InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kyoudai no Meiyo (The Honor of Brothers) ❯ Found ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Kyoudai no Meiyo"
By: Lucifer_Spades
Chapter 4-"Found"

"We ’ll make camp here."

The golden eyed hanyou generally considered himself the leader of the group, and his friends didn't dissuade him of this notion.

Kagome glanced around, taking in the surrounding area. She turned to the girl who had helped Jaken off Ah-Un’s back before pulling her small pack of traveling needs down to begin rooting through it.

“Is there anything you need?”

“No, thank you. I have everything Master Jaken and I need .”

Kagome turned to rummage through her own overstuffed pack and pulled out her sleeping bundle and enough food to make a meal for everyone, having just come back from her time there was plenty of packaged edibles so no one needed to hunt tonight.

Miroku and Sango set up their mats on the opposite side of the clearing, placing just enough distance between their chosen spots to be seemly. Miroku glanced up at her impishly, smirking as a light blush spread across her features. Kirara had shrunk herself to her usual cat sized form and sat near by watching them intently.

“Hey Kagome you got anymore ramen?”

Kagome started at the slightly pleading voice inches from her ear, She turned to meet the hopeful golden orbs that were fixed on her. She blushed gently at their proximity and hastily moved away.

“Of course I do, you know I always bring a case full.”

His delicate triangular ears perked up, and a happy glow peeked into his gaze.

I swear if Inuyasha had a tail his whole body would be wagging right now.

Kagome giggled softly at the image in her head, then blushed again looking around to see if anyone heard her. The only indication, was Inuyasha who had lumbered away to help Shippo start collecting fire wood, but one of the soft, white, angles perched on his head had swiveled in her direction.

He’s always trying to be so tough.

As she watched Inuyasha gently helped Shippo, who had tripped on a raised tree root, back to his feet, quickly checked him over, then backed away as if nothing had happened.

He’s really just a softy at heart.

She smiled then turned to go find some water, to heat for their meal.

Sango noticing Kagome heading out of the clearing, ran to catch up to her friend.

“You probably shouldn’t go off alone, one never knows what might be out there.”

Kagome grinned at the lovely woman, who had become her friend.

“You noticed the steam too huh?”

They giggled together as they raced off to the hot spring a hundred or so yards off.

Miroku watched as the women disappeared into the trees. Lecherous thought flashing behind his violet eyes he began to plot his route. It takes great skill to sneak up to a hot spring full of delicious female curves with out being caught and the monk was a master.

“Oi! Miroku, you pervert leave the women alone and come help set up camp!”

Miroku groaned inwardly.

Damn that hanyou.

He sighed as the feminine voices faded away.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.”

He grumbled, as he shuffled towards the half demon, placing a wistful smile on his face.

Rin watched from Ah-Un’s side.

What odd people. They seem nice enough though. I wonder why Master Jaken is so moody about traveling with them. Sure Lord Sesshomaru is not fond of his half brother but, there’s no way we would be able to find him alone.

She peered over at her small green friend. Who had positioned himself against a tree watching the goings on with a slightly amused stare. He glanced up as if he was aware he was being watched, noticed her and quickly schooled his face to a detached expression.

Master Jaken is strange too I guess.

Jaken slid his gaze back to the girl again, watching as a smile tickled the corner of her lips.

Silly girl what does she think is so funny?

He peeked again, but Rin had turned back to her chore and was no longer paying him any attention.

I don’t know what made my lord, let her follow him, she’s no help to anyone. Weak useless humans.

His face softened a touch though remembering how kind she always was to him, no matter how indifferent he acted towards her.

It is nice to have someone to entertain you sometimes though, it’s not like Ah-Un or was ever much for company.

He huffed at his own, sentimental thoughts and stumped off towards the three males of various species who were fumbling oafishly attempting to light a fire.

“Step aside you foolish halfwits and allow me to demonstrate my power.”

Swinging the staff of skulls he crashed the end to the earth, flames shot out so quickly that Inuyasha nearly didn’t move fast enough to escape.

He felt the heat nearly blister his shoulder as he spun away.

“Oi! You bastard, watch where you’re pointing that thing!”

He twirled around and soundly cracked the flustered imp on the skull again.

The toad like creature sulked back to his tree, muttering under his breath.

Ungrateful wretches, if my lord were here…

The three slightly singed comrades gathered around a brightly flickering flame.

In the distance they heard the lilting voices of Sango and Kagome as they returned from their bath.

The women stepped into the clearing. Kagome was carrying a pot of clean water, which she used to hastily begin preparing some form of sustenance for the group.

“I hope you like ramen.”

The girl to whom the questioning statement was directed jumped slightly.

“What is ramen, if I might ask?”

“Well it’s fried noodles with broth and some vegetables.”

At the girl’s somewhat blank stare, Kagome hurried to reassure her.

“Don’t worry it’s good.”

Rin smiled.

“I’m sure it will be fine, thank you.”

Having heard ramen, Inuyasha bounded over to Kagome’s side, almost causing her to drop the pot of water on the fire and causing her to shriek sharply.
“Inuyasha! Watch what you’re doing! You almost made me drop the water.”

Inuyasha’s ears flattened to his head in an attempt to shield themselves from the shrill, voice inches from their sensitive insides. He ducked his head sheepishly, quailing under the furious glare of the miko who was brandishing a ladle as if she meant it. The abashed hanyou , scuttled away and planted him self on a rock several feet away. Immediately adopting a look of unconcern while peeking through the slits of his eyelids to gauge Kagome’s reaction.

The long suffering woman, sighed and turned back to the waxed cardboard cups that were arrayed before her, carefully measuring the hot liquid into them. She reached out to tap a sticky kitsune paw as it groped towards the bag of suckers in the pack next to her.

“After you eat Shippo.”

She slid one of the steaming cups into his grasp along with a set of chopsticks, and turned to begin doling out the viands to the encompassing circle of bodies which pressed in on her with the promise of food.

“There you are Inuyasha, was it really that hard to wait?”

The teasing tone was lost on the stiff-necked male, and he grunted as he swiped the cup of noodles out of her hand , settled in and began shoveling it into his mouth with single minded determination.

Kagome shook her head as she plopped herself down next to him and began to eat her own.

Rin looked at the strange bowl she had been given , in wonder.

It looks like it’s made of paper but I’ve never seen paper like this. Paper shouldn’t be able to hold water.

She glanced around uncertainly, seeing that no one else had any reservations though she began to eat.

Kagome was right this stuff is delicious!

“Kagome, You are an amazing chef! This r…rahmen is wonderful!”

She stumbled hesitantly over the unfamiliar name of the delectable concoction she was ingesting.

Kagome blushed lightly.

“It’s nothing really.”

She abruptly tried to avoid the subject, by looking into her food with a preoccupied expression.

Rin, sensing, the older woman’s discomfort, retreated back into her own thoughts.

The group continued eating in silence.

A moment later, Inuyasha’s ears twitched, then tilted behind him, he jumped up grabbing his great sword, Tetsuseiga, and turned shouting a warning, just as several low ranking demons crashed through the trees. He slashed through two of them, and was starting on a third when he realized they weren’t fighting him, in fact they seemed to be ignoring him.

He stood with a confused look on his face, glancing uncomfortably at Sango who had also leapt up and had stopped half way to her gigantic boomerang Hirikotsu.

Miroku who was never far from her side, watched as the demons vanished into the night as quickly as they had appeared. The astonished monk, turned to make sure no one was hurt.

Inuyasha stared at the patch of forest that had swallowed the retreating demons.

“What the fuck was that about!?”

Sango shook her head in wonder.

“I’ve never heard of demons acting like that, it’s as if they were fleeing.”

Inuyasha looked back the way the demons had come from.

“But, what the hell would they be running from.”

Kagome grabbed his sleeve. He looked down at her she had a terrified look on her face.

“Inuyasha! I sense a jewel shard, it’s huge, it has to be Naraku, and it’s headed this way!”

Inuyasha tensed and drew Kagome protectively behind him. Sango and Miroku moved up to stand on either side of the hanyou. Kirara who had been awakened by the demons was once again in her fire cat form and joined them.

“It’s almost here!”

Kagome was so frightened she could barely make her voice heard.

Inuyasha began a low growl. They could hear something moving in the underbrush.

A figure emerged from the direction the demons had come from.

“Lord Sesshomaru!”

Rin ran towards her long time protector and guardian. Pulling herself up abruptly when she got close enough to see the state he was in.

Sesshomaru’s usually white kimono was shredded and dripping with red, his long platinum hair was disheveled and sticking to his exposed wounds, his one arm was steadily dripping a trail of blood in his wake.

When she looked up into his face, Rin gasped, an angry gash traversed the side of his deceptively angelic cheek from temple to chin, it looked like it had nearly severed his ear. The wound was partially healed but was still horrifying to the girl who had never seen her lord so severely injured.

His golden eyes were tinged with crimson as he fought the waves of pain. He inclined his head to see his small human companion.

“Rin….. are you alright?”

Her eyes swam with tears as she gazed at the features of the man she worshipped, unable to speak.

Kagome whispered to her friends.

“He has the jewel!”

Inuyasha stepped forward.

“Hey, asshole where’s Naraku, and why do you have the jewel?”

Sesshomaru’s pained gaze fell on his half sibling. He drew himself up to more closely resemble his usual imperturbable façade.

“That filthy hanyou is dead, this Sesshomaru slew him and the infant that contained his heart.”

He took a measured breath, and reached into the tattered remains of his obi.

Inuyasha raised Tetsuseiga again as the demon before them held out his closed fist. He opened it to reveal the nearly complete Jewel of Four Souls.

“I removed this from it’s remains.”

Suddenly his eyes snapped open and flooded with red, he gasped and collapsed at Rin’s feet. The jewel hit the earth and rolled to rest at Kagome’s feet.