blow off some steam, besides he looked like he could use some exercise.”

The half demon’s slightly arrogant smirk made Kagome shake her head.

“Do you two think you could tolerate each other just this once?”

“Please Master Jaken, we’ll never find Lord Sesshomaru on our own.”

The repellant little demon grumbled something unintelligible to most of them as he huffed over to Ah-Un and pulled himself aboard, but Rin heard and her eyes flashed a warm glow.

“How about you Inuyasha do you think you can behave yourself?”


“Please? For me?”

Kagome gazed up at him pleadingly.

“All right! All right! Will ya just back off already! I won’t hurt the annoying little bastard!”

“It seems we should get moving if we want to make good time before nightfall.” Miroku intoned glancing at the sun already high in it’s march across the heavens.

The group set off again towards the south west.